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* * * * * (4.72 - 179votes)

Kumika no Mikaku

Alt Names: alt クミカのミカク
Author: Ononoka Akihiro
Artist: Ononoka Akihiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Aliens have become common on Earth. Kumika is one such alien who can get nutrition just by breathing and therefore does not need to eat, but from unexpected circumstance she takes a bite of Earth food and has her first experience of delicious Earth food. The uptight Kumika discovers new tastes through eating and awakens to new kinds of emotions.
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this isn't a christmas gift ... it's a nightmare D: 

don't mess with the waifu and leave the cliffhanger for an episodic series D: 

Leave the alien alone TRAP go and hit on other men.


no please no.

>tfw no cute offworlder gf to feed

let's handle this calmly.

Our kumika hasn't learned that emotion yet and will probably deny him right away. This could open up her feelings for the MC, in a "ah so that's what I feel about him". 

On the other hand if things swing that direction


Blood will flow

Unleash the beast MC.

Reaction to the end of Chapter 13:


Wow, such a shame Kiyoshige's only a one-off character. It was cool while it lasted.




What? There's no body in the dumpster, what're you talking about?

You stay away from her, I'm a fuck you up thin man

The short answer is yes. 
In fact, it's addressed nice and quickly. It helps to frame important information about them too. 

Hmm, when? I just read the available chapters and don't think there was one. Or do you mean that rich people on here home planet do consume for taste? But that isn't really an explanation.

Without having read this thing, does the manga ever address why this alien apparently has taste buds and a digestive system if they get all their nutrients from the air?

The short answer is yes. 
In fact, it's addressed nice and quickly. It helps to frame important information about them too. 

(Just started reading this tomorrow)



  • I recommend reading, then you just might find the answer you are looking for. I prefer not to spoil.

my respect for all of you who let the mysteries stays in the box.


Without having read this thing, does the manga ever address why this alien apparently has taste buds and a digestive system if they get all their nutrients from the air?

same reason why spongebob has em too




On another note, anyone think that mother of the kid who pulled her ear looks like someone Pochi Goya made?

Without having read this thing, does the manga ever address why this alien apparently has taste buds and a digestive system if they get all their nutrients from the air?

I recommend reading, then you just might find the answer you are looking for. I prefer not to spoil.

Without having read this thing, does the manga ever address why this alien apparently has taste buds and a digestive system if they get all their nutrients from the air?

That bothers me too.


My guess is that their planet was once bountiful and only turned barren relatively recent. Kumika's species then developed the ability to absorb nutrients from the air, slowly making their taste buds and digestive system into a vestigial organ that still retains most of their original function.

Without having read this thing, does the manga ever address why this alien apparently has taste buds and a digestive system if they get all their nutrients from the air?

You have to admit that amount of money is tiny when you think about how far the packet has to travel...

Yeah, current boring IRL tech can't even match that price for getting a small parcel up to low-Earth orbit, let alone another solar system.

just finished binge reading. this is one very cute series.

and eiria is an S-class waifu material.

Poor Eiria. None of the current cast is tall enough to give her one...

Tall no, strong enough? Pretty sure Chihiro could give her one.... considering his hand strength alone was enough to almost crush Izuru's skull into a million pieces lifting her up should pose no significant effort whatsoever.

Santa better bring the comments thread new pancreases for Christmas, because this chapter broke our current ones.

Oh my God, this chapter was sweet beyond belief... 

My cheeks hurt from the big, doofy grin reading this gave me.  Too sweet and innocent!  Can't wait for more.

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