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Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure

Alt Names: alt 俺の姫靴を履いてくれalt Help me Put on my Princess Shoes
Author: Suga Atsushi
Artist: Suga Atsushi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about a shoe maker with a foot fetish.

Original manga at ComicWalker: http://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF01000014010000_68/
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For anyone who doesn't think the ex is a bitch, go read chapter 1.

Would you guys stop freaking the hell out? In case any of you missed the memo, it's not like the ex-wife is actively ruining any of his relationships with women. She feels jealous, yes, but all of her actions point to her fighting against that. She doesn't stop MC from going out on dates. She doesn't stop him from hiring Akane. She doesn't stop him from making shoes for women. She just feels jealous, which is understandable, because she loves him, but is convinced he never loved her. It is selfish and irrational? Yes, but that's how humans work. It doesn't make her an inherently bad person. Everyone chill out.
I wish...

Well... I just think she's a huge hypocrite in denial of her own faults.
But that's nothing special.
I'd argue the "she loves him but..." point, but we don't have enough evidence yet to make a solid argument.
What I do have is my own headcanon which goes like this:
   -He loves her but he still gets aroused by other women's legs. Which is both normal and inevitable.
   -That makes her feel insecure, either about herself or her feelings or both. So she projects those feelings on her husband as infidelity, and convinces herself that he's the one at fault not her.
   -She divorces him, but questions if it was the right choice. He stops making women shoes and she sees the lengths he's ready to go for her. Which strokes her ego.
   -Enter a potential rival for his attention (not affection), and her insecurities flare up again. What if this girl causes him not to be wrapped around her finger anymore? How dare he not think only of her at all times?
This, is my headcanon, you might have another, but this one is mine.

Akane did not try to sell herself. Enjo kousai (compensated dating) does not necessarily involve sex or anything related to it.

And I respect that you honestly believe that.
By the way, there's a bridge in San Francisco that I think would be perfect for someone like you. I can sell it to you cheap.


Edit by Moderator (Maki): User has been warned for this comment. Subtly telling people to jump off a bridge is NOT TOLERATED HERE.

Thx you so much guys, for your translation of this great unusuall manga ^_^ Can you say, where you take a raws of this manga or you buy it in digital or somithing other? Thx again

Try Comic Walker - http://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF01000014010000_68/

Thx you so much guys, for your translation of this great unusuall manga ^_^ Can you say, where you take a raws of this manga or you buy it in digital or somithing other? Thx again

Would you guys stop freaking the hell out? In case any of you missed the memo, it's not like the ex-wife is actively ruining any of his relationships with women. She feels jealous, yes, but all of her actions point to her fighting against that. She doesn't stop MC from going out on dates. She doesn't stop him from hiring Akane. She doesn't stop him from making shoes for women. She just feels jealous, which is understandable, because she loves him, but is convinced he never loved her. It is selfish and irrational? Yes, but that's how humans work. It doesn't make her an inherently bad person. Everyone chill out.



This is smut all right.

I wish...

Isn't there any women in this manga that isn't downright bitchy? I guess the De Facto highschool heroine isn't, but for some reason I don't really find her that likable. This is smut all right.

an ex wife, that is an egoistic b*tch.
a  jk, that tried to sell herself for a pair of shoes (well, don't really know the reason behind it, not revealed yet)
so far, no likable heroines. though, i'd still prefer that jk over that egoistic ex wife for now.

Akane did not try to sell herself. Enjo kousai (compensated dating) does not necessarily involve sex or anything related to it. She asked for clarification that it will only be a meal together and even tried to call it off after that man said that he indeed would want to also buy sexual favours.

On another note, you as well as some other people said that characters here are not likeable, but I tend to see it differently. Both Shou and his ex-wife were portrayed as flawed and conflicted individuals and I think that this only makes them more realistic and relatable. As for Akane, we don't know enough yet to say anything for sure, but so far she seems fine.

Is there really no scanlation group website to visit? How am I supposed to show some love??? 

We're not a long-term group, we're only cooperating for this project so far, so we don't have anything like that. Maybe in the future, but for the time being we do keep an eye on the comments here, and we're glad you like it.

Not going to fly. If she has such a jealousy problem, that's on her. If she can't deal with it, that doesn't give her the right to meddle with him any further once she ejected herself from the relationship. Which also ignores that he STOPPED making women's shoes because of that, to please her and not have exposure to female customers and SHE LEFT ANYWAY. We see at the start that she comes back, basically winds him up and then just dumps him before moving away again. Pretty much just keeping him on the heater in case she might make up her mind or not. 
Her motives and reasons are overall pretty obvious, they are however not acceptable and make her an all around pretty egoistic person. If she can't deal with it, FINE. If she will leave over it, FINE. But she isn't doing any of that, in the bit we've seen so far she's flip flopping around the entire time with no regards to anyone but herself. Actively torpedoing his business, having broken up with him already, yet still wanting to monopolize him one sidedly and expecting him to cater to her.

I'm not justifying her, im just saying she isn't as big a bitch you make her out to be. yes she can't handle him so she left. and she does not actively seeking to destroy his relationships, but when a potential spouse showed up she couldn't help herself but add a nasty comment. was acting on impulse the right thing to do? no. is she a meddlesome bitch? not really.

she cares about him not to want him to stop making shoes because of her. she decided that he shouldn't make a choice between his passion and her- she left so he could focus on legs, his true love. yes, he stopped making shoes, but she didn't come back because she doesn't want him to stop making shoes for her. bitchy egoistical move? not really.
she came back for business reasons and almost let herself be swept by him again. she stopped herself for the same reason she left in the first place.

she hasn't made up her mind to clearly cut ties with him, or at least it is hard for her to do. that is understandable considering the depth of the feelings the two shared. call it flip flopping if you will, but many others would have similiar issues when leaving someone they love for their own good.

well, its all speculations here. i could be very wrong, but for now this is still a viable explenation so ill post it.

I'm making it a policy of mine not not to reply more than twice to a person on the same issue on the comment field here as to not clutter the place.
that is all ill give in this matter. you will have the last word, nice no?

Not going to fly. If she has such a jealousy problem, that's on her. If she can't deal with it, that doesn't give her the right to meddle with him any further once she ejected herself from the relationship. Which also ignores that he STOPPED making women's shoes because of that, to please her and not have exposure to female customers and SHE LEFT ANYWAY. We see at the start that she comes back, basically winds him up and then just dumps him before moving away again. Pretty much just keeping him on the heater in case she might make up her mind or not. 


Her motives and reasons are overall pretty obvious, they are however not acceptable and make her an all around pretty egoistic person. If she can't deal with it, FINE. If she will leave over it, FINE. But she isn't doing any of that, in the bit we've seen so far she's flip flopping around the entire time with no regards to anyone but herself. Actively torpedoing his business, having broken up with him already, yet still wanting to monopolize him one sidedly and expecting him to cater to her. 


Too bad some real women does act that way, personally experienced it twice and it's still traumatic for me. Unless the MC completely cut all ties with her or giving stern ultimatum to stop coming/acts flippant she will keep haunts him, unless she found another guy then she'll be gone for good, or better yet move on and find someone who can accept him the way he is.

I think she got jelous that he get turned on by other women so she left him. the mc stopped doing women shoes so he won't get turned on again in an effort to call her back.

This, basically she doesn't like potential ntr.
Though now we're just waiting for the girl to ntr him off her (tho with the last page in latest the chapter, maybe it's not the case)

an ex wife, that is an egoistic b*tch.

a  jk, that tried to sell herself for a pair of shoes (well, don't really know the reason behind it, not revealed yet)


so far, no likable heroines. though, i'd still prefer that jk over that egoistic ex wife for now.

she wants to be with him, she just get jealous when she sees him oggling other girls. she knows he can't help it, so she left so she won't have to watch him getting excited over costumers.
i thought it was obvious?

Not going to fly. If she has such a jealousy problem, that's on her. If she can't deal with it, that doesn't give her the right to meddle with him any further once she ejected herself from the relationship. Which also ignores that he STOPPED making women's shoes because of that, to please her and not have exposure to female customers and SHE LEFT ANYWAY. We see at the start that she comes back, basically winds him up and then just dumps him before moving away again. Pretty much just keeping him on the heater in case she might make up her mind or not. 


Her motives and reasons are overall pretty obvious, they are however not acceptable and make her an all around pretty egoistic person. If she can't deal with it, FINE. If she will leave over it, FINE. But she isn't doing any of that, in the bit we've seen so far she's flip flopping around the entire time with no regards to anyone but herself. Actively torpedoing his business, having broken up with him already, yet still wanting to monopolize him one sidedly and expecting him to cater to her. 

Every character so far is borderline crazy. It's great.

His ex wife is a complete b****. She doesn't want to be with him anymore, is pretty much just messing with him as we've seen and now she's actively sabotaging him because she doesn't want him to be with anyone else either.

she wants to be with him, she just get jealous when she sees him oggling other girls. she knows he can't help it, so she left so she won't have to watch him getting excited over costumers.
i thought it was obvious?

His ex wife is a complete b****. She doesn't want to be with him anymore, is pretty much just messing with him as we've seen and now she's actively sabotaging him because she doesn't want him to be with anyone else either. 

There has to be more to it though, right?  It can't just be "oh, he has a leg fetish and makes shoes, I can't do this," otherwise she would have no reason to leave after he quit making women's shoes

I think she got jelous that he get turned on by other women so she left him. the mc stopped doing women shoes so he won't get turned on again in an effort to call her back.

Is there really no scanlation group website to visit? How am I supposed to show some love??? 

There has to be more to it though, right?  It can't just be "oh, he has a leg fetish and makes shoes, I can't do this," otherwise she would have no reason to leave after he quit making women's shoes

Umm. It's pretty obvious she thought he cared more about legs to get a boner than satisfying her sexually. And probably work-related boners were a factor as well.

There has to be more to it though, right?  It can't just be "oh, he has a leg fetish and makes shoes, I can't do this," otherwise she would have no reason to leave after he quit making women's shoes

There is more to it than that. It's implied that she thought he never loved her, since other women's legs turned him on. It's not the fetish in particular that she has a problem with; it's getting a boner while he's doing work. 


Not that I'm defending her, though. After all, he is a dude, so it should be expected that he's a horndog. Also, I'm all about Akane. 

The ex-wife is being unreasonable he stopped but she still left him he is free to start again

I would suggest the reverse is happening here. The ex-wife dumped him but still wants him. He's going to be stolen from her because she can't cope with the fact he has a fetish.

There has to be more to it though, right?  It can't just be "oh, he has a leg fetish and makes shoes, I can't do this," otherwise she would have no reason to leave after he quit making women's shoes

I would suggest the reverse is happening here. The ex-wife dumped him but still wants him. He's going to be stolen from her because she can't cope with the fact he has a fetish.

I hope so i seriously do, she annoys the hell out of me

This + Yuusha ga Shinda = I can live with just thigh and legs mmm...

Oh hey, they didn't drag that out for too long. There were a number of moments where it looked like they would just leave his "secret" hanging as a potential threat to him.
And yet Kanae actually spills the beans right there, and in a pleasant twist Akane seems unfazed. Admittedly, probably because she doesn't understand the full implication of what Kanae meant by "leg and foot fetishist", but it was still quite refreshing to see the supposedly shameful-to-a-career-altering-degree issue more or less addressed and temporarily dealt with in a single chapter.
Thumbs up for that, Suga.

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