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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 88votes)

Our Relationship Is...

Alt Names: alt İlişkimiz...alt 우리사이느은alt Something About Usalt Woori
Author: Lee Yun Ji
Artist: Lee Yun Ji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Though we get closer, the gap that can't be crossed. Our uncertain relationship - warm like pastel colors, but unable to burn hotly like primary colors. This fall is the beginning of the campus couple that'll make your heart race.

Original Comic: http://www.lezhin.com/en/comic/something_about_us
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But to answer your question, it wasn't fully saved when it was being QC'd.. I'm so sorry ;-;

Ehh, Stuff happens.  Don't beat yourself up over it.

"like a warm pastel" = ....run

From Café Scanlation,


Hi! Once again, we had made another mistake and we truly apologize. We will fix this as soon as we can, but in the meantime you can go ahead and download the fixed version on the forums. We are truly sorry for the mistakes we made.


EDIT: Fixed. Enjoy~




Sigh. Guess this means things are gonna get spicy. But oh well; it's a Korean webtoon. Wouldn't have it any other way I guess.


Also, looking at the original webtoon for chapter 6, the flashback extends a little to cover some minor, relatively inconsequential stuff.


Is there any reason why this part was not shown/translated here?


But to answer your question, it wasn't fully saved when it was being QC'd.. I'm so sorry ;-;



Sigh. Guess this means things are gonna get spicy. But oh well; it's a Korean webtoon. Wouldn't have it any other way I guess.


Also, looking at the original webtoon for chapter 6, the flashback extends a little to cover some minor, relatively inconsequential stuff.


Is there any reason why this part was not shown/translated here?


Thanks for the fix!

Well.  The classic "Suddenly realizes he's a guy" moment arrives.

Don't fight those feelings!

Holy shit. I thought my ship was sailing pretty well but it was never even built to begin with. I thought he liked GaYoung even just a little bit but I feel betrayed. Q-Q

How can you say that after seeing the last part?? The ship is in the dock - I repeat: THE SHIP IS IN THE DOCK!

Holy shit. I thought my ship was sailing pretty well but it was never even built to begin with. I thought he liked GaYoung even just a little bit but I feel betrayed. Q-Q

Do I smell a love triangle?

The world needs to be made into a FRIENDZONE-FREE place

Hurrah! An update! Much thanks, Cafe Scanlation.


And aww...

The storytelling in this one seems so realistic and comforting. They are so comfortable around each other that they are more than friends but less than lovers. It is quite hard to start dating a person you have been long time friends with because you are really comfortable in the place you already are but that doesn't mean that they don't view each other romantically at all. Refer to the glare (bodyguard/ watchdog) incident.

Personal Bodyguard :D

Woojin's stare was sending daggers saying "She's mine." XD
When you know a nigga's ass fixin' to get beat.

Smell blood in the air

*Cups hands around mouth and starts whistling* Hyuu, hyuu!

Yup, right on the money


\'w '\ Told you.



And this series is soooo soothing, it's not too sweet that make you puke rainbows, just that nice comfy feeling like the 5 minutes of sleep before your cat wakes you up with a predatory face glomp.


Kinda like 19-21 but a lot less cat and more romcom.

What lovely chemistry. And what lovely depiction of said chemistry. The ambient, cozy atmosphere while walking home together, intermittently poking fun at each other and reminiscing; it's all captured so well.


I feel so content right now reading this.

Yup, right on the money

I ship them ssooo fucking much.
Wow, this seems super promising. Looking forward to it!!

I think its the opposite, especially when the guy comes back and the girl missed him so~


She's on the friend train atm, it's up to the guy whether he can pull her off at the station.

Still think at least the guy want their relationship to be more than friend.

I think its the opposite, especially when the guy comes back and the girl missed him so~

Still think at least the guy want their relationship to be more than friend.

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