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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.73 - 356votes)

Kumanishi Bijutsubu Rough Sketch-senpai

Alt Names: alt らふすけ先輩alt Rafusuke Senpaialt Rough Sketch Senpai
Author: Onio
Artist: Onio
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A libido-fuelled art comedy featuring the secret art club activities of a delinquent girl and the boy who will make her his masterpiece.
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the artstyle changed a little

Guys, Megumi is the MC, not Eda. She is not designated FeMC, but the MC.

Megumi is the protagonist, Eda is the MC


I never thought I cared about paintings much, but I felt way too strongly that Vermeer's painting wasn't replicated well. Until now, I hadn't seen it in 8 years, but it just felt wrong. Why do I care about this?

Is something the matter, friend?



I never thought I cared about paintings much, but I felt way too strongly that Vermeer's painting wasn't replicated well. Until now, I hadn't seen it in 8 years, but it just felt wrong. Why do I care about this?

Club senpai confirmed as masochist?

Senpai were so easy

This is why Eda Must give an Award "The most Badasses MC 2K17.


Seishi Eda is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will.

He's mindraped schoolgirls in an art room with a pencil.... a fuckin pencil.


At least not using Duct tape and Paperclip

I have no idea why I still reading this...


worst, I have no idea why I still enjoying this

Another f*cking horny lesbian rival that sexually harasses female MC while treating MC like shit. No one ever asked for this.

New girl may be violent towards the MC at first but guys please we read the chapter. She's been "defeated" she's been "tamed" and she's been "awakened" by Eda. Eda's gaze is as powerful as the batglare.

Guys, Megumi is the MC, not Eda. She is not designated FeMC, but the MC.

That bitch is why I dropped that entire manga lmao, how the fuck do you just let a psychotic bitch join your friendship group and ignore what she did before like what the fuck

You mad

Another f*cking horny lesbian rival that sexually harasses female MC while treating MC like shit. No one ever asked for this.

...Why is this a bad thing? I'd get it if it was like a shield knight thing or whatever where Eda kept moping about how rude these girls were, but he takes it like a champ and just keeps on drawin' without giving a fuck. More lewd grills to lewd it up is just adding to the core concept of the manga, which is a lewd grill getting lewd sketched on, and more people to talk shit at our boi just emphasizes how rad he is.

Kouhai is cute


I'm calling it now.



Kouhai is cute

New girl may be violent towards the MC at first but guys please we read the chapter. She's been "defeated" she's been "tamed" and she's been "awakened" by Eda. Eda's gaze is as powerful as the batglare.

Seishi Eda is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. He's mindraped schoolgirls in an art room with a pencil.... a fuckin pencil.


He's not the boogeyman, he's the man you sent to draw the boogeyman.

Seishi Eda is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will.

He's mindraped schoolgirls in an art room with a pencil.... a fuckin pencil.

Another f*cking horny lesbian rival that sexually harasses female MC while treating MC like shit. No one ever asked for this.

You don't get it.  He already defeated her psychologically.  Makes it a totally different situation from usual.  If anything, he'll be getting them to pose together for him.

Eda's face like "what is this little smug shit doing"

Like the Yandere from Komi-san. If they want truly funny lesbians, Watamote is one of the best.

That bitch is why I dropped that entire manga lmao, how the fuck do you just let a psychotic bitch join your friendship group and ignore what she did before like what the fuck

They're usually the worst type of annoying "funny" character an author can introduce. Bonus points if they are violent against the MC and everyone just goes along with it.

Like the Yandere from Komi-san. If they want truly funny lesbians, Watamote is one of the best.

I want my face to be there not hers!

Another f*cking horny lesbian rival that sexually harasses female MC while treating MC like shit. No one ever asked for this.

They're usually the worst type of annoying "funny" character an author can introduce. Bonus points if they are violent against the MC and everyone just goes along with it.








Jeez this one always makes me want to take up a pencil again. And then I do placing it to paper. And recall quickly thereafter why I do not. Alas talent is not mine.

You could just do it like Eda does it, which is apparently jabbing them in the tits and face with a pencil.







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