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Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure

Alt Names: alt 俺の姫靴を履いてくれalt Help me Put on my Princess Shoes
Author: Suga Atsushi
Artist: Suga Atsushi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about a shoe maker with a foot fetish.

Original manga at ComicWalker: http://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF01000014010000_68/
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  • 3 Replies


Girls that don't slap or get mad in the "opens door without knocking" cliche scenes are best girl



God I love this MC.

In chapter 4 doesnt she try to dissaude Akane from working here, by essentially revealing very personal and potentially harmful information, just so he wouldn't work on woman's shoes?

Not really, she didn't try to talk her out of working there. As for revealing personal information, look at it this way: Akane is a young girl with nice legs and Kanae knows all too well that her ex-husband has leg fetish and can have problems keeping his libido in check.
She may have said it out of jealousy rather than because she was worried about Akane, but either way it wasn't particularly unwarranted.
Shaking hands with him and catching him changing was too lewd for her.

FlanmingMangos thanks as always man, really love this manga mmm...

He hold her hands. Lewd.

So now it's clear. He has a feet fetish and she has a hands fetish. Then they're going to create a new form of sex... A 69 variation...

Nice work !

I'm not justifying her, im just saying she isn't as big a bitch you make her out to be. yes she can't handle him so she left. and she does not actively seeking to destroy his relationships, but when a potential spouse showed up she couldn't help herself but add a nasty comment. was acting on impulse the right thing to do? no. is she a meddlesome bitch? not really.

she cares about him not to want him to stop making shoes because of her. she decided that he shouldn't make a choice between his passion and her- she left so he could focus on legs, his true love. yes, he stopped making shoes, but she didn't come back because she doesn't want him to stop making shoes for her. bitchy egoistical move? not really.
she came back for business reasons and almost let herself be swept by him again. she stopped herself for the same reason she left in the first place.

she hasn't made up her mind to clearly cut ties with him, or at least it is hard for her to do. that is understandable considering the depth of the feelings the two shared. call it flip flopping if you will, but many others would have similiar issues when leaving someone they love for their own good.

well, its all speculations here. i could be very wrong, but for now this is still a viable explenation so ill post it.

I'm making it a policy of mine not not to reply more than twice to a person on the same issue on the comment field here as to not clutter the place.
that is all ill give in this matter. you will have the last word, nice no?

First you say she isn't these things, then you pretty much admit them all in a roundabout way that is meant to downplay them. Doesn't work that way. 


Let's take a look at the whole relationship angle. She's stringing him along. You try to explain ti away with her coming back for "business related reasons", it's really not. There's no reason she should frequent his store for any of her needs especially in the situation they're in. You're also trying to display her actions as "accidental" and "out of her control" describring them as her being unable to stop herself. She knew what she was doing when she said these things and she was very much doing this on purpose. Even if she "couldn't stop herself" that is solely and alone her fault and she had no right whatsoever to do so. 


As for her decision to leave because "she didn't want him to stop making shoes", there's nothing to back this up whatsoever. It was also not her decision to make. If he wants to stop making shoes or not, that is SOLELY HIS CHOICE not hers. You're trying to turn this into a story where somehow she brings the ultimative sacrifice for his sake, where she is a selfless and great person that only has his best in mind, who does all of this only for him. That's complete and utter horseshit and you know it. She did it because of her own feelings, she did it despite him trying to alleviate her fears and going so far as to stop making shoes, she did it not for him but for her own sake. 

Even if you had an inkling of truth in your argumentation, which I very much doubt. It was never her choice to make. She didn't get to decide what is right for him, what he has to do, how he has to act. None of this is a viable explanation, much of it is outright contradictory. You're turning her into some kind of martyr dying at the cross for his sins. Ridiculous.

So far from what I can gather and this is an early as hell speculation: The Ex-wife seems to be set on still having feelings for him but can't get passed his fetish which means either something happened to where he was spanking it to someone's legs OR couldn't get it solid because he wasn't looking at her legs or something along those lines.


The MC who seems to be pretty uhhh as much as I am not a huge fan of the term but it fits "herbivorous" won't really explain very well his feelings for his ex if he still has them which he probably does they got a divorce on a pretty sour note and she seems to keep coming back a bunch.


The High school girl seems to have really not much in the term of having any form of relationship besides the starting out "Hes really good at what he does" interest. Since it seems even more so her mom dead or dying seems to want to get a pair of shoes fixed up or made for her as a sorta wish and obviously as her daughter is more than willing to go out of her way to do so.


I don't really seem many "negative" characters in this its seems more or less like a person would be in this situation. The HS girl has no clue of his situation and the Ex-wife who is the closest to being a "villain" has her reasons for wanting to still be with him but at the same time keep her distance due to some sort of past pain that was inflicted on her much like him. So its more or less people going about an awkward situation awkwardly.

Would you guys stop freaking the hell out? In case any of you missed the memo, it's not like the ex-wife is actively ruining any of his relationships with women. She feels jealous, yes, but all of her actions point to her fighting against that. She doesn't stop MC from going out on dates. She doesn't stop him from hiring Akane. She doesn't stop him from making shoes for women. She just feels jealous, which is understandable, because she loves him, but is convinced he never loved her. It is selfish and irrational? Yes, but that's how humans work. It doesn't make her an inherently bad person. Everyone chill out.



I wish...

In chapter 4 doesnt she try to dissaude Akane from working here, by essentially revealing very personal and potentially harmful information, just so he wouldn't work on woman's shoes? 


Im sure slander and defamation on your ex's business just so you can have a monopoly over his craft is pretty shitty thing to do, no?

Screaming internally, you say?



Hmmm salty.


You're starting a "discussion"(slander) in a very rude way, and the other guy even still trying to explain his standing with at least proper explanation and you're only sticking with "I'm right and you're wrong I don't need to explain shit, you go jump from a bridge!" and then you're the one who said the other guy "Salty"? Wow. Savage. It makes me think hell is reserved for guys like you.

So, lemme get this straight... Kanae divorced him even though he stopped making women's shoes just for her. Then, when she hears that he might start making women's shoes again, she gets mad even though they're divorced?! That logic is magnificent.

That ex is a typical "dog in the manger". Conclusion: forget the old wife and get used to the new waifu.

He just need to find someone who likes getting their legs lick. Then he can lick them all day everyday. That's some good shit right there, right there. Good shit.

Dear No Group, Please proceed. With love, Me. PS. What about chapter names? There should be something like: 2. 60.000 yen 3. Shoes that we lost 4. Fetish is revealed

A manga for me ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

We're not a long-term group, we're only cooperating for this project so far, so we don't have anything like that. Maybe in the future, but for the time being we do keep an eye on the comments here, and we're glad you like it.

still, thanks for the great work, we love you for that, the quality and the translations are great so ... keep the great work you guys :D!!

I don't know I like the ex-wife, well, more like her appearance ... but still, both "heroines" so far aren't that likeable and even if the MC is a fetishist with too much focus on his fetish xD, he isn't that likeable and is great at his work and tried to get back his wife by not making more women's shoes .. but at least the JK make him move forward (+1 for her for that) 

at the same time, wife getting mad for him trying to make what he likes again cause he said to her that he would stop, but they are still divorced and got mad anyway ... -1 for that.


PS= read all the comments, it was a real interesting discussion if the wife was being a b*tch or not, I'm more inclined for the first one for now (you don't blueball your ex goddamit), but we still have more to read!!, so keep an open mind and don't be that hard on her. (cause the part about she feels that maybe he didn't love her only he focused on her legs, it's pretty sad).


Hmmm salty.


I was wrong, a world savvy person like yourself wouldn't simply fall for something as mundane as a bridge.
How about a country? You seem like the kind of person who'd like to own the Vatican. I can sell it to you wholesale, honest. I can post internet links to show you how. And you can believe those because stuff on the internet is always 100% true. And you obviously trust everything you read without question.

I was wrong as well. I thought that you were simply ignorant, but apparently you think that your own biases outweigh facts documented by people who actually live in Japan and know what is happening firsthand. And apparently you prefer to stay that way instead of educating yourself.

Anyhow, so far you did nothing but avoid addressing arguments presented to you and make ridiculous generalizations. It does not matter one bit if information is on the internet or in a book. What does matter is sources it comes from and how well it is supported by facts and research.
Hint: even that wiki article has sources listed at the bottom of the page. And one can find much more if he spends a bit of time searching.

So either you present some article/research that supports your claim ("enjo kousai is always about sex") and comes from a neutral and reliable source, or I don't see any reason to continue this discussion.

Why would I need to "believe" it when it is an objective fact. Enjo kousai may or may not involve sex, both options are nothing out of the ordinary.
Go read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enjo_kosai for starters. And if the wikipedia article is not reliable enough for you, then you can research their sources and/or other reports on this subject.

I was wrong, a world savvy person like yourself wouldn't simply fall for something as mundane as a bridge.

How about a country? You seem like the kind of person who'd like to own the Vatican. I can sell it to you wholesale, honest. I can post internet links to show you how. And you can believe those because stuff on the internet is always 100% true. And you obviously trust everything you read without question.

Damn, this manga like a drug. I need my chapter 5 and more now.

And I respect that you honestly believe that.

Why would I need to "believe" it when it is an objective fact. Enjo kousai may or may not involve sex, both options are nothing out of the ordinary.
Go read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enjo_kosai for starters. And if the wikipedia article is not reliable enough for you, then you can research their sources and/or other reports on this subject.

For anyone who doesn't think the ex is a bitch, go read chapter 1.


Bitch? Nah I don't see her this way. I really think that "If we're not gonna fuck, sit there and play with yourself" is perfectly understandable POV.

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