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The Hero Suddenly Proposed to Me, but . . .

Alt Names: alt 勇者様にいきなり求婚されたのですがalt Yuusha-sama ni Ikinari Kyuukon sareta no desu gaalt 我突然被勇者大人求婚了
Author: Togashi Seiya
Artist: Watanabe Una
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A certain beautiful princess was captured by a demon king, and a hero went out with his party of adventurers to rescue her. When he returned successfully, he asked for marriage as his reward... but not with the princess, with her maidservant Aria Milford! Aria was as shocked as anyone else, since she quite happily considers herself a minor character in this story! The hero is determined to win her hand and her heart, but what will she do about it?

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  • 3 Replies


I almost feel mad at Greed for the maid. I get that he likes her and wants to get close to her, that's all well and good, but if he has any self-awareness of his position and influence he's gotta know that a public proposal is going to lay on the pressure - HARD. To her he's a stranger so there is no relationship on which to base an expectation of a willing yes, however, now he has put her in an impossible situation where she doesn't want to say yes but no is not an option. On the flip side though, maybe considering how he is generally viewed as Mr. Perfect perhaps he didn't consider her saying no, though that'd be a bit narcissistic. It's good that he at least tried asking others to let her choose, but he's gotta be rather naïve to think that would solve things not to mention he's already talking to her dad before he's got an answer, seems to be pushing it. So far though this hero continues to be unconventional so who knows what's really going on in his head, and as a character I rather enjoy seeing his eccentric off-ness. I am excited to see where the story goes. 

I'm pretty sure he knows. I don't think he's the innocent type. I think he knows that if he took the normal approach, that she'd still be scared out of her mind and run from him, so he took the "straight forward approach" to block her escape routes, so she'd only have a single way to go (straight to him). But, that's just my take on it. coughI'mjustsayingthatheknowswhatheisdoingcough 

On another note, I'd like to think there was a backstory to his love for her. Like some classic-met-during-their-childhood-she-helped-him-out-and-he-remembers-but-she-doesn't type of thing. I'm always a sucker for those. LOL

I almost feel mad at Greed for the maid. I get that he likes her and wants to get close to her, that's all well and good, but if he has any self-awareness of his position and influence he's gotta know that a public proposal is going to lay on the pressure - HARD. To her he's a stranger so there is no relationship on which to base an expectation of a willing yes, however, now he has put her in an impossible situation where she doesn't want to say yes but no is not an option. On the flip side though, maybe considering how he is generally viewed as Mr. Perfect perhaps he didn't consider her saying no, though that'd be a bit narcissistic. It's good that he at least tried asking others to let her choose, but he's gotta be rather naïve to think that would solve things not to mention he's already talking to her dad before he's got an answer, seems to be pushing it. So far though this hero continues to be unconventional so who knows what's really going on in his head, and as a character I rather enjoy seeing his eccentric off-ness. I am excited to see where the story goes. 

Come on, just begin the story already! we didnt need any more backstory. Just add some slice of life and light romance will do.

I wonder what would happen if you got Greed drunk. It seems like an interesting thing to do.

If by interesting you mean terrifying, then yeah sure! What's the worst that can happen? 

Hell, I'll drink with him to make sure I'm too drunk to deal with the aftermath. 

Who cares about that? you cant just force her to marry the guy if she doesnt want to

 I take it you've never heard of arranged marriages? 


Jokes aside, this is not an issue that can be simply swept aside by saying "she doesn't want to" or "she doesn't love him". There are consequences to her actions, which is the reason she's scared out of her mind throughout the story. She's dealing with a walking disaster who could wreck whole cities just by showing negative emotions (worst part is it's not even the Hero's fault. He so much as makes a displeased face and spirits are out wrecking things). One misstep on her part can easily end with the whole kingdom and everyone in it wrecked. That is NOT something you say "who cares about that?" just because you didn't get your perfect love story in your life. 


Apologies if my wording offended you but the Maid's issue here is how to appease the Hero's love sickness, whether by getting him over his crush, resigning herself to be his emotional caretaker for the rest of her life, somehow getting the spirits to stop overreacting every time the guy shows emotion or coming up with another solution we haven't thought of yet.  

I wonder what would happen if you got Greed drunk. It seems like an interesting thing to do.

You do realise that, if she rejects him, he might get angry and obliterate the whole world, right?

Heck, if she were to say that she is angry at someone, that someone (and his whole family) will probably be killed by rampaging spirits...

Who cares about that? you cant just force her to marry the guy if she doesnt want to

She keeps referencing the fact that the princess would be a better match for Greed and doesn't really touch on the fact that he is a stranger and doesn't know anything about her at all. I hope that this manga doesn't go the cliche route of her falling in love with Greed despite his crazy tendencies.
Oh god, it was scary before when he was just some overpowered weirdo, but these autonomous yandere spirits are on a whole other level. Even if he can be trusted not to destroy the world if she turns him down or isn't affectionate enough, all he has to do is make a sad face and nature itself might go berserk? That's pretty terrifying.

The phrase

really fills me with foreboding.

Just say no, ya bitch

You do realise that, if she rejects him, he might get angry and obliterate the whole world, right?

Heck, if she were to say that she is angry at someone, that someone (and his whole family) will probably be killed by rampaging spirits...

Just say no, ya bitch

I think the moment she says no, Greed will angrily destroy the world in a fit of angst and broken heart. I think you can see why she's scared in her position. o_o

This chapter and my reaction in a single image:



Just say no, ya bitch

Whenever I see the ultimate weapon of mass destruction I always think of zero no tsukaima for some reason

Just say no, ya bitch

Ugh what an annoying woman

ooohh another hero manga-
ooohhhh.... this is interesting...

I think the real family motto is:
"If it's a convenient excuse, deny responsibility by calling it the family motto and assuage the issue."

So far this hero is one of my favourite hero among all heroes mmm...

Unpopular opinion: Maoyuu sucks. It's a veiled spice and wolf knockoff we less interesting characters and a stupider premise. Every chapter is them trying to introduce some new asspulled Industrial Age tech (from some magic book because heaven forbids someone actual have the cognition to invent them themselves), then the old guys say "there's no way this will work!", the young guys say "I can make this work!", then 3 chapters later the young guys are now in charge and successful.

I maybe wouldn't go that far, but it did always strike me as if it thought it was deeper than it really was - like the author read a few Wikipedia pages and thought they now knew everything about how societies advance and develop.

From one maid Aria to another:


That scary hero. D:

Not necessarily. Maoyuu has great pacing. Same with Spice n Wolf. That said, this manga is kinda suffering from the usual adaptation syndrome rather than a pacing issue. Basically the mangaka fails to recognize the elements that made the original novel interesting and the adaptation suffers from it. The Milford family precepts should take more of a center stage compared to Greed's problems. Also, the Greed invincibility issue is being treated as a Greed-centered manner whereas the way the lines are set up, it appears that the issue might have been party-centered in the original novel.

Unpopular opinion: Maoyuu sucks. It's a veiled spice and wolf knockoff we less interesting characters and a stupider premise. Every chapter is them trying to introduce some new asspulled Industrial Age tech (from some magic book because heaven forbids someone actual have the cognition to invent them themselves), then the old guys say "there's no way this will work!", the young guys say "I can make this work!", then 3 chapters later the young guys are now in charge and successful.
The truth is the Hero is really the demon king
and the maid is the hero


Hero = Male Yandere

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