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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.71 - 215votes)

To You, the Immortal

Alt Names: alt A ti, el inmortalalt 不滅のあなたへalt Ölümsüz Sanaalt 불멸의 그대에게alt 致不灭的你alt Für dich, den Unsterblichenalt To You, the Immortalalt To Your Eternityalt Your Immortal Self
Author: Ooima Yoshitoki
Artist: Ooima Yoshitoki
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of LifeTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: An immortal being was sent to the surface of the earth and met a boy living alone in the middle of tundra.

The being can take the shape of dying things, but only if the "impetus" is stronger than the previous one. What sort of experiences and meetings will the being encounter while living forever?
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Well, he's learning.
Maybe..... it'll be a she?
*insert Apache helicopter joke*

You know the scary part is that fushi can literally turn into a apache attack helicopter considering he also turned into a rock at first. His maker would be proud as he turned into a spinning death machine raining death and destruction upon the evil foreigners.
>"Could it be an immortal god? Whatever it is, it'll be an asset to our civilization"
>"Let's jab it with pointy sticks"

Humans man, I swear to fcking god.

I can't help but see Yukkuri faces in March all the time, anyone else kind of getting that vibe?


Luckily she doesn't copy their attitude as well.

You go, wild doggo! Go back to the girls!

I sooo want to see that bitch from yanome death, by the wolf, the boy, anyone, please 

As depicable the people who take advantage of the clueless Ninnana are, I get the feeling she will get redeemed. I mean I will probably still hate her regardless, but you know, I get that feeling that the author will try to redeem her.

I sooo want to see that bitch from yanome death, by the wolf, the boy, anyone, please 

Chapter 5 and 6 are already out. ♣

Here take a look, and have fun~

Praise Sense-scans~

So I was sort of right: They were after something with the whole ritual deal.

Still interested in, or If, the Inmortal will develop an actual personality.

Well, he's learning.


Maybe..... it'll be a she?


*insert Apache helicopter joke*

So I was sort of right: They were after something with the whole ritual deal.

Still interested in, or If, the Inmortal will develop an actual personality.

where can i read chapter 5

On the Sense Scans website reader.

where can i read chapter 5

Thank you for the new chapter

so good

This author had my admiration from creating a real work of art with Koe no Katachi, but this series proves that she not only a amazing writer with a incredible ability to contruct characters but she has to the imagnation to explore every niche and draw every form of manga there is, from gruesome death to cute moments, terrifying creatures to people with astounding beauty. 


After this chapter Ooima-sensei not only has gained even more of my respect, she is now side-by-side with my favorite manga authors: Arakawa Hiromu and Fujita Kazuhiro.

welp. now they'll probably deify it and use it for their own interests. what an annoying bunch of fanatics.

I find interesting how they follow the ritual deal as seriously and eficiently as possible yet they sort of deny the existence of the bear-god they are supposed to offer those sacrifices to. Is almost like they are doing it out of tradition and possibly position (surely they get some benefits from a social standpoint for doing this shit) rather than actual belief/devotion to the gods. 

I can't wait to see the country they came from, what's like and what are the group of MC going to do.

this chapter reminded me of the walrus fight on wolf rain, pretty awesome. that last page though, both cute and horrifying 

Damn, seriously need more. Pronto

welp. now they'll probably deify it and use it for their own interests. what an annoying bunch of fanatics.

Really nice character development!

Oh no, this is cute.

I download the next chapter's raws and put them up every tuesday on https://www.reddit.com/r/FumetsuNoAnataE for those of you impatient people, if you're looking for them. It's also a discussion forum


I download the next chapter's raws and put them up every tuesday on https://www.reddit.com/r/FumetsuNoAnataE for those of you impatient people, if you're looking for them. It's also a discussion forum

I always loved this art style.

What an interesting premise.

a good but sad read. of the chapters i've read, seems like the purpose of the MC is to fulfill the wish of each impetus it copies. for the wolf, to go back to it's master. for the boy, to find a better place to live in and meet new people. seems a bit grim for the girl huh? i hope it doesn't have to embody her wish to grow up and be an adult. now i need to look at pictures of puppies to cheer up.


God why'd you have to go and put that into my mind? I think deep down I had reached this conclusion myself but didn't want to accept it. But I want to told hope that he won't become her after her sacrifice. That her desires themselves will actually become a force for him that gives him some direction, without needing to be in her body to do it. If he literally just assumes a new form with a new "goal" every time, he really won't get anywhere. He'll just be a bumbling mass from start to finish, mindlessly moving from A to B without reason, and this will simply become a story about tragic things happening to each new character and his subsequent "theft" of their life. He needs a mother figure to help guide him. The girl practically already nominated herself for this role. He may end up protecting her somehow. 


I also feel like constantly switching into humans won't be the theme here. Every time he grows, he ends up a bit more advanced than he was before. A rock, to the living moss on the rock, to the wolf, to the boy. Where he goes from here is anyone's guess, but I don't feel like it will be human. 

a good but sad read. of the chapters i've read, seems like the purpose of the MC is to fulfill the wish of each impetus it copies. for the wolf, to go back to it's master. for the boy, to find a better place to live in and meet new people. seems a bit grim for the girl huh? i hope it doesn't have to embody her wish to grow up and be an adult. now i need to look at pictures of puppies to cheer up.

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