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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.67 - 54votes)

Shana oh Yoshitsune

Alt Names: alt ชานาโอ ขุนศึกสะท้านปฐพีalt 俠義少年王alt 遮那王義経alt Shanaoualt Shanaou Yoshitsune
Author: Sawada Hirofumi
Artist: Sawada Hirofumi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureHistorical HistoricalShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hyouta is an orphaned boy who's in a group of traveling entertainers. One day he encounters a fine noble woman named Tokiwa who requests the group to perform at her home. But her intentions are not what they seem to be...

Shana oh Yoshitsune is an alternative story to the popular historical figure Minamoto no Yoshitsune along with his servants, including the renown Benkei who lived in the Heian Era. In this version, Yoshitsune is actually a weak, sickly boy who meets an exact body replica in Hyouta, a traveling orphan who earns his living on the street. Being physically stronger, Hyouta is led to become a replacement for Yoshitsune, eventually claiming the name as his own.

This manga is a fictional story (albeit with many historical references) of his journey to restore the honor of Genji (Minamoto) Clan.

========Batoto Staff Notice==========
Unfortunately the comic (or parts of it) was scanlated by groups that don't allow re-hosting based on their policies. Sorry for the inconvenience.
==========Notice End==============
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Just gets better and better.

This manga deserves more followers!

Awesome chapter.

al ready finish this manga and continue to the genpei war..good change to re read this..btw thangs to easy going scans for translating this

damn it my eyes were sweating for a bit there. 

Amazing manga doesnt get enough love( who knows why, maybe because he starts as a child). Needs more recognition so egscans doesnt drop the scanlations.

when they shot the arrow together all I could think of was that ghost scene lol

truely cool

Sht is getting real now, such an underrated series. 

Really nice art and characters

Actually, this has been translated and officially publish in my country. The original series run for I think 20ish volume and right now it's on a new series with a grown up Shanao (23 years old) The new series is basically the main war against the Heike

Just finished reading the 45 volumes.. so long.. it's fun but.. so long..

Useless, annoying female character get!
This manga still awesome as always, Shana is such a boss

Thumbs up EG Scans, this is good stuff.

this manga quickly becoming one of my favourite, thanks for the chapters :D

GAH at the good part it gives a cliffhanger

Vol1-5 is done by Dragon Voice scans, for some reason I can't access their site.  Does anyone know whats going on Baka says their active and their last post was March 7, 2013.  Any ideas?

Vol1-5!? All I can find on their site is chapters 1-5, not volume, and they discontinued translating it for, "Lack of interest." http://dragonvoice.org/dv_projects.html

it is in the discontinued section of course.

Vol1-5 is done by Dragon Voice scans, for some reason I can't access their site.  Does anyone know whats going on Baka says their active and their last post was March 7, 2013.  Any ideas?

What group scanlated the beginning? My computer somehow is refusing all attempts to access baka-updates.

FINALLY! MY WAIT IS OVER! THANK YOU EGScans! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!! *Hugs EGScans for it's dear life*

i have complete manga of this series and the continuation too(the continuation is not complete...latest is vol.20)...if u need raw i can help

EGscans have started scanlating this from chapter 6

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