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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 230votes)

Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure

Alt Names: alt 俺の姫靴を履いてくれalt Help me Put on my Princess Shoes
Author: Suga Atsushi
Artist: Suga Atsushi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about a shoe maker with a foot fetish.

Original manga at ComicWalker: http://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF01000014010000_68/
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  • 3 Replies


The raws for volume 1-3 are on nyaa.

The things you do to hide having a boner in public.


Aw yiss new chapter.

Source or never happened.

The site has the next chapter set at an oct 19 date and sept had a chapter as well so there's at least 2 chapter after August when that comment was made so yes it never happened.

God I love this MC.

Wait...you're supposed to spank the monkey?!
I've been doing it wrong all these years!
You lied to me, Peter Gabriel!


Ended with 16 chapters.

Source or never happened.

Ended with 16 chapters.



I could even go on record and say that the huge majority of men get boners. It doesn't mean we're all rapists.
Getting mad at your significant other because he gets excited by other people is just stupid. Holding a grudge about that after a divorce is just insane.
So yeah, three leads, not a single sane person. This ride is going to be FUN.

Yeah, I know that it's a pretty normal thing. And I didn't say anything about rape in my comment. Actually, I don't think that the protagonist would do anything like that.

The thing is, we don't know what exactly happened between them and all circumstances related to their divorce. Maybe he did something more than just getting excited by female customers, but anyway the main issue is likely a bit different.
She probably thought that he didn't really love her and was with her because of her legs and because she was his first. She was also getting jealous repeatedly. So the reason for their split, at least from what we know so far, is likely her insecurity and poor communication between them.
The whole situation/conflict may look silly and unreasonable, but feelings are like that most of the time, they are not governed by logic after all.

And she doesn't hold a grudge, it was her jealousy kicking in again after seeing Akane. It looks like she still has some feeling for him, even if she is not willing to admit it.

Btw, I don't agree about lead characters not being "sane". It's quite the opposite in my opinion, all three of them look fairly realistic and human. They aren't bad/evil but all have their flaws and issues.

Anyone Would Help With The Sauce ?

i think it is from http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/kimi-wa-midara-na-boku-no-joou-r7200



Anyone Would Help With The Sauce ?

Smashed that follow button. A few notes -


-Can't get a read on the Ex-wife. A lot of people attacking and defending her in the comments, will refrain until more is revealed. If she did leave him over his fetish though, she either knew about it and was in the wrong to marry him, or he hid it from her and he was in the wrong for that. Like I said, need more knowledge.


-Disappointed a bit the 'main heroine' is yet another typical black haired high school girl. I felt a mature woman would have worked better, especially when placed next to his Ex. His fetish already serves drama enough, don't need the fact that she's a student too. Like I said, I'm not too troubled by it and their scenes are nice and cute (if a bit cliche of course), but I simply feel it's unnecessarily predictable.


-Like the MC. He seems to be on the infamous 'herbivore' side at times, yeah, but he also knows what he wants and isn't afraid to push a little every now and then. Already better than 90% of male MCs.


Looking forward to more. Thanks for the translations.

I think i develop a leg fetish.

wow this series is awesome!

So yeah, three leads, not a single sane person. This ride is going to be FUN.

Whenever I see a manga going for full drama. I just know that at least half the cast are going to be insane, to the point they won't be content with simply carrying the idiot ball, they'll stitch it to their skin.

Fortunately this one is a dramedy. We might yet be spared the darkest depths of dramatic sociopathy.

o.o I love this manga

"Has issues keeping his libido in check". It's not like he assaulted anyone , he just gets a boner . Hell, sometimes i get boners on the autobus without any reasons. She's just selfish and i'm happy he's moving on after years (and i repeat years) of de facto bullying

In college I would sleepwalk to the class, finish waking up during the lesson and get morning wood.


Only time in my life I was thankful for long-ass classes.


Needless to say I never assaulted anyone. I could even go on record and say that the huge majority of men get boners. It doesn't mean we're all rapists.


Getting mad at your significant other because he gets excited by other people is just stupid. Holding a grudge about that after a divorce is just insane.


So yeah, three leads, not a single sane person. This ride is going to be FUN.



Not really, she didn't try to talk her out of working there. As for revealing personal information, look at it this way: Akane is a young girl with nice legs and Kanae knows all too well that her ex-husband has leg fetish and can have problems keeping his libido in check.She may have said it out of jealousy rather than because she was worried about Akane, but either way it wasn't particularly unwarranted.

"Has issues keeping his libido in check".
It's not like he assaulted anyone , he just gets a boner . Hell, sometimes i get boners on the autobus without any reasons. She's just selfish and i'm happy he's moving on after years (and i repeat years) of de facto bullying

Shaking hands with him and catching him changing was too lewd for her.


Let's not get into the possibly unavoidable headpats later on...

Cute chapter. But she's falling for him? I'm not sure how to feel about it.

Eh, let's wait and see, at the moment most theories on their divorce and current relationship are little more than Wild Mass Guessing headcanons. Let's not compete over who has the shiniest one. They're all true in a way.
What I think most of us can infer and agree on from this page, is that, she's not exactly thrilled at the chance he might move on past her.

Mate, you need to close your tabs and stay off from tvtropes for awhile.


It's ruining your vocabs.


Eh, let's wait and see, at the moment most theories on their divorce and current relationship are little more than Wild Mass Guessing headcanons. Let's not compete over who has the shiniest one. They're all true in a way.
What I think most of us can infer and agree on from this page, is that, she's not exactly thrilled at the idea he might move on past her.

You're starting a "discussion"...

There's that word again.

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