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Ad Astra - Scipio to Hannibal

Alt Names: alt Ad Astraalt Ad Astra - Scipio and Hannibalalt Ad Astra - Scipion l’Africain & Hannibal Barcaalt アド・アストラ スキピオとハンニバルalt إلى النجوم، سكيبيو و حنبعل
Author: Kagano Mihachi
Artist: Kagano Mihachi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureHistorical HistoricalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: This is the story of two of the greatest military commanders in history: the Roman Publius Cornelius Scipio and the Carthaginian Hannibal. The story follows the two of them from their early life on. Hannibal is initially shown as a strangely silent infant, who seemed like the gods forgot to put a soul in his little body. However, he soon begins to speak in a way that shows his remarkable abilities. Hannibal and Scipio are driven enemies, and their struggle shaped an era.
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>mfw plebs show themselves why they deserve to be looked down upon

I guess that you are referring to Longus, aren't you? I think that his character more than represent just the negative traits of the plebs seems to represent  the attitude of arrogance and stupidity than some people in a position of authority tend to show, regardless of their social class. Through the roman republic there were plenty of examples of baleful and virtuous people from all social classes, Publius Decius Mus and the Gracchi brothers (both brothers were grandsons of Scipio, the protagonist of this story) are good examples of virtuous plebeians. By the way I would like hear (or read in this case) more about what you think in relation with your previous statement.

>mfw plebs show themselves why they deserve to be looked down upon

Thanks for the chapter.

Man i love this manga! who knew such a gem was hidden! nice pick up by turnip farmers

I like the setting but I really do dislike it when mangas portray historical figures as some sort of godlike genius that knows everything that's going on. It's just lazy storytelling in my opinion. On the bright side, I love the battlescenes though :D

Hannibal is an interesting and overall awesome character but for some reason his face in this manga pisses me off a little bit, I can't wait to see the expression that that conceited face is going to make after the Battle of the Metaurus. As another person has already commented the punic wars are a extremely interesting setting for a manga, even leaving aside the main characters of this manga there are plenty of characters and events that could make an interesting story: Marcellus and the battles of Nola and the Siege of Syracuse, Gaius Claudius Nero and the Battle of the Metaurus, the siege and eventual fall of Capua, the role that the numidian kings had during the war, damn if this manga shows even a little bit of that, I will be extremely happy.

This is great! It's really getting interesting, I hope the strategy element continues all the way through. Thank you Manga Syndrome!

Well the 2nd punic war is often remembered as the first documented Roman war based on strategical warfare (actual strategy: military tactics were known, though even the roman tactical warfare evolved a lot during the war).

So I think you are in luck.

This is great! It's really getting interesting, I hope the strategy element continues all the way through. Thank you Manga Syndrome!

The only thing I have to criticize so far is the fact that Hannibal appearance is not up to what we know of him :D TBH I think that having it's RL huge face scar and eye patch would add to the "monster" appearance Romans will surely have of him in a chapter or two ;)

I think I thought of a dozen good jokes during the first half of the first chapter. But I was too absorbed to think of any jokes after that. Great manga. Looking forward to many more chapters in the future.

Thanks for the latest update Mangasyndrome and Rebel. I'm so glad that there is a manga based on the Punic wars. It's got everything you want from a fantasy novel. Blood oath and revenge, bloody battles, brilliant generals, political intrigue, unbelievable feats of heroism, a clash of two mighty empires, and heck even monsters(Elephants).


Wait, wait, what? I thought Scipio got the title Africanus AFTER fighting Hannibal numerous times. WTF.

you're right!

I focused too much on researching events that I neglected such details. Africanus is not in the original text. i added it in order to differentiate between the 'two' Scipios. bad move, i guess. sorry. i'll fix it. 

Hannibal looks like Keanu Reeves lol


Wait, wait, what? I thought Scipio got the title Africanus AFTER fighting Hannibal numerous times. WTF.

It seems like a interesting story, the only thing that I did not like too much is the way the author try to portray Hannibal, like he was some kind of Damien Thorn; of course nobody knows how he really was but some historical events like the fact that he sent the ashes of Marcus Claudius Marcellus to his family does not suggest that kind of personality and it really contrast with cruel and disrespectful treatment of Hasdrubal's corpse by the romans. Thanks for the chapter of this very interesting manga.

Long Live Baal Haddad!

Hope to see more works like this one, i need to fill the vacuum Vinland Saga left not only for stopping with the wars but also for its release periods.

in terms of releases, We can only release one chapter of ad astra in 30 to 45 days. it's really wordy and needs a lot of redraws. 

I knew this was good. Thank you Manga Syndrome!

Hope to see more works like this one, i need to fill the vacuum Vinland Saga left not only for stopping with the wars but also for its release periods.

been waiting a long while to read this, ty for the first chapter

Thanks manga syndrome for the awesome UJ manga :)

I like this trend of mangas going after history instead of moe everywhere, another one to the list!

Hmmm . . . looks very dramatic.  But I'd argue that the less-dramatic tactics of Fabius Maximus, scorched earth and attrition warfare while avoiding battle, had overall more to do with defeating Hannibal than Scipio did.  Wonder how they'll deal with that stuff.

How interesting...

Oh man. Ultra on board for this one

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