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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 49votes)


Alt Names: alt でぶせん
Author: Ando Yuma
Artist: Asaki Masashi
Genres: Comedy ComedyGender Bender Gender BenderMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The school comedy focuses on the Psychometrer character Mitsuru Fukushima, who has fallen into debt because of his love of cosplay. He plans to commit suicide in the forest around Mount Fuji, but he encounters the dead body of a female teacher named Mitsuko Fukushima who looks just like him. He begins life anew in women's clothing, helping to reform delinquent students.

(Source: ANN)
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Topic Should the font be changed back? Please help me decide. New Window qAlt49yU
  • 2 Replies


So many fucking twists in this manga. 

Thank you for the speedy uploads! Greatly appreciated.

This series is quite nice.

good bye ghost-san


From that chapter with trip "debriefing", from the angle and height it seemed to point heavily toward the principal.

I wouldn't be surprised if they both were trying to be the killer. For different reasons and unaware of eachother's intentions. Along with Sawaya-sensei.


Recall chapter 1+2. Our Sensei was just starting as a teacher, she missed only a few days of calls from the school right before classes starting and they were worried she was backing out of the job. Yet when Mitsuru found her body she was a skeleton. That means she died at least 2 months ago (if conditions were good for decomposition). So the killer would have needed to know her already and have had a reason to what her dead. A few meet-and-greets at a school she was going to start teaching in the next academic year don't make sense. Except for Asahina who knew her since at least elementary school and also had the same major in college (there might be a rival issue here with Mitsuko always one-upping Asahina in everything).


But we do have clue to keep an eye out for. In chapter 1 the person who carried her body said they carried her weight from the car into the cart and then dumped her into the hole. That means it has to be someone who owns a car.


And in chapter 5 which showed the killer peering down on the courtyard at Sensei + co, they called sensei "female-pig Mitsuko" which means they normally talk to her on a first name basis. The only character that uses that name is Sawaya-sensei who called her "Mitsuko-sensei". Asahina called her "Mitt-chan" and the principle called her "Fukushima-sensei".


Now during the boat ride we find out the principle ordered tickets that were double booked so they couldn't get on the same boat. Which is a goddamn lie because we later see the good boat as a fuck ton of empty seats. And with the chopstick incident with principle holding the pouch, he's the one who most likely rigged who was going to be on that boat. Plus it doesn't help that he totally shrugged off an investigation of 16 people nearly drowning.


...uh...so yeah, I think there's more than 1 killer now with Asahina being the original killer. I think they're all working independently of each other (say the principle was the one who unscrewed the boat. If he and Sawaya-sensei were in on it then Sawaya-sensei wouldn't bring up an investigation because it puts heat on their plan. BUT if they were working separately then Sawaya-sensei bringing it up would make him less of a suspect when he actually does kill Sensei himself later. "It can't be Saway-sensei, he was so concerned for her during X, Y, and Z.")

higuchi x ootomo

Doesn't chapter 21 sorta confirm that it's Asahina? Otherwise she should've tripped over the rope first.

From that chapter with trip "debriefing", from the angle and height it seemed to point heavily toward the principal.

Doesn't chapter 21 sorta confirm that it's Asahina? Otherwise she should've tripped over the rope first.

My, looks like someone likes mittchan-sensei, huh?
Poor little heart...

Nah, more like a respect relationship.

I get the feeling that if Asahina had gotten to see Kuma-chan's kuma this series would take a different turn.

I'll try to upload them again Hopefully it'll go through next time


Most excellent

Uncensored versions up! Download them while you can!

Thanks for the uploads qAlt49yU! ~

My, looks like someone likes mittchan-sensei, huh?
Poor little heart...

This manga is a riot.


I read this at work and thank god, there was none to see me giggling.

dam i missed the uncensored version :(

Getting them GTO vibes here. Really adorable though that coupling.

Wow, as usual, I don't even know where to start.
So I'll just kindly ask for the uncensored version and be on my way

I'll try to upload them again
Hopefully it'll go through next time

Wow, as usual, I don't even know where to start.


So I'll just kindly ask for the uncensored version and be on my way

"You talkin' to me?"


- Ricky

Quick! Download ch 17 before it gets erased!

I uploaded chapter 16 yesterday but it got erased


Biased mods

I uploaded chapter 16 yesterday but it got erased
does anyone know what's getting stuck in the review filter?

do nipples get stuck in filters?

God bless this mangaka. Fanservice....lots of fanservice. More husbandos for me.

I honestly have never seen male bodies that delicious outside actual porn. Fuck I want to grope those pecs.

"Koyama-kun wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Mitsuko-sensei"

Wait..that Tateno guy is a girl.

God bless this mangaka. Fanservice....lots of fanservice. More husbandos for me.



Judging from the silhouette in this latest chapter the killer seems to be male with an average build


If I learned anything from Detective Conan, silhouettes are just misleading.

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