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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.79 - 53votes)

Koe Koi

Alt Names: alt こえ恋alt Voice Love
Author: Doruru
Artist: Doruru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The slightly unusual Matsubara-kun and Yuiko-chan's slightly unsual high school life.

Original webcomic: http://www.comico.jp/articleList.nhn?titleNo=8165
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Chapter 9 took a little longer to clean and typeset than expected, but it's still less than a week since the last chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

check out my projects at fredfriendly.com


Well, that is the incredible part, yes (that and his ability to see without eyeholes).  As to the restrictions--depends how they're written.  He might be in violation of something, he might not.  Pres dude vaguely indicated that maybe he was, but didn't cite anything specific and seems to be basically building a moral and normative argument, combination of "hiding your face implies moral shortcomings" and "nobody should be allowed to do anything I don't approve of, because."

Most likely I think Matsubara is in violation of the code but as for the unusually strong approach of the Pres I think rather than moral arrogance, it stems from a rigid line of thinking that fails to take into account reasons other than "hiding a defect" and therefore leads him to making presumptuous assumptions. For sure he is a bit pompous, but I don't think its because he thinks he's superior in of itself, he's just so straight-laced and inflexible that he feels an explanation is required for any violation of the rules. Since Matsubara won't give one, he rushes to the conclusion that he's a troublemaker seeking to deceive his classmates and needs to be dealt with for the sake of student populace <- laying it on heavy I know, but he seems like that over-the-top kind of personality. I think the arrogance comes more into play when he assumes the students need him to set this "menace" straight, without actually validating that he is a problem (as his classmates clearly stated they don't have a problem with him and he does his job well).  

Most of the schools in my area generally had restrictions on unnecessary garments. From jewelry to certain apparel, I'm sure no one would question the president if he asked for the bag to be removed on account of basic clothing rules. To be honest, the incredible part is that so many people don't care that there's a bag with a smiley face on his head.

Well, that is the incredible part, yes (that and his ability to see without eyeholes).  As to the restrictions--depends how they're written.  He might be in violation of something, he might not.  Pres dude vaguely indicated that maybe he was, but didn't cite anything specific and seems to be basically building a moral and normative argument, combination of "hiding your face implies moral shortcomings" and "nobody should be allowed to do anything I don't approve of, because."

He could just get a religious exemption. Like those Singh dudes.


That tends to have mixed results when the religion you're claiming an exemption for is not real (or does not actually have such a rule).

I think it's any school clause about wearing headgear. For all I know, almost any school, doesn't allow headphones, hats, sunglasses without proper reason.


He could just get a religious exemption. Like those Singh dudes.

This feels like the dreaded 'nice guy' zone.

I had some free time and was able to get chapter 8 typeset sooner than expected. Hope you enjoy it!

check out my projects at fredfriendly.com


I don't quite understand why nobody has yet pointed out it's incredibly unlikely there's a school regulation saying "no bags on heads".  Just because pres doesn't like something, disapproves of what he thinks it represents or whatever, does not make it a rule.  So whatever the student president's tastes may be, on his own "stickler for the rules" terms he's totally in the wrong.  Show us a reg or STFU, pres.

Most of the schools in my area generally had restrictions on unnecessary garments. From jewelry to certain apparel, I'm sure no one would question the president if he asked for the bag to be removed on account of basic clothing rules. To be honest, the incredible part is that so many people don't care that there's a bag with a smiley face on his head.

I don't quite understand why nobody has yet pointed out it's incredibly unlikely there's a school regulation saying "no bags on heads".  Just because pres doesn't like something, disapproves of what he thinks it represents or whatever, does not make it a rule.  So whatever the student president's tastes may be, on his own "stickler for the rules" terms he's totally in the wrong.  Show us a reg or STFU, pres.

I think it's any school clause about wearing headgear. For all I know, almost any school, doesn't allow headphones, hats, sunglasses without proper reason.

I don't quite understand why nobody has yet pointed out it's incredibly unlikely there's a school regulation saying "no bags on heads".  Just because pres doesn't like something, disapproves of what he thinks it represents or whatever, does not make it a rule.  So whatever the student president's tastes may be, on his own "stickler for the rules" terms he's totally in the wrong.  Show us a reg or STFU, pres.



*gasp* How did you find out?

PLOT TWIST: he actually has no face. Wait… wrong manga.



Sorry for the delay getting chapter 7 out. Chapter 8 will not take as long.

check out my projects at http://fredfriendly.com


PLOT TWIST: he actually has no face. Wait… wrong manga.

Sorry that it's a little late, but here's chapter 6!

There's an incoming storm... The Student Council President!

check out my other projects at fredfriendly.com

I respect people who come straight to the point.

Well, looks like it's time to start shipping the best-friend characters

My thoughts exactly.

Well, looks like it's time to start shipping the best-friend characters

As promised, we finished chapter 5 before New Year's Day! If all goes well, we should settle into a weekly release schedule starting next week. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

Check out my other projects on fredfriendly.com.

Thank you to amplified and FredFriendly for picking this series up! :D


You're quite welcome! I've just uploaded chapter 4 and should have chapter 5 up before New Year's Eve.


Check out my other projects on fredfriendly.com.

Thank you to amplified and FredFriendly for picking this series up! :D

I really want to see a scene of this guy playing sports. The thought of this guy doing a dunk, spike, etc. with this mask on seems really amusing. Plus with all that movement, or if outside the wind, how on earth would he keep it on? Not to mention I would already think the mask would be uncomfortable with the hot air he's breathing out blowing back at him, but if he's exercising this would only increase plus the addition of sweat. I guess in the end I just want to see the juxtaposition of a cool sports scene that usually gets the "he's so cool" reaction with a messy sweat soaked paper bag ready to fall off his face. 

this is so cute im crying (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

I have been coaxed into working on this webtoon by amplified, who I also work with on Otometic Syndrome. amplified does the translation, and I do everything else (cleaning, re-drawing, proofreading and typesetting). We will try our best to have some kind of semi-regular release schedule for you to look forward to. Enjoy!


Visit fredfriendly.com for my other scanlations.

This new chapter really made my day, thank you soo much! :)

Is this the opposite of AFO Guard

Thank you so so much for introducing me to that gem

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