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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 67votes)


Alt Names: alt ウームズ
Author: Shirai Yumiko
Artist: Shirai Yumiko
Genres: Drama DramaSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: On the planet of Hekiou, there is a continuing war between the first wave of immigrants and the second. An important section of the military uses a native creature, the Niebass, to give its soldiers translocation abilities. These soldiers are all women, with the alien creature transplanted into their wombs. Some people see this practice as a violation of human women by aliens, and Mana Oga's boyfriend has a similar perspective on the matter. Mana Oga is a new soldier in this section, and the story follows her and the other women in her group who accept the alien creatures into their wombs in order to defend their homes.
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This is really good.


Hard-scifi coupled with Space Opera is so rare in manga.


It reads like one of these old novels from the 50s, in magazines like "Thrilling Wonder Stories" , "Amazing Stories", or even the "Honor Harrington" series for the militaristic background. The Cold War at the time inspired so many novels about wars in space.


This is really a gem.

I like you.

This is really good.


Hard-scifi coupled with Space Opera is so rare in manga.


It reads like one of these old novels from the 50s, in magazines like "Thrilling Wonder Stories" , "Amazing Stories", or even the "Honor Harrington" series for the militaristic background. The Cold War at the time inspired so many novels about wars in space.


This is really a gem.

And the entire thing is rapidly getting more questionable. There appears to be a reason why pictures of these aliens are banned afterall and what exactly is put into them. Maybe just maybe the opposition to it has a point afterall.

No HappyScans this time?

Seems an error on Batoto. We're still working on Wombs

No HappyScans this time?

At a guess, the organs allow them to perceive the "coordinate space", and teleporting is just one application of it.
Aah so THAT'S how it's supposed to work.

The art gives me a slight 'Metal Gear' vibe~

But id like to see where this goes!


Oh and also i'm pretty confused about what they mean by flying.

When they say flying, do they mean that they actually 'fly'' physically, like leaving the ground and what not? or, do they fly by leaving their bodies and flying as a projection of themselves? 

the way its draw and shown, makes me think that they dont actually physically fly, but instead gets teleported to some black space to move from place to place in a spiritual type sense, while their physical bodies stay inside that metal room...



Well, the first chapters clearly showed that they can teleport their bodies and other people at the same time, that was the whole point of the mister bomb exercise. If those organs give them more powers besides teleportation, that was still not clearly demonstrated yet.

The art gives me a slight 'Metal Gear' vibe~

But id like to see where this goes!


Oh and also i'm pretty confused about what they mean by flying.

When they say flying, do they mean that they actually 'fly'' physically, like leaving the ground and what not? or, do they fly by leaving their bodies and flying as a projection of themselves? 

the way its draw and shown, makes me think that they dont actually physically fly, but instead gets teleported to some black space to move from place to place in a spiritual type sense, while their physical bodies stay inside that metal room...

I always get the feeling that there is a dark side to this whole womb/transfer organ thing that we haven't been shown yet...

so first they're native, then alien? make up your bloody minds. 

As for the actual premise... it's pretty squicky. Also sounds like something they came up with while drunk.

half of these o-make usually show authors and editors  somewhere in ginza, drinking .... so ... yes

Big shout out to the 'commanding officer' talking smack when she'd been able to fly FOR A DAY


It's a Romanization issue, there is no 'v' or '-th' or '-ss' in Japanese so all of those are just guesses by the translator(s) since writers use wonky katakana (or furigana shenanigans) for fictitious words to make them sound foreign/unique, like when English writers use bogus pseudo- Latin/German/Spanish/etc for made-up names.


Author probably hasn't faced serous literary criticism before, has little experience with sci-fi and/or wandered into the 'seinen' demographic by mistake.  Maybe it sounds unfair to be so harsh after only five chapters, but it's the opposite: they have already published five chapters of fluff with little substance/tension means that this series may get canceled before the plot even starts.



1) ニーバス

2) It was published in Ikki...

five chapters of fluff with little substance/tension means that this series may get canceled before the plot even starts.


The manga was already completed at 5 volumes back in 2015. It only just started getting English translations.

Noir Schist, on 04 Jul 2016 - 9:44 PM, said:
(In the description it says Niebass, but in the manga it says Neevearth... are these the same thing or different?)


It's a Romanization issue, there is no 'v' or '-th' or '-ss' in Japanese so all of those are just guesses by the translator(s) since writers use wonky katakana (or furigana shenanigans) for fictitious words to make them sound foreign/unique, like when English writers use bogus pseudo- Latin/German/Spanish/etc for made-up names.


This one requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief. The personal stories and psychological side of things is interesting, so I'll stick around, but I sure wish it didn't have such a silly premise.


Maybe it will be explained later in a way that makes sense, but dude.. what? How? Why?

Yeah, the "why" is the bigger issue... but I'd say "when does it actually start" is my major hangup with this series. It's pretty bland so far (as of ch5) and they're leaning too hard on a gimmicky premise which leaves weak storytelling and flat cardboard characters, and unless there is some next-level storytelling stategy going on where they completely avoid any kind of progression or development (until most of the readers have dropped it out of boredom) and THEN throw a major twist... that resounding "meh" reaction is irreversible.


Author probably hasn't faced serous literary criticism before, has little experience with sci-fi and/or wandered into the 'seinen' demographic by mistake.  Maybe it sounds unfair to be so harsh after only five chapters, but it's the opposite: they have already published five chapters of fluff with little substance/tension means that this series may get canceled before the plot even starts.

This one requires a great deal of suspension of disbelief. The personal stories and psychological side of things is interesting, so I'll stick around, but I sure wish it didn't have such a silly premise.


Maybe it will be explained later in a way that makes sense, but dude.. what? How? Why?

The harder the sci-fi premise is, the most time it needs to be accepted, it's an acquired taste. Thank you guys.

I know this may sound nit-picky, but this series is anything -but- hard science fiction. Hard scifi is not defined having a dark or gritty tone, but rather by placing a strong emphasis on scientific accuracy and technical detail. Hard scifi generally uses modern or near-future tech without taking too many liberties, and shies away from more fantastical elements (such as gaining the ability to teleport by implanting an alien species into a uterus).

Some examples of hard science fiction include:

The Martian 

Ex Machina



and even Jurassic Park can be considered hard scifi (while dinosaurs may seem like they should be fantastical, the premises of cloning and gene splicing to create dinosaur-like creatures isn't really that big of a stretch).

[/pet peeve]

This is really interesting.

The harder the sci-fi premise is, the most time it needs to be accepted, it's an acquired taste. Thank you guys.

Using shortenings for titles such as Doctor (Dr.) or Sergeant (Sgt.) is okay when combined with a name. They are not to be used alone. You don't write "Dr!" when calling out "Doctor!".

Reading the description reminds me of... BLUE DROP
Visceral in all the word's meanings. Thanks again for this very unique manga.

Because the drawing is shit and the story is stupid.

Then why are you here? Go back to your ecchi harem recarnation porn.

Because the drawing is shit and the story is stupid.

Just like your taste~

So... I might be wrong on so many things, but did we already know how strong will the translocation power they'll get mmm...~?

Yes instant teleportation sounds crazy good for war, but that is if they can get necessary tools to bring with them mmm...


Yes, the first chapter shows a transfer soldier teleporting at least 10 other soldier back to base in a single trip.

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