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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 105votes)

Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare

Alt Names: alt FuriFuraalt 사랑하고, 사랑받고, 차고, 차여라alt Love, Be Loved, Leave, Be Leftalt Miracles of Love - Nimm dein Schicksal in die Handalt 恋途未卜alt 思い、思われ、ふり、ふられalt حُب، كن محبوبًا، أُهجر، كن مهجورًا
Author: Sakisaka Io
Artist: Sakisaka Io
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story centers around Yuna and Akari who have two very different views of love: Yuna is someone who sees love as a dream and Akari is someone who is very realistic about her romance choices. Meanwhile, there are two boys, Kazuomi and Rio, who also have different views of love: Kazuomi’s an airhead and doesn't understand the concept of love while Rio grabs the opportunity when confessed to as long as the girl looks cute.
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When are people finally going to learn to mind their own business? Ugh... pisses me off -.-

oh my god

Yuna is so adorable

how is Akari the pretty one? LIES, I TELL YOU!! (and this is coming from someone with a strong bias for short-hair girls)

Cover 03!!



What is this?! This changes nothing! Gahhh...! Nothing has really happened, not even one thing! It's just development! It's like there wasn't even a new chapter at all! [combusts]


Thanks for the new chapter though.. :)


[resumes internal screaming]

I have to wait a month for this. Sakisaka-sensei, a month? A MONTH?! IM GONNA HATE RIO FOR A MONTH?!

The hardest thing for me to believe is that nobody likes Yuna! Look at her! She's so cute! How can no one like her??!!!

Well, someone will.  :D

Poor Yuna...I hope everything works out for her but not with Rio-kun. :/

Actually, I'm hoping that Kazu becomes interested in Yuna, but deep down I know that's not gonna happen... u__u;.

The hardest thing for me to believe is that nobody likes Yuna! Look at her! She's so cute! How can no one like her??!!!

Ghost appears on pg 44 A haunting Akari spirit

wow did not expect that

also, RIO I'M CRYING FOR YOU <3 i want u to be happy T^T

God dammit, Rio.

Just, god dammit.

Sakisaka-sensei... huh... Why haven't I started reading this yet? How did I not know this was a thing...?
moarr! moar developments ^^ ~! This sweet pace is nice, but I am also excited for more things to happen. Thank you for the releases, chibi manga, and thank you to sakisaka io! To be as cool as a cucumber like open, warm-hearted, easy-going inui kun~ #goals

And what if Inui-kun's type is actually Rio? That would be pretty amusing turn of events *evil grin*

Just joking :)

This series is like cotton candy. A little lacking in substance but damn is it sweet and fluffy.

"Only Kazu-kun is living without worry."


For some reason I felt that twang of pain in the lines in the place of Kazu O_o What a displacement....

Ill be reading deathtopia with a straight face and then sakisaka io comes along and has me shipping everybody with everybody and squealing like a schoolgirl. why.

Did you notice how everyone is looking at their unrequited love but Inui?? He's staring right at me. hahaha I must be his true love <3

Inui is truly my fave character! He's almost too good to be true. lol

QUÉ ES ESTO? wow. Este manga tiene muchas ships, y una inesperada, estoy emocionada por eso 

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

 me encanta!! Ya quiero leer los demás :D

http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/blue-sakisaka-io-r8300/ Yeah, i ship all the dynamics here. And i can. yuna x akari ftw

it makes my head hurt trying to keep up with the love viewpoints. but like always i want to know how the pairings will end up so i  stick with it

wow, this is much better than ao haru ride. I've been avoiding reading this manga just because I thought it would resemble aou haru ride, now I'm quite surprised.

No, no había leído Strobe Edge ... ¡Spoiler! Como lo odio e.e nah, me gusta el Spoiler. Así decido si ver algo o no cuando no me convence. (?)... Yo quiero ver más de Rio y Akari, pero Dios, Yuna es tan linda =/ es extraño que una protagonista de shojo me caiga tan bien... así que creo que no me molestaría si termina con Rio, pues Akari no parece corresponder ni en lo más mínimo a Rio ._. y pienso que harían una linda pareja también. (Rio y Yuna).

Este manga logró algo que muy pocas veces ha logrado una historia, y es hacer que sienta empatía por todos los personajes. Hasta ahora no me molestaría ver a Yuna con Rio, o a Akari con Rio, pero a Yuna sí no soy capaz de verla con Kazuomi u.u A Akari sí la veo un poco más interesada (aunque inconsciente) en Kazuomi, que en Rio. Por eso decía lo de que parece que las parejas estaban definidas. Pero admito que este manga me ha sorprendido en algunos aspectos y por eso me gusta.

PD: Ya, ya lo leí <3 justo después de responder el comentario. Me sorprendió xD me sorprendió bastante. La verdad sí estuvo muy bueno e.e pero cómo pudieron dejarnos con la intriga 3 No pensé que Yuna fuera capaz e.e la muchachita me sorprende cada día, por eso me agrada tanto :3

Lo de las parejas pues siendo sincera todo puede pasar xD pero lo bueno es que casi nunca me decepciona, Sakisaka tiene un no se qué que hace que me encariñe con todos ^^
Yuna me re-encanta mas por el hecho de que tiene una personlidad parecida la mía :D y eso me gusta, ademas me siento identificada con sus sentimientos pues sentí lo mismo cuando tenía su edad (de hecho mas de una vez me he sorprendido pues hay cosas que me han pasado al igual que en el manga Ao haru ride y Strobe edge).
Espero con ansias el siguiente cap pues quiero ver qué le responderá Rio xD y que pasará luego de eso porque Yuna es muy tímida y si se lo encuentra luego estará toda roja recordando su confesión xD

Man, Sakisaka Io sure loves overly complicated drama doesn't she?

was just thinking the same thing >.> well it's entertaining i reckon lol i mean we keep reading her works heh

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