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* * * * * (4.71 - 49votes)

Chokotto Hime

Alt Names: alt ちょこっとヒメalt Little Princess
Author: Kazama Ayami
Artist: Kazama Ayami
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kitten Hime is accidentally adopted by first-time pet owner Nabe. Follow them as the inexperienced boy and the shy kitten grow into owner and pet and as they make many friends along their way.
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I wish my cat was as cute and affectionate as Hime. My cat is the definition of feline tsundere, and she's a glutton too. She's also a massive suck, but that's just to get what she wants.


Yeah, my family is pussy(cat) whipped.

Oh look! A new species of CATFISH!

Either way, it still takes tons of money from you and can ruin your relationships with other people.


At least the money isn't going to some random place on the other side of the world. Hopefully.

I know your pain all too well good sir. I'm sure everyone appreciates your mental sacrifice. 

My learning Japanese was originally intended as a form of mental stretch, though at times the stretching has resembled that of the proverbial medieval 'rack'.




I wonder if it's common for pet cat have that much attention greed ...

At my place the cat bumping it's cheek and nape at my legs ...

if I still ignore it, it will start biting legs, climb up and bite my arms too ...

and even after I cuddle it, it still biting my fingers ...

(also all my cat is very passive and don't like to fight, if other wild cat attack it, it will get really scared to the point crapping and urinating) what an annoying thing, my pet cat have bigger and sturdier body (I massage, pulling and pushing their muscle and bones in correct way since they still small kitten) ... if it fight, it should easily win ... *sigh* ...


now that I think about it, it kinda looks like Hime personality  ...

Oh look! A new species of CATFISH!

I am not the cursing type, but this chapter was fighting me every step of the way.  Deciphering hand-written Japanese on medium resolution raws is not at all easy.  And 4-Koma, due to their compact format, rely on word play and hidden meanings much more than manga that are stories, even though they be funny stories.


You may find some parts of this chapter difficult to understand.  That's because I found them difficult to understand too...


I know your pain all too well good sir. I'm sure everyone appreciates your mental sacrifice. 

I am not the cursing type, but this chapter was fighting me every step of the way.  Deciphering hand-written Japanese on medium resolution raws is not at all easy.  And 4-Koma, due to their compact format, rely on word play and hidden meanings much more than manga that are stories, even though they be funny stories.


You may find some parts of this chapter difficult to understand.  That's because I found them difficult to understand too...

After Senaka Gurashi ended, I thought that would be the last update for a Kazama Ayami manga in a while: boy am I glad I was wrong! T^T
Just stumbled across this one, read the first two chapters and ... I want to raise another kitten for some inexplicable reason. XD

Well, according to MyAnimeList, this series was published in Japanese 2005-2009, and according to MangaUpdates, the first twelve chapters were scanlated to English 2008-2011.  Speaking from the other end of the age range, it's not yesterday, but it's not that long ago either...

I started reading when scanlations were still coming out... So it was during my junior year at the very latest.



Wow, I had completely given up on this one.

sooo flooofy

reading this manga makes me feel like popeye downing a can of spinach...
btw if u like this u should also read http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/nukoduke-r7532

I was a sophomore in high school when I first read this. Now, I'm a senior... in university.

Well, according to MyAnimeList, this series was published in Japanese 2005-2009, and according to MangaUpdates, the first twelve chapters were scanlated to English 2008-2011.  Speaking from the other end of the age range, it's not yesterday, but it's not that long ago either...

I was a sophomore in high school when I first read this. Now, I'm a senior... in university.

that was unexpected

Thank you, member "rpapo". Looking forward to the next time you get distracted by falling leaves or floating petals and decide to put out another:)

It's blended in with my other work, so I will probably have another chapter out in a month or so.  The next chapter is sixteen pages and completes volume one.

*sees Ayami-sensei*

*blindly insta-follows*


Thanks a lot, rpapo. Excuse me now, I'm off to procure some insulin so I can actually go and read all of this.

Thank you, member "rpapo". Looking forward to the next time you get distracted by falling leaves or floating petals and decide to put out another:)

Thank You rpapo for picking this up.  I know your plate was getting a wee bit full :)   Much appreciated.

Thanks for picking this up ^^

thx rpapo

it's indeed a very cute and sweet serie

Cute. In the raws (which go to the end, chapter 91), the mangaka uses a fair amount of gratuitous (and misspelled) English, as well as Japanese spelled out in Roman (English) characters.

Reminds me of the nukos.


UPDATE 2016/01/02: Member "Shiroax" asked me to look at this a couple of weeks ago.  I thought it cute, and I tried to buy the published tankobons through Amazon JP, but nobody who would ship to the USA had it available.  Failing that, there were public raws out there.  Two days ago I was a little bored, so here's one chapter.  4-koma is not my favorite format, though.  But this chapter was not that way.

The Hhnngg?! is strong with this one.

P.S. Anyone know what the hell kind of dog cookie is?

Cute are all Hell? Spaced out and dopey? I think she might be a Shihtzu.


I wish my cat was more like HIme, but she's more like Shiroko. Well, more like my sister's cat.


Reading this manga makes me miss my departed cat, Willow. She was a nice mix of Shiroko and Hime, cute and proper with a tendancy to give loving licks and sleep near me. She also stayed near me when I was sick, making sure to try and keep me warm. I really, really miss her...

That was really really adorable, cute, fluffy and also funny. I clenched my chest and grinned widely throughout the series. It's so unfortunate that it's no longer updated... :"(



(Sighs) I want to have a cat too...

Ahhhh, my day has been made, reading through this. If this is ever picked up, I will unravel a toilet paper roll. Such would be my happiness.

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