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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 49votes)


Alt Names: alt でぶせん
Author: Ando Yuma
Artist: Asaki Masashi
Genres: Comedy ComedyGender Bender Gender BenderMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The school comedy focuses on the Psychometrer character Mitsuru Fukushima, who has fallen into debt because of his love of cosplay. He plans to commit suicide in the forest around Mount Fuji, but he encounters the dead body of a female teacher named Mitsuko Fukushima who looks just like him. He begins life anew in women's clothing, helping to reform delinquent students.

(Source: ANN)
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  • 2 Replies


Aren't high schoolers supposed to be able to grow back hair? It's been like a week already, and the victim duo do not show any sign of new hair in their scalps.

I beg your pardon sir, but i have some unrelated info: Nobita are older than you.

Aren't high schoolers supposed to be able to grow back hair? It's been like a week already, and the victim duo do not show any sign of new hair in their scalps.

That restaurant though


That's like Hooters cranked up to 11.

That restaurant though

So what happened if Mitsuru went into a coma? Will the real Mitsuko permanently take over the body?

Great Teacher Mitt-chan

Welp, even on a luxurious place Fukushima still gets to eat moldy foods

What a shitty situation

Something tells me that things are going to get...


Maybe the MC and yakuza nerd will connect on an emotional level


Dem condensed milk shot though

Exactly. Forget sympathetic, this dude just straight pisses me off; the author even selectively chose the more mild scenes where "his intentions were misunderstood" to show, but what about all the other times during the trip where he was just straight up bullying those two while laughing in their faces? This guy is the polar opposite of Kitano; he literally put himself in this position on purpose to take full advantage of it.

Rered 21 ch. Hair band guy said, Kiryuu-kun uses wax doll duo as a "mounts", to protect himself. What he does not know? Kiryuu-kun is a prudent coward, indeed. <3 <3. Well, at least he is not doing it for clear enjoyment. (Slightly reminds me my favorite One Piece chara Usopp, chicken with brains). ((Just a few more words from a fangirl- imho bullying wasn't all that harsh)).
The nice reporter at the back left must get a lot of interviews. Cos the rest have a terrible case of Disproportionate Mouth Disease.
Ouch... my sides... please stop! xD

Exactly. Forget sympathetic, this dude just straight pisses me off; the author even selectively chose the more mild scenes where "his intentions were misunderstood" to show, but what about all the other times during the trip where he was just straight up bullying those two while laughing in their faces?


Yeah but on the other hand


Who cares, this doesn't even pretend to make any amount of sense

Man, i almost dropped this series because i'm kinda disgusted with the MC before. But after seeing that is was written by ANDO sensei, thank god i didn't


>Read Shibatora

Good taste you have there, scanlator.

Wondering ho many chapters this manga have. Didn't it end in like August this year or something?

Yeah, it ended some time around that. It has 81 chapters total, 5 prologue and 76 main chapters.

Well unlike Kitano, he's pretty much using his reputation as a shield. Less sympathetic and a lot more dangerous. 


Exactly. Forget sympathetic, this dude just straight pisses me off; the author even selectively chose the more mild scenes where "his intentions were misunderstood" to show, but what about all the other times during the trip where he was just straight up bullying those two while laughing in their faces? This guy is the polar opposite of Kitano; he literally put himself in this position on purpose to take full advantage of it.

Wondering ho many chapters this manga have. Didn't it end in like August this year or something?

This seems like a slight case of Kitano Syndrome.

Well unlike Kitano, he's pretty much using his reputation as a shield. Less sympathetic and a lot more dangerous. 

This seems like a slight case of Kitano Syndrome.

So this is the famous "high school debut"

wat the fuck Kiryuu???

Another member to Mitsuru's harem spotted.

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