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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 49votes)


Alt Names: alt でぶせん
Author: Ando Yuma
Artist: Asaki Masashi
Genres: Comedy ComedyGender Bender Gender BenderMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The school comedy focuses on the Psychometrer character Mitsuru Fukushima, who has fallen into debt because of his love of cosplay. He plans to commit suicide in the forest around Mount Fuji, but he encounters the dead body of a female teacher named Mitsuko Fukushima who looks just like him. He begins life anew in women's clothing, helping to reform delinquent students.

(Source: ANN)
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Topic Should the font be changed back? Please help me decide. New Window qAlt49yU
  • 2 Replies


"Is that all?" in 3..2..1..

Just call him "G"


Fuck dis shit

Just call him "G"

Kokomi Nanahoshi is interesting because you can tell what she looks like under the layer of make-up. Unfortunately for King here, this game might not be chess but Shogi...

ahh those days....


the manga is hilarious by itself but...the extra translator notes makes this shit golden. A++


thanks for the hard work.

this is a good series, thanks for translating :)

Thank goodness, Getsuto was like a tongue twister for me.

Maybe I'll just refer him as Get.

Credits pages are gold, you guys are awesome.

Kudos to @qAlt49yU for such speedy translations

ps: Shibatora is nice indeed

Ms. Whitebones comes out -> "Is that all?" -> everything resolved, faceless chick recruited


It's so predictable it's almost refreshing, really


Well, that may be, but I'm curious about the lead up specifically lol. We all know that the spirit of the ring will obviously come save the day like always, one way or another. The stupid (albeit hilarious) situations that precede the appearance of Ms. Whitebones are what keeps me going. Just how far/where will the situation go before she steps in? :)

gaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. The latest chapters have become so frustrating (in a good way). Can't wait to see how this is resolved.


Ms. Whitebones comes out -> "Is that all?" -> everything resolved, faceless chick recruited


It's so predictable it's almost refreshing, really

gaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. The latest chapters have become so frustrating (in a good way). Can't wait to see how this is resolved.

Yes, I saw the similarity as well, but rejected the thought because it's adulterer-san...

The idea of adulterer-san having a normal job did not occur to me at all lol

well he's so ugly i think that the only way he could have an affair is cause he's locally famous

mr. q i think that tv reporter-san is the same as adulterer-san

Yes, I saw the similarity as well, but rejected the thought because it's adulterer-san...

The idea of adulterer-san having a normal job did not occur to me at all lol

W.. well..

mr. q i think that tv reporter-san is the same as adulterer-san

God, I hate that Light Yagami wannabe with glasses.

And hat tips to HxH, Birdy the Mighty and Golden Kamui. 

I wouldn't put that fat teacher to sleep, fat chaser.

I was wondering what the hell this was so I read the latest chapter. Now I'm gonna have to throw my whole day away reading the rest oh my god. 

Mr. Translator, is it "stripping" or "skinning"?

Ch. 36 title was translated as "skinning", but 限目 seems to mean "period of time", so I am confused.

Oh woops, I'm getting the two confused. The original thing is called "kawahagi", which means stripping the skin, or just skinning. I had forgotten which word I had used the first time and kept on switching or something. I'll be using the word "stripping" from now on since that one seems like the one I've been using recently. Apologies for the confusion.

Mr. Translator, is it "stripping" or "skinning"?

Ch. 36 title was translated as "skinning", but 限目 seems to mean "period of time", so I am confused.

The hell is up with that guy? Is guro his fetish or something?

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