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* * * * * (4.72 - 1019votes)


Alt Names: alt おじょじょじょalt Ojojojoalt Госпожа во всех смыслах
Author: Cool Kyoushinsha
Artist: Cool Kyoushinsha
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Jigokumeguri Haru is the heiress of one of the largest business empires in all of Japan. She is not only rich, but also practically a celebrity. However, partly because of her heritage and partly because of her arrogant and aloof behavior, she has always been isolated from her peers and has never been able to make friends. Thus she has – without success so far – transferred from school to school to finally find a place where she would be accepted.

This only begins to change when she meets her new classmate Kawayanagi Tsurezure, an outcast weirdo that dresses in 20th century fashion, talks little and smiles even less. Being both somewhat socially awkward, they thus begin an unexpected friendship.
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Topic I don't get it how is this Seinen? New Window NewMangaLover
  • 8 Replies


Well now we know that he is conscious of her xD

This is as close to a "Hey Arnold" manga as we'll ever get.

As always Gramps is the best , thanks Ciel Scans .

he can be, but readers of mangas with  homossexual relationships are still using romance tag wrongly.


Yeah, wasn't arguing that in any part of my comment. If the tag says that it's only for heterosexual couples for simplicity it's like that.

Gramps is awesome. It's official

Long story made short. You're homophobic but don't like the word.

he can be, but readers of mangas with  homossexual relationships are still using romance tag wrongly.

You know after reading this. I had a stroke of genius!
And wonder.
Why is there no Genre marked "Cute"?
It would fit not just this, but quite a few that I have run across. 


Nah, this genre's name is "vanilla".

ohhh, now we use inaccurate loanwords to defame me for stating Batoto... But well, there are tons of people who throw around loanwords and terms without even knowing what they are composed of/is their meaning.
Oh wow, is that actually your defense? Trying to weasel out a new definition for a word already defined in common language by apealing to its Greek origins? Nevermind φόβος (phóbos) also means "aversion".
Good Guy Gramps.

ohhh, now we use inaccurate loanwords to defame me for stating Batoto... But well, there are tons of people who throw around loanwords and terms without even knowing what they are composed of/is their meaning.



Long story made short. You're homophobic but don't like the word.

Man, chapter 10 was a pain to translate. But it's also super funny, so it was worth it XD

You know after reading this. I had a stroke of genius!
And wonder.


Why is there no Genre marked "Cute"?

It would fit not just this, but quite a few that I have run across. 


By whom?  Is this another of your bits of gratuitous homophobia?

ohhh, now we use inaccurate loanwords to defame me for stating Batoto... But well, there are tons of people who throw around loanwords and terms without even knowing what they are composed of/is their meaning.


Loving the pair ~ <3
Gramps is awesome

Just that Theoderich has a bit of a track record. Gay = bad, also sex before marriage = horrible barbaric monkeys.


Don't forget atheists = hedonistic sinners, catholicism = salvation and adult women = whores. Someone should direct that guy towards tumblr already, or point out he would waste less time giving 17th century unenlightened sermons on Batoto if he cared more for his cause than standing on his comfortable digital soapbox.

There are so many individual incidences of d'awww and lighthearted laughs in this one chapter that to try and just grab one would be to miss out on too much.

This entire series just makes me feel warm and happy inside.

I didn't know I could be this quietly happy over just one series.

also, seinen?? really?


The older I get, the more I realize that I need these kinds of low intensity, sweet mangas when I come home from work.  Don't take this away from us.  :-(

we need a vanilla tag (like for nukoduke and other cavities inducing mangas)
also, seinen?? really?

There are times when I feel the demographic tags are misleading, but this isn't one of them--the art style, the character archetypes, and a decent amount of the humour is more seinen than anything else.
However, it's not like I don't know what you mean. Whether by intent or by happenstance, so far this is actually quite endearing and strangely heart-warming, where similar seinen series I've encountered are not (and often make creepy attempts at being titillating). I must say, I vastly prefer this.
PS: As for Vanilla tags... I feel one person's vanilla is another's brine... It's just too subjective. Tags work better when they're demographics, genres, or recognizable plot/setting aspects, rather than opinions. God knows we debate them enough as it is.

This really is one of the most refreshing manga I've read in a while.

we need a vanilla tag (like for nukoduke and other cavities inducing mangas)


also, seinen?? really?

it has quite a refreshing cuteness to it, followed

Cute. Just plain cute. Low in drama, high in cute. My kinda fun.

me too~~


"Any love related story. We will define love as between man and woman in this case. Ohter than that, it's up to you own imagination of what love is."
this is what says when you put your mouse on the romance tag, but i think you alredy saw that, didn't you?

Um, no lad, I didn't.  In fact, the mouse-over thing doesn't work for me.  When I move my mouse over the tags, nothing happens.  Maybe I've got a browser plug-in that messes it up.

I don't think there's a problem with the wording, since there ARE tags specifically for homossexual love stories such as Yuri, Yaoi, Shoujo/Shounen Ai.
People need to stop being so butthurt about sexuality. Everything seems like an excuse for an edgy accusation of homophobia lately.

Just that Theoderich has a bit of a track record. Gay = bad, also sex before marriage = horrible barbaric monkeys.

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