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* * * * * (4.7 - 183votes)

Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"

Alt Names: alt 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」alt Warung Dunia Lain "Nobu"
Author: Semikawa Natsuya
Artist: Virginia Nitouhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called "Nobu" is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. AT the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called "Toriaezu Nama"!
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Topic Need help with proof-read. Anyone is welcome. New Window Loli Mamoritai
  • 6 Replies


For your information:
(text removed)
From last Saturday until now, I don't even have proper sleep yet. From all the learning.
If those Haters do me a favors and don't complain, I think I already finish re-do all chapter yesterday.
Is it too much for me to ask them read version 2.

This clears up a number of things, thank you. There's still a few minor things, but I don't see a reason to continue it here in the comments.
As for everything that was in the credits pages I'll accept my faults here since as I've said, I didn't read any of the chapters since I was waiting for all these things happening to end.

Spoiler for length



For your information:





From last Saturday until now, I don't even have proper sleep yet. From all the learning.

If those Haters do me a favors and don't complain, I think I already finish re-do all chapter yesterday.

Is it too much for me to ask them read version 2.

Well I read chapter 1 and it was great. I assume the front of the shop links different worlds, kind of like Howl's Moving Castle.

Thank you for your suggestion but (sorry for the caps first)
I don't have a group, I don't have a proof-read, I don't have anyone.
That's why I asking people to help me to PROOF-READ the chapter that I just translate. And many kind person help me out, but they are not in my group, they help me out of kindness, I'm not their leader.

Spoiler for length

Thank you for your suggestion but (sorry for the caps first)


I don't have a group, I don't have a proof-read, I don't have anyone.

That's why I asking people to help me to PROOF-READ the chapter that I just translate. And many kind person help me out, but they are not in my group, they help me out of kindness, I'm not their leader.




Have the chapter in hand I want to ask proof-read but I still not done with learning how to manage forum / post script of manga.

So I do it my old way, post in Bato.to and ask for people help again.

Chapter 1 (with Tr0pic0n translate almost done too) and I'm sure I will done with chapter 2 even before I know a thing about manage forum.


SO PLEASE deal with me and my own way with 2 more chapters


I myself don't particularly mind it actually, I'm just voicing a reason why some people got irritated and suggesting a midway solution for it. My apologies the way I present my suggestion is rough. I hope you get a team that can help soon.

wish you can re-add chapter 1 and 2 soon.


I Will do it soon  and I may need your help again.

Enjoy chapter 4 version 2.


Special thank to tlst9999, and everyone else.

wish you can re-add chapter 1 and 2 soon.

Enjoy chapter 4 version 2.


Special thank to tlst9999, and everyone else.

Yes!... huh? ah, not a new chapter...

Just a little suggestion, how about creating a personal translation group blog so people who wanted to help translating can visit that blog instead and only post finished product here. It's not that I don't appreciate the translator group, it's just uploading half finished product in a place where majority of translation groups posts only finished product will confuse a lot of people. Majority people come to Batoto to read finished products, and almost 90% of the time they get finished product as they wanted, so when suddenly they saw unfinished product a lot of them got confused/disappointed/irritated.


It's like people come to food corner ordering a hamburger in a stall and they only got the buns, while other people got exactly hamburger when ordering in the other stall, some people won't mind and tell the waitress understandingly "you haven't put the patties in this burger" while some other will got irritated and sue the stall...


I'm just afraid if your translation group keeps doing it like this, it will invite unnecesary conflicts and you need to address each of angry mobs everytime you uploaded unfinished product here. It's also for your own mental health, less of angry mobs to take care of.


Thank you for your suggestion but (sorry for the caps first)


I don't have a group, I don't have a proof-read, I don't have anyone.

That's why I asking people to help me to PROOF-READ the chapter that I just translate. And many kind person help me out, but they are not in my group, they help me out of kindness, I'm not their leader.




Have the chapter in hand I want to ask proof-read but I still not done with learning how to manage forum / post script of manga.

So I do it my old way, post in Bato.to and ask for people help again.

Chapter 1 (with Tr0pic0n translate almost done too) and I'm sure I will done with chapter 2 even before I know a thing about manage forum.


SO PLEASE deal with me and my own way with 2 more chapters


I promise I will do Chapter 5 properly, Chapter 5 and so on will only upload after It have proof-read.

That uncle and her niece..it almost made me cry with that family moment.. When you think about it, its very realistic. If food from today were sent back in time I am sure it would move hearts to tears. I love how they are smiling and all carefree. Its because their food has no weakness!

I can only wonder why do they still have electricity and I am pretty sure that's her dad not her husband. Why are they even there in the first place?

I hope that the Guard doesn't end up with her. A mere guard is not worthy of her!


To answer your question.


- Why this bar have electricity: because it was a bar from Japanese at the modern time (the same years we live right now)

- You may think that the chef (Nobu) is the waitress (Shinobu) 's dad. But that was wrong. They are a married couple,

There are many married couple like this in Japan and they working together open a bar / restaurant.

- Why are they here in the first place: chapter 2 that I already take down (too many typo, mistake and negative feedback) , have a page, it show the backdoor of this bar / restaurant is a Dokodemo Door ( Doraemon 's Anywhere door ). That backdoor is linked with Street in Tokyo. And you can read again in chapter 1, this world have two moons, that mean this is another world ( "Isekai" in the name of manga ), This world is in medieval ages.


- You hope she didn't end of with that guard: It's okay Japanese Housewife is very faithful, and this is slice of life cooking manga, not some NTR hentai manga. In chapter 2 that I take down I did have a joke "The flag he want to rise with her is broken even before have a chance to trigger". But I think I won't put that joke in chapter 2 re-do.

Just a little suggestion, how about creating a personal translation group blog so people who wanted to help translating can visit that blog instead and only post finished product here. It's not that I don't appreciate the translator group, it's just uploading half finished product in a place where majority of translation groups posts only finished product will confuse a lot of people. Majority people come to Batoto to read finished products, and almost 90% of the time they get finished product as they wanted, so when suddenly they saw unfinished product a lot of them got confused/disappointed/irritated.


It's like people come to food corner ordering a hamburger in a stall and they only got the buns, while other people got exactly hamburger when ordering in the other stall, some people won't mind and tell the waitress understandingly "you haven't put the patties in this burger" while some other will got irritated and sue the stall...


I'm just afraid if your translation group keeps doing it like this, it will invite unnecesary conflicts and you need to address each of angry mobs everytime you uploaded unfinished product here. It's also for your own mental health, less of angry mobs to take care of.

That uncle and her niece..it almost made me cry with that family moment.. When you think about it, its very realistic. If food from today were sent back in time I am sure it would move hearts to tears. I love how they are smiling and all carefree. Its because their food has no weakness!

I can only wonder why do they still have electricity and I am pretty sure that's her dad not her husband. Why are they even there in the first place?

I hope that the Guard doesn't end up with her. A mere guard is not worthy of her!
This group take criticism well and there's good people here too. There was another manga I read and what happened was the group quit doing it after getting negative feedback. I hope more will be like these people here, more helpful. Thank you for the chapters.

*sees my own translations*
I can only cringe
Loli's translation quality is certainly better than mine

It's readable, but gramatically cringing.

@tlst9999: I just want to praise your translate, and I notice 9999 in your name, I'M SORRY but I can't help, I don't wanna offend you. Thank again for the help. I wish you have a good day. *bow in respect*


“Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his translation power?”
“It’s over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!” (Over 9000)

people who whine about translation please do it yourself so we can whine at your translation.

This is a good way to actualy get more translators that want to learn english as they get the syntax and structure of the language and should been helped instead of you guys whinging about syntaxes.

I will thank the people who help the translator to actually learn better english so he can do better next time.

*sees my own translations*

I can only cringe

Loli's translation quality is certainly better than mine


can't thumbs up for you anymore that's why I will use picture instead.





When you've hit the 4th reupload/version of one chapter alone you shouldn't be uploading "scanlations."

Well, if you don't want to read what is likely the only scanlation we will get for this manga, (Unless another group tries to compete) you are free to unfollow it. Then you won't get any notices. ;)

people who whine about translation please do it yourself so we can whine at your translation.

This is a good way to actualy get more translators that want to learn english as they get the syntax and structure of the language and should been helped instead of you guys whinging about syntaxes.

I will thank the people who help the translator to actually learn better english so he can do better next time.




Thank you very much. And we can't delete the 2 months part, I'm sorry that my translate make it weird.


And from what I hear in other forum,

Hildegard is getting married in 2 months, she is 12 years old, and look like it's arranged marriage for her to be the family heir or something. Like europe in medieval time.

what her uncle say and understand like "Only 2 months left and he will spoil her as much as possible in this time until she get married".


I don't know the detail but in japan only chapter 5, that might just a false information or something they discuss.

Anyway, We just can't delete the "2 months" part.


I will fix everything as you suggest as soon as possible.

But If you can, please think again how to fix the last line.



Sure, no sweat. Here's the amendment.




Here's a simple proofread version for chapter 4. It should suffice.






Thank you very much. And we can't delete the 2 months part, I'm sorry that my translate make it weird.


And from what I hear in other forum,

Hildegard is getting married in 2 months, she is 12 years old, and look like it's arranged marriage for her to be the family heir or something. Like europe in medieval time.

what her uncle say and understand like "Only 2 months left and he will spoil her as much as possible in this time until she get married".


I don't know the detail but in japan only chapter 5, that might just a false information or something they discuss.

Anyway, We just can't delete the "2 months" part.


I will fix everything as you suggest as soon as possible.

But If you can, please think again how to fix the last line.

It might be better for everyone involved if the script gets edited before the chapter goes up. Much less work for the scanlator, much less people complaining. As TheDefend suggested, Google Docs is a good way to get people to collaborate while still maintaining control of the document. You can even use the comic's forums as a hub of sorts. If you are trying to crowdsource the editing of this manga, there are better, perhaps easier ways of doing it.

There's still a lot here that should happen before the chapter can be considered fit for release. This is just being called out because it's happening right out in the open rather than behind a group's chat or document. The typesetting in particular is making me shiver a bit. I think that everyone working together like this is great, and there's always things that can be done to improve. Maybe someone has suggested reading this, I'll link it again just in case. EDIT: Read this too!


I'll leave things as is for now, but please remember to keep the discussion civil and lively.


Thank you for your suggest.

I plan to do it but sorry, but write script is harder than i thought, harder than typesetting the whole chapter.


Because I must list like more than 100 lines, and check... hmm... where am I again in this line number 76 ?

Later check, ah... I make a mistake, that line support to be line 75 not 76.


In the chapter have the image so I can't mistake the words.


PS: The script of 10 pages I wrote in "New Topic" take me more than 1 hour, more than the time I typesetting 10 pages.

Sorry but my eyes aren't good enough to see a lot of line (like a matrix).



Please help me again with this chapter.


I don't really know how to write script, so it will be a little slow for me to upload one.


Dear Readers, I'm happy that you are appreciate even my bad work. You can read this chapter at its early access


But please go back and read once more time with chapter 4 version 2 (version 3 or version X)

To have better chapter and better understanding.





Here's a simple proofread version for chapter 4 covered by the spoiler tags. It should suffice.




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