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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 49votes)


Alt Names: alt でぶせん
Author: Ando Yuma
Artist: Asaki Masashi
Genres: Comedy ComedyGender Bender Gender BenderMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The school comedy focuses on the Psychometrer character Mitsuru Fukushima, who has fallen into debt because of his love of cosplay. He plans to commit suicide in the forest around Mount Fuji, but he encounters the dead body of a female teacher named Mitsuko Fukushima who looks just like him. He begins life anew in women's clothing, helping to reform delinquent students.

(Source: ANN)
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I cringed so hard at the cockroach part oh my god



Chapter 59: cutesy romance(and face slicing)
Chapter 61: Cockroach entering someone's ass

This fucking shit man.

All I'll say is that Koyama and Kamiya were too darn cute. 

wait WHAT



I did not notice it either until our dear translator qAlt49yU pointed it out! See http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_21 .


As for Shibatora...


Since Knight is biologically female


wait WHAT

How is this funny?

Like, it's about an obese pervert who crossdresses as a murdered teacher he found while going to commit suicide from his cosplay debts. Every backstory has themes of torture and sexual abuse... 

And yet...




How do you do it Japan.

wtf is a reverse homosexual



Japanese have the tendency to add 'reverse' when it involves a female character instead of a male.

e.g. reverse harem, where the lead is female and surrounded by male characters; reverse trap, where the girl dresses like a boy; etc.


Homosexuals typically refer to 'males' in Japan in popular internet culture instead of what the term actually refer to. Gays are referred as 'gay/homo' while lesbians are referred as 'lez/yuri' for an odd reason(I presume that it's partly due to the internet memes(such as Lewd Midsummer Dream parody, Billy Herrington, etc.) which created all this misconception where homo=gay. While girl on girl relationship didn't have this much... spotlight going on.



Since Knight is biologically female, the other boys decided to refer to him as a homosexual. Maybe presumably because he likes girls. Or maybe because he likes guys? (but since the others consider him as a guy so it's still gay???) Well, could be either way.


Also, I've noticed that Knight's hands on page 8 of chapter 53(http://vatoto.com/reader#55ea3f20d6eb144f_8) is smaller than Bishop's, it might be a subtle hint to where we are at now, haha?


When I've taken time to reread the recently uploaded chapters, it amuses me how each of the King's chess pieces have their own personality and funny quirks which made me love them more:

Despite looking big and strong, Rook is actually weak-willed and get ordered by everyone(chapter 54, page 9 http://vatoto.com/reader#b68413aa29abb312_9; chapter 55 page 4 http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_4 ; chapter 57 page 13 http://vatoto.com/reader#b8fbb690f331aa48_13);

Knight getting all flustered when talking about giant dicks, love hotels, and KoyamaxMitsuko. (Notice how he's the only one to get his face red? chapter 55 page 15 http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_15;chapter 56 page 13 http://vatoto.com/reader#c40c33bc7c9fe0e1_13; chapter 56 page 14 http://vatoto.com/reader#c40c33bc7c9fe0e1_14; chapter 58 page 8 http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_8 KNIGHT IS ACTUALLY A LOVEY-DOVEY TYPE OF PERSON??? Oh yeah again confirmed for being gay and wanting a secret relationship as it's a love hotel with a 'bad reception with bad sight and hearing where anyone can enter'; huh Knight, you actually like big dicks huh.... http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_14 chapter 58 page 14)

Pawn teasing Knight when he's getting all embarrassed and having a blast with it.(chapter 55 page 15 http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_15; chapter 58 page 8-9 http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_8 DOES PAWN LIKES KNIGHT???????)

Bishop who has the craziest reactions and gets in heat when talking about high priest power tripping http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_11(wtf was that?).

... And all are very sensitive to Mitsuru's bad hygiene and react in the most exaggerating way possible. While the King's acting all stoic and not giving it a shit makes this even more hilarious. (Notice how Tateno did not even FLINCH while all the other boys are dying? http://vatoto.com/reader#55ea3f20d6eb144f_16 http://vatoto.com/reader#55ea3f20d6eb144f_19 http://vatoto.com/reader#55ea3f20d6eb144f_20 page 16, 19 and 20 of chapter 53, and page 1 of chapter 54 )


And when they're ordered by King to do their 'mission' they all jump happily like some kids going to a camping trip like it's their first time(here Bishop states how he actually joins the science club because he wanted the chance to capture suspicious creatures: http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_7 ; y'know that Japanese kids love capturing giant beetles? and here all of them are SO EXCITED to get elevated to queen chapter 55 page 20 http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_20 ? chapter 57 page 13 http://vatoto.com/reader#b8fbb690f331aa48_13), and all so enthusiastic about their 'duty'; they're so very... excited by a King taking home a pair of briefs... http://vatoto.com/reader#f4e8b5c3e4012699_18) my gawd, dressing like MIB and stalking Mitsuru like they're all part of a secret conspiracy plot/scoop investigation?, hahaha MY SIDES!!chapter 56 page 10 http://vatoto.com/reader#c40c33bc7c9fe0e1_10 page 11 http://vatoto.com/reader#c40c33bc7c9fe0e1_11 page 12 http://vatoto.com/reader#c40c33bc7c9fe0e1_12; http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_15 chapter 58 page 15)


Inherently, what they are doing is actually bad(kidnapping poor Koyama!), but I can't help but taking giggles at them. They are absolutely convinced what they're doing is good (exposing the lying rapist pig, etc.) and the way they behave totally contradicts what they were aiming for(while they are actually becoming the true perpetrators and they aren't even realising it!)


Even if Knight is a 'reverse homosexual', they've been quite friendly together huh? See how the two immediately calmed down when they've realized that they've pissed off Knight(sensitive issue eh?) : http://vatoto.com/reader#9b251c18704db71e_17chapter 58 page 17

wtf is a reverse homosexual

Alright, plot is confirmed. Photo of uglier girl is her teacher friend before plastic surgery. Teacher friend is killer for one pathetic reason or other.

This is going to be a bloodbath. The message was sent to the wrong (right?) person.


man this manga is so good, thanks for translating!!

Thanks for the 3 chapters in one day!

Thanks for the updates!

That was awful, really awful m8.


And GWS for the TL~

Hope you will get well soon guys!

Sensei Fukushima's genjutsu is silent, but extremely powerful and efficient.

Lol, Silly king just went straight into the dragons lair.


On another note, i forgot how insanely refreshing it is when these blackmail schemes by arrogant characters gets fucked over so much.


I'M SORRY *translates slightly slowly maybe kinda sometimes*

So, who is the best girl?



Glassed-guy (Tateno) really reminds me of Eric Cartman.

Both are textbook psychos and have weird ass hallucinations. Can't wait for Mitsu-sensei to make him cry like a pig. Just like Cartman.

What a wild imagination. Back in my school days I've tot seen my class just like this. Nostalgic~

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