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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 58votes)


Alt Names: alt G-Gantz
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Iijika Keita
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorMystery MysterySchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Gantz spin-off series
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Man this terrible. Gantz may have gotten pretty bad but this is just embarrassing.

I don't understand why so many people dislike Gantz's ending and last ark. I think it's decent, which is quite rare for a manga.

Read this manga.  Forgot the characters.  Plan to re-read this manga from start.....f*ck it. I'll read original gantz from the start since it's good manga (barring its weird ending) and I like it more than this strange manga.

Who the fuck is naiki-kun?

The characters are so unmemorable...

Man this terrible. Gantz may have gotten pretty bad but this is just embarrassing.

Is anyone here capable of understanding moonspeak? What are the last pages talking about, the magazine ones? Why are the ecchi scenes of the original Gantz printed there?


Man this is awful. I can't tell which characters which, hell I can't even tell what genders the characters are.

Are you sure that’s not just your bad eyes?

Man this is awful. I can't tell which characters which, hell I can't even tell what genders the characters are.

RIP Gantz, you will be missed. ,_,

GANTZ. I MISSED YOU!!! So happy to see it's back like this.


The original was so good, an interesting and dark ride. Of course there's bad ass fighting and fan service that makes it seem "cheap" at times.. but I feel there's a lot more to it than that like others have said here. It's a look into what people do in times of chaos.(And not all people are likable I guess...)

whatever it's more gantz


it's odd, it's explicit, i fux with it so bring on the never ending show of weirdness

5 is already out?

no but 4 came out a month ago so it will probibly come out in a week or so.

seems batato is a month behind the rest with releases

5 is already out?

seems batato is a month behind the rest with releases

I was a big fan of Gantz. i hope that they will make spin off about " End the original Gantz " . 



From my poorly made outline of her body, she seems to have the same body shape as the women from the originals series (Massive tits, non existent waist, no ass) which were also ridiculous. Really though, look at her; she has no ass or waist, that's unnatural for a women with breasts that massive (unless they're fake)

You forgot to outline her left arm, which somehow looks slightly larger than her right arm.
Honestly, her right arm just looks pretty small, in proportion to her head (and those titties).

I'm boarding this train for old time's sake.
Bring in the sex,gore,fights and psychologicals break down bitch !

100 hundred chapters too early for all that.

This is going to take years before it becomes interesting. So far nothing original has happened. Plus we're probably going to get the chapter where people keep thinking this is a dream and wake up and they're actually dying from the monster etc.


Pretty much everything we've already seen in Gantz except for worse artwork.

I was surprised to see so many of the characters actually shoot at the aliens, rather than standing there for pages on end, panting.

Those owls are adorable

So one of the girls is part of an idol unit? Guess she'll survive this round, then.

It seems our harem for our MC has been made.

You think the pruning of the characters are done? XD I think not, I think another 10 or so have to die to get our core cast of 7-8 characters ;p

Nah, it looks like that happened while they were cleaning the chapter.

As rep for ShocWave, we're sorry for the blunder. Unfortunately what's done is done but I'll be sure to pay closer attention to edits from now on. Also, when the tank comes out, be sure to get that issue and any other issues resolved.

It seems our harem for our MC has been made.

Only her hand is drawn badly ,but otherwise... questionable? A girl with big tits looks like that.



From my poorly made outline of her body, she seems to have the same body shape as the women from the originals series (Massive tits, non existent waist, no ass) which were also ridiculous. Really though, look at her; she has no ass or waist, that's unnatural for a women with breasts that massive (unless they're fake)

Mod Edit: all large imgs /all vids must be in [spoiler] tags.



I'm no expert, but this anatomy seems questionable at best

Only her hand is drawn badly ,but otherwise... questionable? A girl with big tits looks like that.

I'm boarding this train for old time's sake.

Bring in the sex,gore,fights and psychologicals break down bitch !

Here we go. That's a lot of aliens to handle at once. Didn't they only come in twos and threes at the beginning of each mission in the original series? This time it's a small crowd of hybrid freaks right off the bat. I guess the real gore fest will come next chapter.

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