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Dekisokonai no Monster Trainer

Alt Names: alt A Failure of a Monster Traineralt できそこないの魔獣錬磨師alt 没路用的魔兽炼磨师
Author: Minami Takumi
Artist: Yui
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a world where everyone has a monster crest from birth, a select few rise to become Monster Trainers. Reyn Erhardt, a slime trainer, the lowest of the low, cares nothing for status and just continues his daily regimen of training for his personal slime, Pem-Pem. Yet in school dominated by monsters as grand as dragons, those who cannot hope to rise to the top take out their frustrations on the lowest ones, and Reyn and Pem-Pem make for easy marks. Or do they?
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  • 3 Replies


It never fails to astound me how seriously people take what is supposed to be a light-hearted, self-insert power fantasy. Not every manga is Berserk. 


It... irks me whenever someone uses the "It's not supposed to win awards!" defense whenever any kind of criticism (legitimate or not) is levied against a work of fiction.  It is as you say, this is a "self-insert power fantasy".  The problem is that this particular power fantasy does little to distinguish itself from its peers and plays straight the same tropes and cliches that many, it seems, are growing annoyed with.  This, to me, causes this story to fall into the same general category as the whole "Call of Duty clone" and "Halo clone" debacle that plagued the FPS video game genre.  If you and others want to read this (and the many more like it), go ahead.  No one is stopping you and no one is criticizing you, specifically, for reading them.  You just need to accept the fact that there are people reading this that dislike how the story appears to be progressing and are utilizing the resources on this site (namely the comments section) to voice their opinions.  Is that not what this section is for? To comment on the story as it progresses?

Dragon can't fly or something? If it was me, I tell it to fly while rain pew pew down.

I swear, this manga feels like it's a mobile game.


You mean you have to pay micro-transactions to keep playing after a certain amount of time or "rush" time-based mechanics?

It never fails to astound me how seriously people take what is supposed to be a light-hearted, self-insert power fantasy. Not every manga is Berserk. 

Sorry to wake you up to reality, but the Dragon is a creature that is present in many different cultures and in every single one of them he is a being that is close to godhood.


Also, who cares if a dragon doesn't exist in reality, not once did I say that he does, and no it's not "in my imagination", having a nigh invulnerable body is one characteristic that pretty much any dragon in any work of fiction shares with each other, same with his every other characteristic, even in that Reign of Fire film, which uses a more realistic version of how a dragon would be.

Oriental dragons are not even classified as reptiles, they may come from the "evolution" of a carp(fish) or from a snake(reptile)(both end up with the same appearence), then they become something else entirely.


And no even an author has to follow certain guidelines to create his story, otherwise his story will sound forced, and will contradict what most people know about a certain monster or legend, making it hard to both relate and accept, hence why certain stories don't work out in the end. Need I remind you of the Twilight series?


In European mythology there was many a knight who was known to slay a dragon.  Hence in some literature, Dragon Knight.   Many times a dragon knight was not one who fought alongside or even to protect dragon(s), but slew them instead.  Also, dragons in modern fiction are not always indestructible.  Take the Book by Green, Blue Moon Rising.  The dragon there is a comrade to the protagonist, but ends up dying in the end.


I have to refute your claim that all authors have to follow certain guidelines to create their stories, in that I take it to mean they cannot go against commonly held beliefs, whether real or fictional.  If that were true then there would be nothing but the same old same old when it comes to fiction.  That is the beauty of fiction, you can create your own world, with it's own logic and beliefs.  If you want to mix it all up and change it around, those people who only want to read the same old stuff over and over again will avoid it, but those who enjoy fresh ideas and concepts will read it.


BTW, if we have to follow certain already known guidelines, we would not be on this thing known as the internet, fly through the skies, (are you crazy, fly like a BIRD!?) or have any of the other benefits of technology, all possible because very driven and intelligent people risked their lives to gain and disseminate knowledge that went against all commonly held beliefs during the majority of human existence.


Food for thought y'all.

Gotta disagree with you there pal. Just because dragons are presented one way in certain cultures doesn't mean that the author has to follow it. Of course, if they do then it comes across as a deeper level of story telling, like giving characters names that have a certain meaning in the real world which emphasise their personality, but it is up to the author how much they want to pull from other stories.
Consider the difference in how elves are presented in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Those are two vastly different concepts.

Just FYI LOTR elves are based on the original Norse/Germanic myths of "alfar" (the word elf is derived from the same root)


It is not until much later that the word elf became conflated with the french loan word fairy.

From there it became associated with other diminutive supernatural beings of british folklore, hence the difference. This is where we get the HP and christmas elves from.


So both authors followed cultural examples.


Though it is fine for authors to not follow cultural examples, the pedestal that these dragons were put on by the author kinda makes you think "not this shit again" when the "oh so weak bottom rung" slime wins against it.


Still reading this though (Yes I have a problem)

I'm sorry to wake you up from your chuuni dream, but you know... it's a fiction. Dragons are not real. Whatever you think you know about dragons being different from animals or being able to be defeated only with a spell, is just your imagination. And the creator of this story has total right to imagine it different way. Seriously, dragons are not real beings and they have no particular characteristics that every manga author has to obey.

Author/Story itself says Gods and Dragons are at the highest level.
Dragon loses to slime at the weakest.

Consistency? Clearly. The main character is always the strongest

I would actually find it quite amusing if the slime didn't have some secret special power and was just damn near impossible to kill by vitrue of being a living blob of goo. Literally just keep using tackle until they give up from frustration or succumb to exhaustion.
Imagine it like you'd be watching a battle between a real monster and a Magikarp with infinite health.

That was the plot that i want.
Sigh what a pain. To be dragon lose against slime :/ even so tiny slime.... It just like... that. Manga nowdays sigh.

I'm sorry to wake you up from your chuuni dream, but you know... it's a fiction. Dragons are not real. Whatever you think you know about dragons being different from animals or being able to be defeated only with a spell, is just your imagination. And the creator of this story has total right to imagine it different way. Seriously, dragons are not real beings and they have no particular characteristics that every manga author has to obey.

Still.... slime vs dragon..... this manga dragon are retarded XD

Sorry to wake you up to reality, but the Dragon is a creature that is present in many different cultures and in every single one of them he is a being that is close to godhood.


Also, who cares if a dragon doesn't exist in reality, not once did I say that he does, and no it's not "in my imagination", having a nigh invulnerable body is one characteristic that pretty much any dragon in any work of fiction shares with each other, same with his every other characteristic, even in that Reign of Fire film, which uses a more realistic version of how a dragon would be.

Oriental dragons are not even classified as reptiles, they may come from the "evolution" of a carp(fish) or from a snake(reptile)(both end up with the same appearence), then they become something else entirely.


And no even an author has to follow certain guidelines to create his story, otherwise his story will sound forced, and will contradict what most people know about a certain monster or legend, making it hard to both relate and accept, hence why certain stories don't work out in the end. Need I remind you of the Twilight series?

Gotta disagree with you there pal. Just because dragons are presented one way in certain cultures doesn't mean that the author has to follow it. Of course, if they do then it comes across as a deeper level of story telling, like giving characters names that have a certain meaning in the real world which emphasise their personality, but it is up to the author how much they want to pull from other stories.


Consider the difference in how elves are presented in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Those are two vastly different concepts.

I'm sorry to wake you up from your chuuni dream, but you know... it's a fiction. Dragons are not real. Whatever you think you know about dragons being different from animals or being able to be defeated only with a spell, is just your imagination. And the creator of this story has total right to imagine it different way. Seriously, dragons are not real beings and they have no particular characteristics that every manga author has to obey.

Sorry to wake you up to reality, but the Dragon is a creature that is present in many different cultures and in every single one of them he is a being that is close to godhood.


Also, who cares if a dragon doesn't exist in reality, not once did I say that he does, and no it's not "in my imagination", having a nigh invulnerable body is one characteristic that pretty much any dragon in any work of fiction shares with each other, same with his every other characteristic, even in that Reign of Fire film, which uses a more realistic version of how a dragon would be.

Oriental dragons are not even classified as reptiles, they may come from the "evolution" of a carp(fish) or from a snake(reptile)(both end up with the same appearence), then they become something else entirely.


And no even an author has to follow certain guidelines to create his story, otherwise his story will sound forced, and will contradict what most people know about a certain monster or legend, making it hard to both relate and accept, hence why certain stories don't work out in the end. Need I remind you of the Twilight series?

I swear, this manga feels like it's a mobile game.

Slime = Cant dead. They always can regenerate.

More attack, More defend =  More exp

More exp = Lvlup to MAX

MAX = Overpower.

so this manga about OVERPOWER !

I'm sorry to wake you up from your chuuni dream, but you know... it's a fiction. Dragons are not real. Whatever you think you know about dragons being different from animals or being able to be defeated only with a spell, is just your imagination. And the creator of this story has total right to imagine it different way. Seriously, dragons are not real beings and they have no particular characteristics that every manga author has to obey.

That's just what the government wants you to think! Just like aliens, bigfoot and Klimpaloon (The Magical Old-Timey Bathing Suit Who Lives In The Himalayas), they're sweeping Dragons and other fantastical happenings under the rug so they can continue running the jaded, totalitarian cesspool of unhappiness that is Earth! Dr. Zoidberg was right about them!

That was... Yeah, okay, that was kind of anti-climactic. And more than a little cliche to be honest.

A sudden transformation into a super-move that the author only bothers to explain after it's done, and said move is supposedly commonplace yet the dragon girl didn't even once think that the protagonist's secret for his earlier victory was due to said "Sublimination" move? Even when she's supposedly some high-level monster trainer that no doubt should have at least been knowledgable about that by now?

It honestly seems like the author couldn't think of an interesting way for a slime to beat a dragon without some cheap gimmick and just used aforementioned gimmick once they ran out of time to write the story.

Shame really, this manga started off pretty good, but I can already see the signs of mediocrity coming to the forefront, especially with that egotistical, classically overpowered protagonist one-liner at the end, complete with douchey 'I-wanna-punch-it' sniffle/monkey smile.

Haah, I'll check on it occasionally to see if my expectations for it prove wrong, but from what I can see it's not looking very good in terms of quality right now.

Slime evolved into Metal slime! (And you DQ guys know what that means. XD )

Lol, main character wasn't even supposed to win, even asspulled a massive amount of power to even do what he did,  and that scene was so sickening I almost puked on my keyboard. I was wrong to even give this series a slight benefit of doubt...


Please forgive me for the next few lines, but here I go:


MC locks Ziels mouth with his technique, and gives an animal planet explanation on how crocodiles don't have enough strength to open their mouth...     

Would you freaking wake up author?


A Dragon is not a crocodile, nor an animal for that matter, and it's not even that easy to classify them as reptiles due to their magical nature and abilities;

A Slime gains enough of a boost to overpower a dragon? Do you even know what a dragon really is at this point?


Their scales are so hard even a spell(that's the only way to defeat a dragon, magic) finds it hard to penetrate his defenses, a sword and a cannon can barely even scratch it. A Simple temporary boost on a weak creature would NEVER make up for this difference, unless god himself descended and gave a small part of his power to said weak monster.


This plot twist is so idiotic if feels like an insult to both reader's and that princess-like-dragon-using character, so idiotic in fact, that saying to myself, "screw science, even in fantasy terms that was utter bullshit".


Sorry, please continue with your comments, i'm out.

A certain tree is a dragon. Your point is invalid.

With all those breasts and panty shots I think the artist/author should go make adult content instead

i have read some h-manga and doujin with the same kind of art and author name like this one

possibly the same artist

A Dragon is not a crocodile, nor an animal for that matter, and it's not even that easy to classify them as reptiles due to their magical nature and abilities;

A Slime gains enough of a boost to overpower a dragon? Do you even know what a dragon really is at this point?


Their scales are so hard even a spell(that's the only way to defeat a dragon, magic) finds it hard to penetrate his defenses, a sword and a cannon can barely even scratch it. A Simple temporary boost on a weak creature would NEVER make up for this difference, unless god himself descended and gave a small part of his power to said weak monster.

I'm sorry to wake you up from your chuuni dream, but you know... it's a fiction. Dragons are not real. Whatever you think you know about dragons being different from animals or being able to be defeated only with a spell, is just your imagination. And the creator of this story has total right to imagine it different way. Seriously, dragons are not real beings and they have no particular characteristics that every manga author has to obey.

With all those breasts and panty shots I think the artist/author should go make adult content instead







I call fucking bull.

What, she falls down just like that? Sigh, I was hoping for her to actually take a few hits personally but I guess this isn't that kind of series.

Lol, main character wasn't even supposed to win, even asspulled a massive amount of power to even do what he did,  and that scene was so sickening I almost puked on my keyboard. I was wrong to even give this series a slight benefit of doubt...


Please forgive me for the next few lines, but here I go:


MC locks Ziels mouth with his technique, and gives an animal planet explanation on how crocodiles don't have enough strength to open their mouth...     

Would you freaking wake up author?


A Dragon is not a crocodile, nor an animal for that matter, and it's not even that easy to classify them as reptiles due to their magical nature and abilities;

A Slime gains enough of a boost to overpower a dragon? Do you even know what a dragon really is at this point?


Their scales are so hard even a spell(that's the only way to defeat a dragon, magic) finds it hard to penetrate his defenses, a sword and a cannon can barely even scratch it. A Simple temporary boost on a weak creature would NEVER make up for this difference, unless god himself descended and gave a small part of his power to said weak monster.


This plot twist is so idiotic if feels like an insult to both reader's and that princess-like-dragon-using character, so idiotic in fact, that saying to myself, "screw science, even in fantasy terms that was utter bullshit".


Sorry, please continue with your comments, i'm out.

What, she falls down just like that? Sigh, I was hoping for her to actually take a few hits personally but I guess this isn't that kind of series.

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