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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 140votes)


Alt Names: alt ねねねalt 呐呐呐alt Nen Ne no Ne
Author: Otousan
Artist: Hagiwara Daisuke
Genres: Historical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In order to benefit their families, Koyuki (Age 16) was wed to Shin (Age 37). Despite the large age gap, both are exceedingly inexperienced in the matters of love, so they never quite know how to act around each other. To make matters worse, Shin is forbidden from being physically involved with Koyuki until she turns 20. In this environment, how will they form a proper husband-wife relationship?
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Topic I SHOULD have known... this is another daisuke New Window PieceOfSchmittGames
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Nevertheless, pedophilia is an interesting word to describe it.

ok ye i'll give you that. 16 isn't pedophilia anymore. still sketch though.



Going by the style of dress, some of the backgrounds, and mentions of "The West", I'd put this as being set sometime between 1870-1920.  At that point in time, age of consent in Western countries was just being raised to 16.  In addition, the age of Marriage in Japan for women was 16 with parental consent for a long period of time, so I don't think there is a legal issue with this manga.


But yeah, it is kinda sketch for a 37 year old to be married to a 16 year old from a 21st century point of view.  But hell, it's still cuter than heck.

hagiwara daisuke has such a nice art style, and otousan makes weird but cute stuff. :)

ye, i am judging it from a 21st century pov, but then again the story is being written in the 21st century, even if it takes place like 100 years ago. even if it's for "historical accuracy," a 37 yo and a 16 yo is kinda concerning. i mean, stuff like that still happens in many places around the world, but it's generally not romanticized, you know? and waiting until both partners can be considered mature adults who can consent isn't usually framed as an additional obstacle, y'know? it's more like a solution to "this relationship is in kinda iffy territory in terms of age difference, so what do we do?" rather than "man we're like 20 years apart in age and even worse we're not allowed to do married couple-y things!"

maybe it's just how the english summary was phrased, i didn't read the summary in japanese, it could just be a translation thing.

i don't know about you, but i'd find someone in their late 30s dating a high schooler is be kinda sketch. also, i'm pretty sure the effective age of consent in most of japan is 18 by prefectural law.

don't get me wrong, i'm not judging anyone reading this. i'm following the japanese releases on gangan myself. the fact that shin has been socially isolated for the most part and hasn't been able to mature emotionally in many ways is what i'm personally using to justify it.


Nevertheless, pedophilia is an interesting word to describe it.

i don't know about you, but i'd find someone in their late 30s dating a high schooler is be kinda sketch. also, i'm pretty sure the effective age of consent in most of japan is 18 by prefectural law.
don't get me wrong, i'm not judging anyone reading this. i'm following the japanese releases on gangan myself. the fact that shin has been socially isolated for the most part and hasn't been able to mature emotionally in many ways is what i'm personally using to justify it.

Going by the style of dress, some of the backgrounds, and mentions of "The West", I'd put this as being set sometime between 1870-1920.  At that point in time, age of consent in Western countries was just being raised to 16.  In addition, the age of Marriage in Japan for women was 16 with parental consent for a long period of time, so I don't think there is a legal issue with this manga.


But yeah, it is kinda sketch for a 37 year old to be married to a 16 year old from a 21st century point of view.  But hell, it's still cuter than heck.

Pedophilia? When she's 16 years old? Interesting.....

i don't know about you, but i'd find someone in their late 30s dating a high schooler is be kinda sketch. also, i'm pretty sure the effective age of consent in most of japan is 18 by prefectural law.

don't get me wrong, i'm not judging anyone reading this. i'm following the japanese releases on gangan myself. the fact that shin has been socially isolated for the most part and hasn't been able to mature emotionally in many ways is what i'm personally using to justify it.

This is so cute?????? Like I normally can't tolerate age differences this high, but this!!!!! Is!!!!! Adorable!!!!!

i think the cockblocking is preferable to pedophilia...


Pedophilia? When she's 16 years old? Interesting.....

This is going to be Infinite Cockblock Manga won't it

i think the cockblocking is preferable to pedophilia...

MC is awesome, heroine is so cute



This is going to be Infinite Cockblock Manga won't it


I wouldn't go that far. Maybe just CockMasking.

Oh god, this title reminded me of Me Me Me (don't look up and watch the video if you have weak, poor or Christian heart condition)
    • TSP likes this


you should try Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai's page. there's a friggin long rabble on pedophilia and lolicon-ism.
i know debating in academic discussion can insinuate how intelligent you are but c'mon, it's fiction!



Diabetes aside, thanks for the scanlation. A++ Quality everything, there.

This is going to be Infinite Cockblock Manga won't it

Next month!? Oh come onn. I already miss my sugar this week

Cheesus crisp, the comment page...

you should try Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai's page. there's a friggin long rabble on pedophilia and lolicon-ism.

i know debating in academic discussion can insinuate how intelligent you are but c'mon, it's fiction!

Cheesus crisp, the comment page...

I think people need to realize that arranged marriage is a very different process in different places around the world, has varied greatly over time, and is only one of many factors that determine success and happiness in a marital relationship. People can be happy in an arranged marriage, and miserable in a 'love' marriage. Generalizations are dumb.


At least where I'm from, arranged marriages are very common but the way they're arranged is extremely different nowadays. Rather than the family deciding who their kid is going to marry and that being the end of it, now it's closer to a family-mediated interview/date process. The parents come across someone that they like or that they think would be a good match for their child, and contact the other family (alternatively, the child takes interest in someone and asks their permission for their two families to meet). Boy & girl meet up alongside their parents and siblings, talk about stuff, if they feel something for each other than they can arrange more meetings both in front of the family or in private. Can go on until they decide that the other person is/is not a good marriage candidate for them - but in every single case I've seen, the children have the final say. For some the process takes months; my mom and dad met each other and got married two weeks later.


Attitudes about divorce are also much better nowadays, although it's still quite a problem in rural areas that suffer from a lack of education. But obviously this too is something that is not intrinsic to arranged marriages, as is the idea of people being forced into them. 


The big difference is that the approach to marriage here has a basis in logic as much as compatibility. The discussions are as much practical as they are social. What does this person value in a spouse? How would he/she like to raise kids? What are their priorities in life? Even sexual preferences? This allows the marriage to start with confidence in each other's character, and then emotional affection forms afterwards. 


It's a different approach, and it works amazingly for some people, and not for others. Just like every approach to marriage that exists.

He did say "Empirically." It's a cool word.

It wouldn't be a surprise if looking strictly at statistics arranged marriages have less issues, since in those situations people generally feel as though they need to put effort into making the relationship work or at least deal with it for the sake of their family, or honor, or not being cut off from the family, or whatever the cultural case may be.


Lots of people thinking strictly from their culture's viewpoints around here.


Different time periods, different places, for some people marriage was/is just a thing you do and whoever you get set up with is who you get, and you make the best of it. Not saying it's the best or the worst or whatever, but trying to attack a the concept of arranged marriages when none of us are from a culture that practices it seems pretty silly.


Coming from a culture where arranged marriages have been and still are relatively prevalent in some social circles, I can say that a vast majority of these arranged marriages aren't happy ones. Both parties are generally forced into a relationship that neither of them want, but are basically forced to remain in that commitment for the rest of their lives or face social persecution and suicide. In the past several decades, constraints have been eased and more people feel like they can leave a hopeless marriage, thanks to westernization, but many more remain. The women particularly have it hard. My grandmother took care of my grandfather until his passing, even though there was little to no love in their union. He gave a her a pittance of an allowance and kept all the money to himself. She bought clothes for herself once every five years for two decades because of his stinginess. Even when he acquired dementia, and began ranting and raving, throwing his shit at her and the like, she cleaned him, the house, and cared for him until he died because it was her duty as a wife. 

Arranged marriages are bullshit. Just because a smaller percentage of them break up compared to normal ones doesn't mean that those are good marriages. Being tied to another person that you probably don't love until the day one of you die isn't a better alternative to being married to the one you think you love, mess up, and move on. 

I feel like I was purified by reading this manga

Just realized it's the same artist as Horimiya. The girl remiinds me of that little imouto/neighbor character.

The tragic part is being in a situation like that in the first place. And are you seriously saying that love-based marriages are tragic because bad things can happen? How fucking edgy are you?

He did say "Empirically." It's a cool word.

It wouldn't be a surprise if looking strictly at statistics arranged marriages have less issues, since in those situations people generally feel as though they need to put effort into making the relationship work or at least deal with it for the sake of their family, or honor, or not being cut off from the family, or whatever the cultural case may be.


Lots of people thinking strictly from their culture's viewpoints around here.


Different time periods, different places, for some people marriage was/is just a thing you do and whoever you get set up with is who you get, and you make the best of it. Not saying it's the best or the worst or whatever, but trying to attack a the concept of arranged marriages when none of us are from a culture that practices it seems pretty silly.

Oooh... the author is Otousan the mangaka of Uchi no Maou mmm...~!


And the story is super sweet, followed mmm...~!

>arranged marriages
>the standard of every culture for the past 5000 years
>normally tragic

Empirically the thing considered "tragic" is a marriage based on love. Because if you look at statistics , one party is either executed or forced to watch as their lover gets knocked up by some feudal lord. Women don't have it much better, being abandoned by their lover of higher social status and forced to raise their bastard until the discussion of inheritance comes up.

The tragic part is being in a situation like that in the first place. And are you seriously saying that love-based marriages are tragic because bad things can happen? How fucking edgy are you?

More than 50% of the world's population are in two countries, which as it just so happens practise arranged marriages. Bit of a biased statistic if you ask me.


It would be biased if the statistic was only ran in these two countries and the figure would be 90%+

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