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* * * * * (4.5 - 78votes)

Red Sprite

Alt Names: alt レッドスプライト
Author: Yagi Tomohiro
Artist: Yagi Tomohiro
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasySci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Everything starts at a remote region of the Edenia Kingdom in the small abandoned Cathedral's Orphanage...
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Aaaand it got axed. Press F to pay respects.

Well, we all knew this was going to get axed. Anyways, Mono's a girl.

Thanks you for reading?  are you kidding me? come on man, don't do me like that. damn it

how this get axed but not black clover?


different cultures can be such a pain sometimes. 

Yeah, some cultures have more jerks than others.

Artwise they are comparable. Storywise? Both are full of cliché, but BC at least do it right and interesting. Red Sprite was doomed to be axed in WSJ from the very beginning.

It never really had anything to pull it along, except the vague gathering of friends thing who weren't really described as being in peril anyway. Quick pace but no momentum. 

how this get axed but not black clover?


different cultures can be such a pain sometimes. 


Well it seems your feelings were correct. Axed

At this point he should just switch magazines and continue this manga there.

Yep, this is gonna be axed.


I can just feel it...

Well it seems your feelings were correct. Axed

*reads comments*


wait Mono is a guy?


*looks again*


oh yeah he's wearing pants on the beginning (girls wear skirts)

no just not monthly

Only problem with monthly is when the author decides on a hiatus. Those are a pain. Other than that that's also a possibility. I mean this author's One Shots are all high quality, i don't understand why he hasn't got an invitation from a magazine that's not all about hard work and friendship

Everyone seems so surprised by this, as if it wasn't implied from the beginning.
I mean, sure, he checked off every flag for "actually I'm a girl" since then. And his enthusiasm with his thunder-charging-tentacles now raises a few more additional questions... is that shounen-ai I smell in my Jump manga? But the only thing betraying y'all is your own genre-savviness :'p

Every, single, mother, fucking, flag.


And there's like 5 of them!

he should try with Square, I think he could do a better job in a monthly magazine

no just not monthly

This manga is good, but not good enough to stay alive in WSJ I guess mmm...

he should try with Square, I think he could do a better job in a monthly magazine

Also, on a side note, Mono is apparently a guy. A guy

Everyone seems so surprised by this, as if it wasn't implied from the beginning.
I mean, sure, he checked off every flag for "actually I'm a girl" since then. And his enthusiasm with his thunder-charging-tentacles now raises a few more additional questions... is that shounen-ai I smell in my Jump manga? But the only thing betraying y'all is your own genre-savviness :'p

I can't help but imagine Mono going "PiiiiikaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" each and every time Mono uses the Lightning. XD

If it's going to be animated i really want to hear Otani Ikue as his(!!!) VA.

Do you actually want it to be axed or not?  :huh:

Nah, I like this author quite a bit.


It's just that.... why is something like a last boss appearing already???

Also, on a side note, Mono is apparently a guy. A guy


I can't help but imagine Mono going "PiiiiikaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" each and every time Mono uses the Lightning. XD


That's definitely a 100.000 Volt Thunder there on the last page. :P

I can't help but imagine Mono going "PiiiiikaaaaaaCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" each and every time Mono uses the Lightning. XD

This manga is good, but not good enough to stay alive in WSJ I guess mmm...

Yep, this is gonna be axed.


I can just feel it...


Do you actually want it to be axed or not?  :huh:

Yep, this is gonna be axed.


I can just feel it...

Anyone else think that at the rate its going, Mono will become the psycho of the team? :P



did love rush already end??


Probably. It's going to be ended soon after Love Rush! Just when it got better...

did love rush already end??

No folks, the title is in reference to the fight they are currently in. By stopping the assault, this will be the "final" battle of the war against that country.

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