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Isekai Shihai no Skill Taker: Zero kara Hajimeru Dorei Harem

Alt Names: alt 異世界支配のスキルテイカー~ゼロから始める奴隷ハーレム~alt 이세계 지배의 스킬테이커 ~제로에서 시작하는 이세계 하렘~alt Otherworld Ruling Skill Taker: Starting a Slave Harem from Zero
Author: Kankitsu Yusura
Artist: Tsurugi Hagane
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremMartial Arts Martial ArtsShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Konoe Yuuto is a genius martial artist who is summoned to a different world where slave trading is legal. There, using his "Skill Taker" cheat ability, he steals the abilities of monsters he defeats, and starts building a slave harem while hoping to live a carefree life after retirement.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Wow, so much whining... Guys, this is a fad, a clearly profitable fad, in Japan right now. When it is a fad people seek to profit from it as much as possible (see internet bubble) until it dies down. Besides, we are (I assume) westerners, why should Japanese editors, mangaka or publishers give a damn what we like (or think) if it is profitable in Japan. If it stops being profitable then it will be axed, but the fact that these are still being published as much as they are means people (in Japan) are still buying it. So, the best people here can do is stop reading. That's it. Nothing more. Your voices are not being heard (unless you are sending angry letters to the publisher, which they would have to then translate...) So, to those who don't like this type of story: why are you on this page? Isekai is in the flipping title. Trolls? Also, some of the best storytellers keep their embarrassing stories from their childhood, tweak them slightly, and publish them for great profit. I will try and find some examples next time my computer decides to work... And "self insertion" (no pun intended) is extremely popular in Japan, as, who wouldn't want to find themselves in a situation they basically control and can do w/e they want with? It's called sandbox. See: the Sims, Spore, Minecraft (et all), and many more. Just 'cause it isn't your fantasy doesn't mean it isn't others' nor does it make it any less relevant. (Think of me what you will, I didn't reply to any in particular because I have no intention of singling anyone out)


Isekai is not the problem, the problem is that its badly written isekai.


Its like going to an art exhibition and its full of blank canvases "showcasing the futility of human existence" or some other nonsense. The artists are obviously not even trying.

If the loli becomes the object of his perversion I'll be done.  Maybe that'd be for the better anyway.

Wow, so much whining... Guys, this is a fad, a clearly profitable fad, in Japan right now. When it is a fad people seek to profit from it as much as possible (see internet bubble) until it dies down. Besides, we are (I assume) westerners, why should Japanese editors, mangaka or publishers give a damn what we like (or think) if it is profitable in Japan. If it stops being profitable then it will be axed, but the fact that these are still being published as much as they are means people (in Japan) are still buying it. So, the best people here can do is stop reading. That's it. Nothing more. Your voices are not being heard (unless you are sending angry letters to the publisher, which they would have to then translate...) So, to those who don't like this type of story: why are you on this page? Isekai is in the flipping title. Trolls? Also, some of the best storytellers keep their embarrassing stories from their childhood, tweak them slightly, and publish them for great profit. I will try and find some examples next time my computer decides to work... And "self insertion" (no pun intended) is extremely popular in Japan, as, who wouldn't want to find themselves in a situation they basically control and can do w/e they want with? It's called sandbox. See: the Sims, Spore, Minecraft (et all), and many more. Just 'cause it isn't your fantasy doesn't mean it isn't others' nor does it make it any less relevant. (Think of me what you will, I didn't reply to any in particular because I have no intention of singling anyone out)

Forget that stupid Loli! We have Hot Demoness Pun!!



Someone in Japan needs to revitalize other genres. Why do publishers fall for these repetitive stories?

Because they're cheap to license (many come from Japan's own fanfiction.net) and easy to get readers (self insertion).

Someone in Japan needs to revitalize other genres. Why do publishers fall for these repetitive stories?

>MC instantly gets OP powers

>high schooler knows martial arts that can easily kill heavily armed adults with his bare hands, despite being a short and skinny japanese boy

>instantly becomes rich from killing the people who summoned him

>instantly makes a cat/dog girl fall madly in love with him to the point where she wants to be his slave, not his lover but his SLAVE

>spends 700k+ buying another slave, who was supposed to be a prideful knight but started lusting for the MC's cock within 5 pages of meeting him

>video game mechanics

>[ chuuni skill names ]

>[ retarded brackets ]

>stealing "skills"

>MC's main goal is to get a harem of 100 slave girls (but its totally OK because he treats them nice, just like Re:Monster!)

>nobody actually believes he wants to get home considering that 99% of this manga is about the MC having ecchi fantasies about sex slaves

>art is mediocre for an ecchi series

>characters don't actually behave like real people, the vampire guy was making the most ridiculous facial expressions like a kid pretending to be a super villain, every girl acts like a robot who's sole purpose in life is to fuck the MC, etc

>despite being a medieval fantasy setting, they have literally every modern conveniece ranging from lingerie to modern showers with hot water in inns


If you ever had someone show you a really embarrassing self insert fantasy that he wrote as a kid, this would be it. Except that most people grow up and try to forget the embarrassing stuff they did as a kid, while the author actually puts pen to paper without wanting to crawl into a hole and die.


You know, like how Ainz gets super embarrassed when he remembers the chuuni shit he did? The author is like that but he's actually proud of it and wants to show off while everyone else is cringing or laughing.


I have to seriously wonder how much money the author bribed the editor with to get this published. I mean, the publisher MUST have received better manuscripts than this. Its literally impossible not to.

I'd say this manga is just shooting its own foot. Either the manga had to be censored by making the MC into a sterile twat, or that the author is just insane.
either way, we have a story about someone who dreams of sex, has a group of girls who are willing and are extremely available, and even after rejecting all of their offers for a higher level of intimacy, he actually dares to behave like a horny little 12 years old who just realized what sex is, and actually thinks of pursuing it.

If this was supposed to be a "clever parody of the genre", it's doing too good of a job because it went full-retard.
I'm just here because it's extremely easy to read and I can forget about it after 5 minutes, but it's really not hard to tell this is horribly written, even for Isekai standards. And that's saying a lot.

This was somewhat interesting in the beginning. It has gotten repetitive and boring since. I can't even call it fan service for I don't fancy any of the female (or male) characters after they've been reduced to constantly sweating baggage. The main character is annoying and I can't even remember if there is a storyline and what it is all about.


The only positive thing that comes to mind is that I can unfollow this and stop caring. Which I did. Good riddance!  

So many low votes...
Are there that too many SJWs Triggered by simple fanservice?

There are plently of highly rated fanservice manga. As well as isekai, which are almost universally full of fanservice.

Don't try to make excuses. People just don't like the show because they think it is bad.


hmm, fanservice aside, this somehow become less interesting for me ...

it's like the fanservice itself get too forced in this chapter or something ...

even TLR, Yuragi and such have better event than this one ...

Fan service is one thing, but "ordinary everyday highschooler except he's mastered the best of every martial art and experiences no hesitation/discomfort while killing sentient creatures with his bare hands" is just criminal; 3/5 seems about right.

given how ridiculous everything else in here, its probably being said tongue in cheek by the author, especially considering the mc doesnt seem to have his head screwed on straight 

Sir! I'll have you know that these women would line up and offer themselves to me just for the chance to bear my cheat skilled children. For I am the hero that could make the world grovel at my feet.



Just kidding, I'd use mind control. Still rape yeah, but it's better because they wouldn't cry.

That is dark.

Fan service is one thing, but "ordinary everyday highschooler except he's mastered the best of every martial art and experiences no hesitation/discomfort while killing sentient creatures with his bare hands" is just criminal; 3/5 seems about right.

Yeah, I'd say 3/5 is fair. This manga is great because it doesn't even try and be some edgy bullshit manga with a semblance of a plot. Instead, this is just a massive joke manga and I freaking love it for it! Just look at the art style! It fits this style of story perfectly! The rating system is a bad indication of quality to begin with. As an isekai, this is shit. The quality of its story is shit. But as a comedy, this is great.

...Okay, great's pretty subjective. But there're maid outfits, tits, ass, and animal ears. And that's enough for me :D

So many low votes...
Are there that too many SJWs Triggered by simple fanservice?

Fan service is one thing, but "ordinary everyday highschooler except he's mastered the best of every martial art and experiences no hesitation/discomfort while killing sentient creatures with his bare hands" is just criminal; 3/5 seems about right.

i think they combined arms with those guys who hated isekai for absolutely no reason other than "it's isekai". or it's really just the Victorian SJWs who totally hates fanservice and somehow got lost here

Personally, I think they search for it to vote low out of spite, with some bizarre rational such as "it will influence anything in Japan," or "mangaka are waisting their time" etc. What they don't understand is that American (or otherwise western, or if you want to truly look at reality, anything other than Japanese) views are secondary (or less) and these continue to be produced because the people they are produced for are still buying them...
But it doesn't matter, the people down voting these types of manga aren't going to read the comments (forms, etc) and so they will never know just how meaningless their actions are...

So many low votes...
Are there that too many SJWs Triggered by simple fanservice?


i think they combined arms with those guys who hated isekai for absolutely no reason other than "it's isekai". or it's really just the Victorian SJWs who totally hates fanservice and somehow got lost here

Even more rape than Genghis? :doubt:

Sir! I'll have you know that these women would line up and offer themselves to me just for the chance to bear my cheat skilled children. For I am the hero that could make the world grovel at my feet.



Just kidding, I'd use mind control. Still rape yeah, but it's better because they wouldn't cry.

So many low votes...
Are there that too many SJWs Triggered by simple fanservice?

And suddenly we get a maid Darkness.

You called me goshujin sama!?bb32c7b10e7a1ab8021abae604e3f11c--aqua-m

A slave harem filled with busty maids, this MC has excellent taste, it's too bad he's such a snowflake in the head.



And suddenly we get a maid Darkness.

Even more rape than Genghis? :doubt:


well if he's thinking like how i'm thinking, that dick ain't gonna relax soon





Just fucking fuck, fuck!


Transport me to another world with these cheat advantages and my spawns would outnumber Genghis Kahn.

Even more rape than Genghis? :doubt:

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