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* * * * - (4.48 - 102votes)

Liar x Liar

Alt Names: alt ライアー×ライアー
Author: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Artist: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, on a whim, twenty-year old Minato decides to walk around the city dressed in her friend's cute high school uniform. To her horror, she ends up running into her stepbrother, Tooru, who is actually only months younger than her. Since he's cute and a notorious player, Minato has had to deal with constant jealousy and suspicion from other girls throughout her entire school days.

Amazingly, she manages to convince Tooru that she's actually someone who just happens to look a lot like his stepsister. He is so convinced that he starts trying to date her and, for various reasons, she goes along with it. What started as a simple joke is now evolving into the biggest lie Minato has ever told!
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Agreeing to go on a date to a movie, waiting for a guy to confess just to turn him down is the definition of stringing someone along.

Remember that Senpai thinks Minato has a boyfriend... He isn't under the impression that she agreed to a date, just a movie with a friend. Also, I don't see how she could be described as stringing him along, because the reason he isn't confessing is because he believes she will reject him. As both "selves" she has only been normally friendly with him.

I literally winched at the last couple of chapters. Agreeing to go on a date to a movie, waiting for a guy to confess just to turn him down is the definition of stringing someone along.

What's she supposed to do?  The "her" who is going on the date doesn't "know" he's planning to confess.  She can't very well turn him down pre-emptively when she's not supposed to know there's anything to turn down.

If she was actually the two . . . or, um, three now . . . different people she's being, each of their behaviour would be impeccable.  All the problems come from there in fact only being one of her.

Okie dokie, so I just uploaded 38 and 39 (I proofread it myself this time, which I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing). Chapter 40 should be uploaded on Wednesday (and someone volunteered to be my cleaner and typesetter, so I'm super excited to see how it'll turn out!)
Oh, and I'm planning on releasing a chapter once a week now (I'm picking up another series on top of the fact that having it cleaned and typeset the right away takes more time), just fyi since someone asked me if I had dropped it already...^^;

I literally winched at the last couple of chapters. Agreeing to go on a date to a movie, waiting for a guy to confess just to turn him down is the definition of stringing someone along. Worse yet she agreed as (Miki/Mina) to keep meeting him - most likely leading to him falling in love with her alter ego.


Minato really has become an evil woman...

Thank you so much for picking this up ;_;

Gah, I was just rereading my scanlations and I noticed so many typos~~!!! TT^TT I'm so sorry!! I reuploaded 37 to fix a couple of them, but there's still some in the other chapters and it's already been uploaded to different sites, so it's too late to fix it... I'll do a final read through before I upload from now on... 

Thank you for your dedication! The typos aren't too bad since it's still natural enough and understandable. If you have time, I hear reading backwards helps with spotting errors.

Gah, I was just rereading my scanlations and I noticed so many typos~~!!! TT^TT I'm so sorry!! I reuploaded 37 to fix a couple of them, but there's still some in the other chapters and it's already been uploaded to different sites, so it's too late to fix it... I'll do a final read through before I upload from now on... 

Caught up on the last few chapters! Thank you kuhime! Also... Squeeeee!!!! The cosplay was such a pleasant surprise! I was not expecting Samurai Warriors costumes! So happy~
It's hard being minato.

okay... so... I cheated and read ahead in Chinese. Indeed, the title is Liar x Liar for a good reason. DO NOT OPEN THE SPOILER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE MAJORLY SPOILED. VERY MAJORLY. I HAVE WARNED YOU. I hope the spoiler tag works.



Personally, I didn't really see it coming, and I forsee people having problems with this due to things they probably don't feel add up, but I accept it and like it :P

Assuming that it isn't another lie, that is



But the boy still did not understand that his girlfriend is his childhood friend? o_o

Lol I disagree, but it's ok.


Well she is playing her brother pretty hard right now. Her motivations are considerably more pure since things have gotten to this state but she was just straight up out to mess with him when she started all this. 


I don't think she's scum, but she's definitely gotta come clean at some point... I just wish it would be before it explodes and she's forced to make a move, but lord knows manga drama won't let that happen.

This girl is scum and is blessed to receive a single iota of her brother's affections (let alone 13 years of stalking).

Lol I disagree, but it's ok.

This girl is scum and is blessed to receive a single iota of her brother's affections (let alone 13 years of stalking).

WHOA!  Look at all the updates!  Been waiting a long time for this, thanks!!!

It's alive! Thank you!!
I got it to work! I had to export each individual page as a jpeg and then put them in a folder and compress it! It was annoying as hell, but gosh darn it, it worked!

If you want to read the new chapters before they're proofed and uploaded here, then join me on my blog :)

Quick update: Chapter 34 is up now on my blog (but needs to be proofed) and I've started on Chapter 35, but I still

have no idea how to upload onto Batoto... I initially just compressed it and it didn't work, so do I need to get some sort of converter to turn pdf into zip?


Chapter 34 link

Hi, so long story short, I don't know why the upload didn't work, but if you want to read a rough (very rough) scanlation of Chapter 32, then you can read it on my blog: kuhimetranslates.wordpress.com


(Chapter 33 is up, too, but it hasn't been proofed yet and I'm almost done with chapter 34, so I'll probably put that up tomorrow...

I'm just trying to catch this series up since it looks like it was dropped and it's one of my absolute favorites...

Oh! but if it hasn't been dropped and an actual scanlation group with actual cleaners and such want to finish it then just let me know, and I'll stop!

...and really this is just a stop gap until professional scanlators continue making the more official scanlations, anyway)



What a cheap arse present though. Come on, Minato. Soup bowls and then you? Poor guy's worst christmas ever. And you're dumping him soon. 

Hi, so long story short, I don't know why the upload didn't work, but if you want to read a rough (very rough) scanlation of Chapter 32, then you can read it on my blog: kuhimetranslates.wordpress.com


(Chapter 33 is up, too, but it hasn't been proofed yet and I'm almost done with chapter 34, so I'll probably put that up tomorrow...

I'm just trying to catch this series up since it looks like it was dropped and it's one of my absolute favorites...

Oh! but if it hasn't been dropped and an actual scanlation group with actual cleaners and such want to finish it then just let me know, and I'll stop!

...and really this is just a stop gap until professional scanlators continue making the more official scanlations, anyway)

Oh Yes ! It's back ! Thank you so much for this new chapter. *runs off to read it*

UGH Don't give me the fucking potato.


Vol 8 cover! I stopped reading months back(like when it was still being updated sob sob), but i hope it gets up again soon. I want to read what's going on currently... T_T


I feel offended by that line in the first chapter "... what an italian". I'm italian and we are not all like this, it's racist.


You shouldn't.

It's a reference to the image of an ideal lover that Italians have.

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