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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.71 - 708votes)


Alt Names: alt 煩悩寺
Author: Aki Eda
Artist: Aki Eda
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fate brings two people who live in the same condo together on a typical afternoon. Ozawa (26) has just broken up with her boyfriend of five years and was in the process of trying to rebuild her life when she meets Oyamada who lives a couple floors below her. He is somewhat of a loner although he does have a few friends and his room is cluttered with all the random stuff that his impulse shopper brother sends him. Ozawa takes an interest with all the things in his room and the two start a friendship that slowly turns into something more.

Demographic is Seinen, please do not change to Josei or Shounen: http://www.mangaupdates.com/publishers.html?pubname=Comic+Flapper
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  • 19 Replies


Best manager, by the way.

I like how the author hasn't written a chapter about the baka couple's wedding, but instead focused on the Ozawa's friend.

Nice ending.

Thank you Aki Eda and thank you EGS!

Me right now





Oh well, it was really worth the read ): Thanks EGS

Reread #1 complete. I'll come back again once school is over.

Damn, I'm going to miss this manga now...



^This.. Q____Q

I totally saw the small twist at the end coming. It was a good manga while it lasted. I wish other authors would know when to end their series and exit with grace. I think you guys know what I'm talking about.

Damn, I'm going to miss this manga now...



needs moar robonnouji.


and i might re-read this some time in the future.



No ring?

It's in the Omake


bit abrupt, but all right...


I would have expected nothing less from this pair. That's also a really cute side effect from the excess dieting xD


And thus ends Bonnouji, exiting the stage the same way it entered, in the casual, easygoing fashion we'd come to know and love. It's stay was brief, but it shall remain forever dear in our hearts.


Thank you Easy Going Scans for bringing this series to us, and thank you Aki Eda for creating this gem. I will await your next series with anticipation.


And before I forget...a special message/reminder to Ozawa-san, since it's been 2 years.


...Robonnouji (heh).

I... I never thought it's going to end. No hint about an ending is inbound at all. I mean... at least give me some chapter about how they prepare for the wedding, c'mon. Sign.... anyways, i am gonna miss this.



No ring?

Good End, Good End ali_004.gif

Meh felt like a "well.... I've run out of ideas .... guess I'll just end it now" ending.

Well, its finally over... Man i wanted to see ozawa and oyamada's wedding even if it was supposedly full of mistakes, it still would've been fun to read :)
I personally liked the ending, it was brief and very easy going just like how it always is. Ima miss this manga :')
And ty EG scans for scanlating this!!!

I always end up with a stupid shit-eating grin when I read this. Everythings too darn adorable.

Wow, what a pushy FA!

Oh God, my HEART.

As we near Thanksgiving, I would like to give thanks to all the mangakas out there, making beautiful works for us to read and enjoy, and all the wonderful scanlating groups out there who let those of all nationalities understand and enjoy said works. 


I would also like to give particular thanks to the warm and simple series that is Bonnouji, and the conflict-free, easygoing relationship between our two lovable idiots that we all can't help but smile at.


Lastly, I would like to give thanks to our hero, Robonnouji for saving our asses whenever we're trapped under large piles of magazines. Or when we're suffering from boredom.


I encourage those of who who celebrate Thanksgiving to put a robot action figure of some sort at the center of your table during dinnertime.

I don't understand how some people think that a relationship means there has to be arguments. Not all relationships are the same, and some relationships have the couple rarely fight at all. Besides, I don't think this is the point of this manga. This manga is to illustrate the growing romance between two people that started out as friends and enter a new realm of love and affection for one another. Basically, they're still in their honeymoon phrase.

Indeed.  Although at that, my wife and I fought more, and harder, years ago in our "honeymoon phase".  Nowadays it's pretty rare--we understand each other more, and she's grown to trust my feelings more.

To back up Liar's point, not all relationships need arguments. If you actually look at the (good) advice that people give each other in terms of relationships, it's a lot of the same, "communicate with your partner", mixed along with actual effort to find solutions.

IMO arguments are the result of conversations that have been ignored and the climax of lingering resentment that built up, not some thing you have to expect in a relationship for it to be real. If you find yourself unable to talk to them about issues, then the sex better be amazing.


tl;dr Talking to your S.O actually makes your relationship better.



...Called it!  Robonnouji came to save her!

unrealistically perfect relationship. how they not have even a single disagreement/argument??


BUT i guess that's why people read this kind of series, for escapist dreaming of impossibly ideal relationships


  Honestly, it's just refleshingly sweet. There a lot of romance mangas that just drag on and on with unnecessary drama.


  And I think you're right, I'd be lying if I said a part of me wouldn't like to be in a relationship like this.

Hell yes.

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