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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 195votes)


Alt Names: alt バーテンダー
Author: Joh Araki
Artist: Nagatomo Kenji
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story of the Sasakura Ryu and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the "glass of the gods," which with Ryu's assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.

The above is the synopsis of the anime. In the manga, Ryu starts out working in a bar called Lapin.
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Well... This is still the best!
Well that was a cute chapter.
Wait is that character development in this manga? nah impossible
This guy is like a Phoenix Wright who decided to work as a bertender.
#1 tragedic ingredient in every non-hentai manga : the absolute obliviousness of main male characters to every bloody signal the women are sending them.

Sigh ¬_¬
the taste of ROMANCE..
it sure might spice it up a bit with romance but overall I am still just as happy with just the soothing atmosphere each chapter.
imho this is one of those rare gems. it isn't relying on stupid plots or useless action. no fanservice and it isn't really complex in any kind of way. there even is barely any character development, but somehow it just works and is sometimes quite touching.
Deep feels.

oh oh OH! i can finally see it, i was wondering if this development was ever going to happen or not

hope so, 8-9 volumes and ever the same "lol customer & bartender who give a lecture"
oh oh OH! i can finally see it, i was wondering if this development was ever going to happen or not
ohhh, smells romancy!
@TaruBoss--try donating a pint blood and immediately going out for a pint of beer (with a DD, of course). Lemmetellya, just one and you're good! It's a whole new experience :P.
Yay! I hope we can see some development between Sasakura and that girl ( forgot the name >< )

Thanks for the chapters, always heartwarming =)
Even I like this episodic development, It would be good if the author try to interleave two stories and make them last a little bit more (only a little bit).
alchool after bleeding. oh, healty.
17000 yen (~$200) for a haircut?

Just had to say.... KIR ROYALE~!!!
King of Bandits steals the Glass of Gods!
now if only Sasakura would have an dream about that...
(reacting to chapter 77)

Why do I even spend time doing this ? T_T

And yet, I HAD to, when i see an "EXPLOITABLE !" picture, the urge just gets too strong T_T

Posted Image
Huh. I certainly spoke out of ignorance. Now I know what a windjammer is. Learn something new most days, what? Now if only I could do it without inserting foot in mouth first.
k-9? canine? a dog watcher? :o
so, its glass of god + scissor of god vs k-9? sounds like an action movie, but cant wait! :D
This manga is turning me into an alcoholic.
I looked it up, and was surprised to find that, yes, windjammers were steel hulled. I, too, thought that sailing ships were nearly all wood. It sure is great to be able to find these things out with a little typing and a click of the mouse. Thanks, wAriot. I know more about sailing ships than I did yesterday!
Windjammers were actually made mostly of iron. At least, they had an iron/steel hull.
Windjammers made mostly of iron?! That would be either a flub or a mistranslation--hard to even peg it as ignorance, it would have to be like a typo or a thinko. After all, the age of sail is "wooden ships and iron men", ya?
Still, it's nice the boy has reached an apotheosis, a reaffirmed faith in the soul, and has been inspired to get in there and . . . um . . . be more successful at marketing . . . ;)
I still love Bartender, I'm just razzing it a bit.

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