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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.62 - 405votes)

Tonari no Seki-kun

Alt Names: alt となりの関くんalt เพื่อนเกรียนข้างโต๊ะalt Mon Voisin Sekialt My Neighbor Sekialt Seki-kun yang Duduk di Sebelahku
Author: Morishige Takuma
Artist: Morishige Takuma
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The boy who sits next to Yokoi in class, Seki-kun, is always up to something at his desk. He manages to somehow play very elaborate games without attracting the teacher's attention. From dominoes, to shogi, to go, to mecha models, to playing with cats and more, he always has something new to do. Yokoi often finds herself getting reluctantly interested in his games, even though they always seem to end up getting HER in trouble with the teacher!
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"... I'm gonna touch it ALL over!"

(no its not what it sounds like)

B /
(shes just talking about some strangers wood)

Pretty sure she's going to keep that picture of Seki anyway.

Bath scene is much appreciated.

Love how Gotou's "crazy theories" are more believable and statistically likely than what's actually happening.

(fiction is stranger than fiction)

No, they weren't making out under a desk; they were just playing golf.


They weren't playing footsie; Seki was just rolling a painted quail's egg through a maze made of pencil shavings.


Yokoi's not taking advantage of a sleeping Seki on the bus; she's just trying to rotate a handcrafted weather charm 180 degrees.

(jam it in)

It keeps escalating...

Yokoi's not trying to get a super-steamy shot of Seki-kun.  She's trying to get a picture of the robot family in a hot spring bath.


Gatou's totally going to see Rumi's picture of Seki and misunderstand it

Everytime I see them, I have the "Robot Kazoku' theme song playing head. I wonder if you could get Ichiro Mizuki to come back and do a continuation of the song that chronicles their manga adventures.

Ok, this time Gotou is excused, who wouldn't misunderstand? lol

Yokoi is such a perv ali_070.gif



Those are some pretty odd ways to have sex, not gonna lie.


Keep going.

The first two examples, what chapters they are on?

22nd and 46th.

Love how Gotou's "crazy theories" are more believable and statistically likely than what's actually happening.

(fiction is stranger than fiction)

No, they weren't making out under a desk; they were just playing golf.


They weren't playing footsie; Seki was just rolling a painted quail's egg through a maze made of pencil shavings.


Yokoi's not taking advantage of a sleeping Seki on the bus; she's just trying to rotate a handcrafted weather charm 180 degrees.

(jam it in)


The first two examples, what chapters they are on?

Gotou and her imagination:

One of the best thing in this manga!

Best supporting character: Gotou's hair.

Love how Gotou's "crazy theories" are more believable and statistically likely than what's actually happening.

(fiction is stranger than fiction)

No, they weren't making out under a desk; they were just playing golf.


They weren't playing footsie; Seki was just rolling a painted quail's egg through a maze made of pencil shavings.


Yokoi's not taking advantage of a sleeping Seki on the bus; she's just trying to rotate a handcrafted weather charm 180 degrees.

(jam it in)

It's not over until she notices it herself!

She's female. They normally don't feel the conflict.

Gotou's imagination is going wild.


I liked the animation you picked, but it bothered me that it did not cleanly loop.


You're my hero!

Gotou's imagination is going wild.

Wow... dirty jokes in THIS manga... I´m left speechless from my laughing xD

So the robots are their children all along?

So it's essentially the end of the series which consisted essentially of

because if she admits in her interest (and she does) the story would lose par of the charm. But damn it, the moment I noticed she joined him in the game I was extatic.

I liked the animation you picked, but it bothered me that it did not cleanly loop.


So it's essentially the end of the series which consisted essentially of


because if she admits in her interest (and she does) the story would lose par of the charm. But damn it, the moment I noticed she joined him in the game I was extatic.

It's not over until she notices it herself!

So it's essentially the end of the series which consisted essentially of


because if she admits in her interest (and she does) the story would lose par of the charm. But damn it, the moment I noticed she joined him in the game I was extatic.

I would rather punch someone than have to go through with them being in denial about their suckish art >_< My art sucks too, that's why Good thing Seki-kun has high level of rage control. :P

I hate to be the cannonball that sinks the ship, but Yokoi and Seki must never have children.


Their artistic skills would average out to normal.

But it's not that Yokoi is completely useless at artistic pursuits, we know she has talent at crochet at the least. It's just that she can't draw worth shit. So if artistic ability really is averaged out in the offspring, their kids might only be able to make mountains and mountains of amigurumi cacti.


Might still be worth it.

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