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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 156votes)

+ Tic Neesan

Alt Names: alt プラスチック姉さんalt Calligraphy Neesanalt +チック姉さんalt Plastic Neesanalt Plus Tic Neesan
Author: Kurii Cha
Artist: Kurii Cha
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a third-year high-school girl (Nee-san) who likes building plastic models in a model-making club along with fellow club members Makimaki and Okappa.
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Berry is a genius! Go on, boy, tackle Nee-san again!

Please refrain from bullying the Nee-san. She is an endangered species and should be treated with utmost care. Thanks in advance.

Good thing she's endagered. The world can use none of her. The only service she can do for society relates to two niche audiences: lolicons and masochists.

Underboobs... one of the weirdest fan service mmm...



Look out! It's the Massacre Dog.

General concensus on that fat girl is that she's just barely more tolerable than Nee-san. I know I wanna strangle the little troll with a rusty garrote wire.

Please refrain from bullying the Nee-san. She is an endangered species and should be treated with utmost care. Thanks in advance.

A man child and... Nevermind. There is just too much wrong with this manga. Luckily, it has Makimaki in it, the only spot of normalcy in this off kilter manga.

Being overweight was a sign of wealth in the past~ Depending on what time someone is from it can be considered beauty

Yeah, good thing we're about a few centuries PAST that point believing that chubby is beautiful, and as I said, her face is a chin cleft away from being an overweight man's. As for the whole 'rich past life = fat current life,' that's more like a punishment than a reward.


General concensus on that fat girl is that she's just barely more tolerable than Nee-san. I know I wanna strangle the little troll with a rusty garrote wire.


I saved this panel the moment I saw it too. Just perfect as reaction picture.



I love how Makimaki looks as if she is both ashamed of the man for putting on that show and also of herself for having seen him, going as far as to look away with a hollow expression. Okappa on the other hand is staring deeply at the display with a mixture of pity, hatred, and disgust. And Nee-san is just Nee-san in this situation.


Did someone say Jackie!?


Possible future careers for nee-san?

police-woman, arsonist, saleswoman?

Game designer con woman, politician, Religious cult founder...

Possible future careers for nee-san?

police-woman, arsonist, saleswoman?

Well Toby seems like fun

Can we just forget that chapter 58 @_@ mmm...

goddamit, I read this and wanted to read the chapter .. 5 seconds later ... regret and the start of a tora uma D: this is why we can't have nice thing (particularly me T.T)

for ch.59 ... nee-san is really not dumb jajajaa, how she got the culprit in seconds xD (I love the sad faces they make in this manga, they're really funny)

Gonna need some brain bleach for that. A truck load should suffice. I'd rather have a chapter about that little troll torturing Ma(sochist)-kun over what we got, and I hate Nee-san.


Uh, did we read the same chapter? She's clearly overweight, easily sixty or more pounds over nominal, she just has it somewhat well distributed as opposed to having it all go to her stomach. And rather than dissonant, her face is one chin cleft away from being how most manga depict the classic 'Yank Male.'


Seriously, her face looks like an overweight Mitt Romney. (I actually did a side-by-side comparision and it is SCARY)


And I'm not even bringing up her personality. She makes Nee-san tolerable. 'Nuff said.

Being overweight was a sign of wealth in the past~ Depending on what time someone is from it can be considered beauty

So just from reading the hiragana (since I don't know the kanji written there) in chapter 59, she wrote what she was going to say to them to "fake" innocence, right?

Can we just forget that chapter 58 @_@ mmm...

Gonna need some brain bleach for that. A truck load should suffice. I'd rather have a chapter about that little troll torturing Ma(sochist)-kun over what we got, and I hate Nee-san.


Her figure actually isn't bad.

She just has very dissonant facial features + tight top buns make people look like aliens. Universally.

And she's rude.

Uh, did we read the same chapter? She's clearly overweight, easily sixty or more pounds over nominal, she just has it somewhat well distributed as opposed to having it all go to her stomach. And rather than dissonant, her face is one chin cleft away from being how most manga depict the classic 'Yank Male.'


Seriously, her face looks like an overweight Mitt Romney. (I actually did a side-by-side comparision and it is SCARY)


And I'm not even bringing up her personality. She makes Nee-san tolerable. 'Nuff said.

Lil' tubby Makimaki was upsettingly adorable.


Also Makina Sakamaki is a cool name.


id do her

Her figure actually isn't bad.

She just has very dissonant facial features + tight top buns make people look like aliens. Universally.

And she's rude.

She has thick, thick body and no visible waist. Her figure wouldn't be bad if she were a man, and if it wasn't fat but muscles.

Her figure actually isn't bad.

Bad doesn't even begin to describe it.

Her figure actually isn't bad.

She just has very dissonant facial features + tight top buns make people look like aliens. Universally.

And she's rude.

Can we just forget that chapter 58 @_@ mmm...

does the "Ma" stand for "Masochist"?

Ma for Magnificent, you cur.

I just noticed that both Okappa and MakiMaki had their plastic models on their heads in the flashback, lol.

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