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* * * * * (4.6 - 132votes)

Sakura Discord

Alt Names: alt さくらDISCORDalt SAKURA六人行
Author: Masuda Eiji
Artist: Masuda Eiji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sakura Kousuke is a boy who strives to throw away a past mired in regret. He transfers to a new school for his second year of high school, believing it will give him a chance to come clean.

Unbeknownst to him, however, the appearance of five other "Sakura"s in his class will bring the past to his present, forcing him to come to terms with himself, his old friends, and a girl who, though being Kousuke's complete opposite, also knows him better than anyone else.

A coming-of-age story, both light-hearted and dramatic, by the author who would later give us "Jitsu wa Watashi wa".
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Oh… I'll keep that in mind, thanks. =O
Chapter 3 is coming. Quality is still a bit rough, but better, I think. At worst, you can zoom out a bit.

You mean the four? Oka is not a corpse, yet. :þ

Lol oops missed one.

First of all, I'm a type 1 diabetic. I'll refer you to http://www.who.int/diabetes/en/for a very shallow but succinct explanation of it.

Anyway, the misconception that you can get diabetes from eating sugar is the dumbest. shit. ever.

Every type 1 diabetic receives a thorough rundown of how diabetes works by a doctor, probably because it's so dependent on self-medication and learning how to manage the dosage on your own.

I seriously doubt it was in the original script, so just to be clear; I'm pissed off at the translation.

Type 2 diabetes, which is the non-genetic kind, is caused by a large number of factors but the major ones are 1. by becoming resistant to insulin, the effect will be the same as type 2, so it just falls under that diagnosis. 2. by having a large body mass, i.e. by being obese, your organs becomes more taxed on a daily basis.
What happens to some people, is that their pancreas can't keep up with the amount of fat cells in their bodies (for further info, read up on how insulin interacts with the body internally) and falls short on supplying enough insulin. Old age can also cause it, but it's basically the same in essence as becoming obese - your pancreas just can't keep up anymore.

tl;dr You can never, ever, EVER get diabetes of any kind by eating too much sugar or anything like that. It's most commonly caused indirectly by becoming obese, that's all. Your pancreas can create so much insulin that it can cover anything + any amount that you eat - assuming you're healthy, that is.

So that metaphor "or are you going to kill me with diabetes" which refers to acting sweet and naive (and sweet is synonymous with sugar, and then comes the misconception that sugar causes diabetes, which in turn leads us to stuff like this) is really uncalled for, since that was mostly just the translator adlibbing on his or her own. But PLEASE don't spread misinformation.

You do not upscale images. Ever. >_>

Waifu isn't just upscaling, it actually uses SCIENCE and ALGORITHMS which means MATH to improve anime and manga images.

Use this to upscale the pages http://waifu2x.udp.jp/

You do not upscale images. Ever. >_>

Use this to upscale the pages http://waifu2x.udp.jp/


Oh… I'll keep that in mind, thanks. =O


Chapter 3 is coming. Quality is still a bit rough, but better, I think. At worst, you can zoom out a bit.




Also, I love the friendship between the three


You mean the four? Oka is not a corpse, yet. :þ

@Lyendith Thank you sir for the chapter. Also, I love the friendship between the three, Sumiyoshi's just jelly she doesn't have bros for life.

holy shit the friends in jitsu no watashi wa are like reincarnations... no wonder they didn't get much in the way of introduction.
shima and oka look very similar, but where the heck did sakura the oji-san come from?!

They combined all of them together (that includes adding their age together) to be Sakura.


Sorry if the pages in chapter 2 are small (this manga has some tiny bubbles, to boot…)


I'm trying to find a way to have them bigger. Also, if a team is interested, I can translate the stuff… I'm just not good at redraws…

Use this to upscale the pages http://waifu2x.udp.jp/

Sorry if the pages in chapter 2 are small (this manga has some tiny bubbles, to boot…)


I'm trying to find a way to have them bigger. Also, if a team is interested, I can translate the stuff… I'm just not good at redraws…

holy shit the friends in jitsu no watashi wa are like reincarnations... no wonder they didn't get much in the way of introduction.
shima and oka look very similar, but where the heck did sakura the oji-san come from?!

and man, i really prefer this artstyle over JWWW

this sound promising

Okay, I read the first volume in Japanese (I'll read the rest soon enough).


It more or less confirms my initial impression: it's a serious story with comedic elements rather than the other way round. It's a tad heavy-handed at times (a lot of inner monologues that often repeat themselves, notably), but the characters definetely have presence. And god, the drawings are gorgeous. Much moreso than in the early chapters of Jitsu wa actually. Probably because Masuda's old style fits the tone of this story much better (or maybe he had different assistants, I don't know).


Now in the first volume at least, it's not a romcom, rather a friendship story. And it's quite amusing to see some characters who are "ancestors" of some of Jitsu wa's cast (the Oka-Shima-Sakura trio, Mikan who has some of Sumiyoshi's family background, Shiho who inherited some of Mebuki's traits).


Anyway, it's a pleasant read so far. Hope it develops well.

The three best friends of the mc are: oka,jima and sakura the three best friends of asahi from jitsui are : oka, shima and sakura COINCIDENCE I THINK NOT!!!!! 11 ILLUMINATU1! 11!

I want some more already. T-T

Speaking of Masuda, is there any translation of Toumei Ningen no Tsukurikata yet?


you'll see one soon.

    • Exa likes this

Oh, this is freaking adorable. Very different from Jitsu wa, that's for sure, but you could already see this guy has talent, both in drawings and storytelling.


I do agree that the constant repetition of "one more step", as well as some of Kousuke's inner monologues are a bit annoying, but I love Nomiya so much I can get over it.


Speaking of Masuda, is there any translation of Toumei Ningen no Tsukurikata yet?

sorry, but this is my stress relief. i couldn't care less.

nonetheless i'm still thankful for this translation :D

You didn't really get what I was saying....


I understand simple and short encouragements like never stop but one more step is annoying. Well this is me being irritatted, I would accept that encouragement in different circumstances or if they'd explain it better, like "one more step for a stronger beginning" "one more step to renew yourself and get stronger".... that'd make sense. 

Sorry for the walls of rant. Hoping for more, cause I still like the author and the comedy. Also the author has a knack of make some interesting personalities for the characters. The way they said, it was likely they took light of the many previous steps that were as important or they make it like one more step to finish or one more step to win when it's likely required so many more thousand steps after that "one more"... and so on

Yea, I think it's just you being irritated; you said before you found it completely irrational, as well as being forced and unfeeling... which I still disagree with. The repetition isn't making light of his past struggles, so much as telling him he needs to pick his ass back up and stop letting himself get down on himself (which is what he wants from himself in the end as well).


Masuda Eiji's art is so recognizable lols (in a good way). Would have followed even if I hadn't read the first chapter.


So basically, because he failed to win his senpais a game for 2 years, he should just have a defeated attitude for the rest of his life and drag down those around him because of it? Nomiya didn't know about the hardships he went through in his absence, and she didn't need to. All she saw was a friend who was giving up on the current situation without trying; and to that end, she did her best to bring him out of his slump, his negative mindset.


It might sound like an overused, forced saying to you, but that's because humans give up too easily, without having given their utmost effort to a task. I suppose you might think it's illogical if you've experienced failure after having worked hard, but life just works like that. There is no guarantee that everything will work out, but unless you try, you'll never know for sure. That's why we keep saying it; to push each other further, to keep each other motivated, to keep each other from falling into certain defeat.


"Not all those who work hard will succeed. But all those who have succeeded have worked hard."


You didn't really get what I was saying....


I understand simple and short encouragements like never stop but one more step is annoying. Well this is me being irritatted, I would accept that encouragement in different circumstances or if they'd explain it better, like "one more step for a stronger beginning" "one more step to renew yourself and get stronger".... that'd make sense. 

Sorry for the walls of rant. Hoping for more, cause I still like the author and the comedy. Also the author has a knack of make some interesting personalities for the characters. The way they said, it was likely they took light of the many previous steps that were as important or they make it like one more step to finish or one more step to win when it's likely required so many more thousand steps after that "one more"... and so on

I see another crappy translator, completely ruined the ambience of a good manga.

sorry, but this is my stress relief. i couldn't care less.

I see another crappy translator, completely ruined the ambience of a good manga.

Masuda Eiji's art is so recognizable lols (in a good way). Would have followed even if I hadn't read the first chapter.


The art and the author made me follow but the whole "one more step" is pure illogical. I don't get what or why they say that when someone tried his hardest for two years... for two years he took so much steps that it became thousand of miles.... so one more step after two years of effort that resulted in failure, it's such a forced saying.

It got me really annoyed, the saying... it felt such a forced and unfeeling encouragement, in the end I get why he got mad when people saying encouraging words without meaning or thought but the reconciliation or the sweet feelings are forced and annoying.


While the comedy is still good.

So basically, because he failed to win his senpais a game for 2 years, he should just have a defeated attitude for the rest of his life and drag down those around him because of it? Nomiya didn't know about the hardships he went through in his absence, and she didn't need to. All she saw was a friend who was giving up on the current situation without trying; and to that end, she did her best to bring him out of his slump, his negative mindset.


It might sound like an overused, forced saying to you, but that's because humans give up too easily, without having given their utmost effort to a task. I suppose you might think it's illogical if you've experienced failure after having worked hard, but life just works like that. There is no guarantee that everything will work out, but unless you try, you'll never know for sure. That's why we keep saying it; to push each other further, to keep each other motivated, to keep each other from falling into certain defeat.


"Not all those who work hard will succeed. But all those who have succeeded have worked hard."


I knew it, pre-follows pay off


Thanks for Scans, Viscoun! :)

i like it

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