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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 156votes)

+ Tic Neesan

Alt Names: alt プラスチック姉さんalt Calligraphy Neesanalt +チック姉さんalt Plastic Neesanalt Plus Tic Neesan
Author: Kurii Cha
Artist: Kurii Cha
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a third-year high-school girl (Nee-san) who likes building plastic models in a model-making club along with fellow club members Makimaki and Okappa.
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Uno & Sano are probably my favorite characters in this manga.


I want them to join the model club already so they can get a pair of stupid models on their heads.

I don't think I've ever been able to accurately predict what the twins are going to do/how they're going to react to something. 

Wait waht?? Okappa lose to that twins? lol

I'm kinda disappointed he wasn't Bach this time around.

When the twins lose their sense of respect/fear of nee-san the world ends

Bach again.

The Bach-to-Bach chapters are very great.
Thanks, Widdiful.

I tried something new with this chapter by using my own bad handwriting instead of some handwritten-esque font for the authors bad handwriting, let me know if this is a stupid idea or not. I was thinking it'll have the same feel as the original but on the other hand it's never done in scanlation.


In chapter 69? You sure?

I tried something new with this chapter by using my own bad handwriting instead of some handwritten-esque font for the authors bad handwriting, let me know if this is a stupid idea or not. I was thinking it'll have the same feel as the original but on the other hand it's never done in scanlation.

Both are acceptable, especially in witty manga like this mmm...


And btw... Uno and Sano are like ultra short mmm...

I tried something new with this chapter by using my own bad handwriting instead of some handwritten-esque font for the authors bad handwriting, let me know if this is a stupid idea or not. I was thinking it'll have the same feel as the original but on the other hand it's never done in scanlation.

He is Bach!!

Bach is my favorite +Tic Neesan character.

Don't worry. He'll be Bach.


Holy moly... you were right. He IS Bach!

Was about to ask why Bach is wearing sumo underwear, then I remembered what I was reading

Horror-tic? Wasn't that chapter 58?


Was Bach pretending to be E. Honda?


They... burned Bach?

Don't worry. He'll be Bach.

They... burned Bach?

Okappa has a short temper. Which means she's not only fast to snap, but also very fast to accept the surrender.

Nee-san's future career: lazy wife (if she's lucky enough to get married at all...)


Okappa's future career: a woman who bullies her man (and he enjoys it)


MakiMaki's future career: something normal like office lady

Granny loves it!!

110% best.




Would let bully.

"You can regret this later!" "I will!" Manly as fuck.

Nee-san has two sides to her. The usual Troll's Ass, and the rare moments of Shockin' Awesome.

The power pose

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