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Mishiro san to Yamada kun

Alt Names: alt 三白サンと山田くんalt Mishiro-san and Yamada-kunalt Mishiro-san to Yamada-kunalt Mishiro-san y Yamada-kun
Author: Jin (Mugenjin)
Artist: Jin (Mugenjin)
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A love comedy about Mishiro san and Yamada kun.

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Ch. 18 was the most horrifying shit I have ever read.

The translation isn't really the main issue. This webcomic was (hastily) whipped up for the Japanese public--primarily 2chan users--with some "fighting game flair" added in because of his own hobbies. That's fine, but due to the fact that the stories are just "whatever comes off the top of his head" with limited progression and/or character development, this means that we, as foreign readers, won't really understand the bulk of the jokes, memes, or references, unless we actually take an interest in those sorts of things.


I don't blame the mangaka since it's just a casual webcomic and not meant to be taken seriously. I'm not sure how many people here actually understand all or most of the content, but speaking for myself, I personally feel that in order for the obscure references to be clearly understood in an improvised series like this, you'll probably need to include a lot of translation notes/clarification. Otherwise, readers will feel stumped and simply skip those chunks of panels. Since they're short chapters, clarification would be interesting to read (and would enlighten readers).


Once again, just my two cents.

Well... i tried my best with the references. But still, i'm from Vietnam so all the fighting games is pretty much out of my reach (cost a fortune, seriously) and i'm a Pokemon guy.

I came to Japan back in 2012 so pretty much all the notes are based on what i can get from internet's and friends' explanation (heck, most of my friend don't get it either) :\

It's not like all those youngsters from the West get all the memes... 






a typo, is ramon, sorry about that gonna fix it tomorrow




is this as good as his/her other work?...




Aug 21 2016 12:14 AM

...that's why i cleaned my room myself.



AND i had an SMALL SAFE ... with an actual numberpadlock. Secured INTO the beton with large screws.

... never got my stash found.


Neither my pocket money stolen by sis.



PS: ... childhood friend fetish ... what a nice mom. She knew how to sort the porn ...

After rereadin for the third time the Nice Orc's House, finding this is an oasis in the desert.

Done chapter 18 and 19, gonna be up soon

is this as good as his/her other work?...

Uhhh whatever you say bro. This isn't Bobobo. Most of the "jokes" if you want to even call them that had nothing to do with japanese memes or references or even wordplay. How many thing so far did you not get in the comic? Some obscure fighting game terminology?


The main issue is that it's generic cutesy shit. What is even the point of this? This is something I cannot wrap my head around because it's obviously a non-profit indie work. I understand that in case of mainstream generic cutesy shit the author just wants to make money off of lonely neet losers whose lives are so sad and empty they will try and fill them even with fictional characters and emotions, but this is something the author drew out of his own volition for free, which is just inconceivable to me. If you can draw anything you want, why would you draw the same cutesy shit as everyone else? Especially since said cutesy shit has basically zero artistic or literary value other than the fact it's well drawn?


Especially when you consider his other work (Orc) was actually pretty fresh.


Meh, author probably didn't give a flying duck about opinion of some high and mighty western elitist and drew something that he himself enjoyed. Oh, how inconceivable!

Uhhh whatever you say bro. This isn't Bobobo. Most of the "jokes" if you want to even call them that had nothing to do with japanese memes or references or even wordplay. How many thing so far did you not get in the comic? Some obscure fighting game terminology?

The main issue is that it's generic cutesy shit. What is even the point of this? This is something I cannot wrap my head around because it's obviously a non-profit indie work. I understand that in case of mainstream generic cutesy shit the author just wants to make money off of lonely neet losers whose lives are so sad and empty they will try and fill them even with fictional characters and emotions, but this is something the author drew out of his own volition for free, which is just inconceivable to me. If you can draw anything you want, why would you draw the same cutesy shit as everyone else? Especially since said cutesy shit has basically zero artistic or literary value other than the fact it's well drawn?

Especially when you consider his other work (Orc) was actually pretty fresh.

tl;dr: i don't like SOL so you shouldn't like it either.
Also this was before li Orc no hi.

The translation isn't really the main issue. This webcomic was (hastily) whipped up for the Japanese public--primarily 2chan users--with some "fighting game flair" added in because of his own hobbies. That's fine, but due to the fact that the stories are just "whatever comes off the top of his head" with limited progression and/or character development, this means that we, as foreign readers, won't really understand the bulk of the jokes, memes, or references, unless we actually take an interest in those sorts of things.


Uhhh whatever you say bro. This isn't Bobobo. Most of the "jokes" if you want to even call them that had nothing to do with japanese memes or references or even wordplay. How many thing so far did you not get in the comic? Some obscure fighting game terminology?


The main issue is that it's generic cutesy shit. What is even the point of this? This is something I cannot wrap my head around because it's obviously a non-profit indie work. I understand that in case of mainstream generic cutesy shit the author just wants to make money off of lonely neet losers whose lives are so sad and empty they will try and fill them even with fictional characters and emotions, but this is something the author drew out of his own volition for free, which is just inconceivable to me. If you can draw anything you want, why would you draw the same cutesy shit as everyone else? Especially since said cutesy shit has basically zero artistic or literary value other than the fact it's well drawn?


Especially when you consider his other work (Orc) was actually pretty fresh.

Dat feeling when the childhood videogame flashbacks in a manga don't involve 8 bit computers or the glory days of arcades with beat-em-up side-scrollers (Double Dragon, Final Fight) but Tekken 5 and the PS2.



Well, the author himself should have childhood memories stretching at least as far back as the SNES. To be fair, fighting games back then mainly existed on arcades (which elementary schoolers wouldn't even be allowed near), but he still had the PS1.

Though I'm guessing it actually makes sense from the characters' perspective- if they're high-school age teenagers now*, they would be elementary schoolers in 2000 when the PS2 came out.



*plus minus a couple of years

The translation isn't really the main issue. This webcomic was (hastily) whipped up for the Japanese public--primarily 2chan users--with some "fighting game flair" added in because of his own hobbies. That's fine, but due to the fact that the stories are just "whatever comes off the top of his head" with limited progression and/or character development, this means that we, as foreign readers, won't really understand the bulk of the jokes, memes, or references, unless we actually take an interest in those sorts of things.


I don't blame the mangaka since it's just a casual webcomic and not meant to be taken seriously. I'm not sure how many people here actually understand all or most of the content, but speaking for myself, I personally feel that in order for the obscure references to be clearly understood in an improvised series like this, you'll probably need to include a lot of translation notes/clarification. Otherwise, readers will feel stumped and simply skip those chunks of panels. Since they're short chapters, clarification would be interesting to read (and would enlighten readers).


Once again, just my two cents.

It's like Yahari, lots of 2ch references that can't really be understood by someone who isn't from japan.

As for them, we will try to include clarifications just like in chapter 17 with the Akira reference, maybe putting the explanation in an extra page, but keep in mind some of them can fly over our heads or be near imposible to translate into a coherent bubble (like the shingeki no kyojin one).

Well, i'm not native English or Japanese speaker and my literature score is somewhere around 50/100 :P

Can't really help with bad wording and slang when translating.

And no, if this is his pro work, i wouldn't be doing any scanlation. It hurts his sales... 


The translation isn't really the main issue. This webcomic was (hastily) whipped up for the Japanese public--primarily 2chan users--with some "fighting game flair" added in because of his own hobbies. That's fine, but due to the fact that the stories are just "whatever comes off the top of his head" with limited progression and/or character development, this means that we, as foreign readers, won't really understand the bulk of the jokes, memes, or references, unless we actually take an interest in those sorts of things.


I don't blame the mangaka since it's just a casual webcomic and not meant to be taken seriously. I'm not sure how many people here actually understand all or most of the content, but speaking for myself, I personally feel that in order for the obscure references to be clearly understood in an improvised series like this, you'll probably need to include a lot of translation notes/clarification. Otherwise, readers will feel stumped and simply skip those chunks of panels. Since they're short chapters, clarification would be interesting to read (and would enlighten readers).


Once again, just my two cents.

F**K, chapter 16 is so sweet I have to drink insulin mixed with a blood from sacrificial goat for Satan to make me manly again 


Also, I feel like I can be best friend with the gramps


They weren't joking with the hidden big boobs thing...

Dat feeling when the childhood videogame flashbacks in a manga don't involve 8 bit computers or the glory days of arcades with beat-em-up side-scrollers (Double Dragon, Final Fight) but Tekken 5 and the PS2.



Aug 14 2016 01:28 PM

Well, i'm not native English or Japanese speaker and my literature score is somewhere around 50/100 :P

Can't really help with bad wording and slang when translating.

And no, if this is his pro work, i wouldn't be doing any scanlation. It hurts his sales... 

Not exactly.


Given that the only reason Anime and Manga is booming worldwide in the last 10 years (which lead to the moe blob crisis. Which lead to some studios dieing down ....) Anime and Manga fanscanlations actually enrich the market.


It's the same with LN.

LN? What's that?

Was my answer a few years ago.

Now LN like Sword Art Online , Overlord or Death March are comming out here.


The easy calculation is:

1. Free PR

2. Fans grown over a time

3. Old Fans will buy volumes if they like it, high chance (if money is there, if not= no lost income)

4. Old Fans will generate more new fans

5. Old Fans will advise new fans what other things are good. Makeing them get these too.

6. Profit.


The reason why big comapnies dmca scanaltion sites and stuff is simple.

After an license is given to an foreigen country publisher. That guy doesn't want the free stuff anymore. Everything he needs to sell it is already done ( free pr etc.), so they take it down to maximise profit.


Sadly for hardcore fans ... the publishers with license are slow. Compared to the fan translations.

AND sometimes even worse or just copys of the fan translations.... had that twice.

One Peace Book= Shield Hero~ Canadian Scumbags who rip of stuff of our glorious yoraikun!

Hmm... This could be a hilarious series, but I can't help but feel that it jumps around too much and doesn't develop the characters enough to be memorable. I guess it's probably because the mangaka isn't really going for pro and is just doing this casually as a webcomic and to share some laughs.


You get the occasional laugh or chuckle from some funny scenes, but then there are tons of moments which are either lost in translation, are 2chan or meme references, or are references to Japanese stuff which only otakus would get. It's a good short read, but I don't think it's for everyone.


Just my two cents.

Well, i'm not native English or Japanese speaker and my literature score is somewhere around 50/100 :P

Can't really help with bad wording and slang when translating.

And no, if this is his pro work, i wouldn't be doing any scanlation. It hurts his sales... 

Can anyone explain the "indirect motor boat" joke in chapter 10 to me? Cuz I don't get it


motorboating is the act of shaking your face inbetween someone's tits, preferably big

Can anyone explain the "indirect motor boat" joke in chapter 10 to me? Cuz I don't get it

hiro(hero) just saved hime(princess) with money.... err let's just say they made a great start through a game.


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