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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.59 - 217votes)


Alt Names: alt エス・イーalt エスイーalt ΣΕalt System Engineer
Author: Konogi Yoshiru
Artist: Konogi Yoshiru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSmut Smut
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: About an awkward encounter between a 22-year-old university graduate, a high school student and a sex sleeve?!
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http://www.jlist.com/product/HOB001 it's real... better go open the door, because the future has arrived.

A chapter like this should take about an hour for a skilled translator to do from scratch, and maybe another hour for TL and PR to finalise, so neither 20 minutes nor days. 


I just went and found the English version for chapter 10 by Sacred Blade Scans on another site and it's not even that bad, I'm not even sure why there is so much outrage. I would be happy to see this released in English and happy to help if required.

removed the smut tag cuz til actual sex happens can't be really called a smut manga lol.

It will be added later on... Seeing the last chapters released in Japan...


Well, what to expect from the creator of Comic Studio...


ok guys, we tried Tl for you, but the words of this manga are  .. hmm... weird for explain of spanish to english... but well, don't worry guys . only we'll release this manga in spanish .. thanks :)
sorry for this TL



Well that's too bad.  I would have done the proofreading for ya if I had more time on my hands.  I can understand why you guys gave up considering the babies in the comment section.  I'd rather have something rather than nothing especially when its free.

removed the smut tag cuz til actual sex happens can't be really called a smut manga lol.


ok guys, we tried Tl for you, but the words of this manga are  .. hmm... weird for explain of spanish to english... but well, don't worry guys . only we'll release this manga in spanish .. thanks :)
sorry for this TL


Don't be, you tried and it was a nice attempt...! :3
Thanks for the translation and your efforts~

ok guys, we tried Tl for you, but the words of this manga are  .. hmm... weird for explain of spanish to english... but well, don't worry guys . only we'll release this manga in spanish .. thanks :)
sorry for this TL

Don't defend poor translations with "why don't you do it yourself?", as that's an exceptional copout. Personally not being involved in a group does not somehow preclude oneself from making criticisms of very evident flaws.




I don't think people was defending that poor TL, at least I wasn't. I was just saying that if you did not buy the manga or help make it why should you be able to bash the group that is trying to put it out for us to enjoy? Even, I like to read a good quality scan and I prefer that I do. But, you will not see me complaining about how bad a group did because I had nothing to do with it. I appreciate all groups that try to put out chapters, of course I wish the groups would take little more pride in what they do. I will put this out there if you think you can do better go volunteer to help or politely tell the group what they are doing wrong and what they can do better

No idea what you're all complaining about.

Machine translations, or at least the level of machine translation, has been the standard for scanlation for a while now.

Reading decent translations in good English? Yeah, dream on. Not even all the official publisher pull that off.

This is a 10-20 minute job for your average proofreader to fix

Unfortunately, ... No. I wish it would be that easy, but... No.
This is a good three hours to even patch up. 10-20 minutes may get you a piece of duct tape over this slashed tire, but fixing it? HA. This would take DAYS of sorting shit out with the TL if you want things done right.
At the very least, 70% of the dialogue needs to be rewritten in order to be coherent English. Not grammar-checked, rewritten. After that, there's the wonderful job of making sure that you didn't bork the intended meaning (which you obviously did, since the intended meaning is barely decipherable if you spend ten minutes studying each page of this crap). Then, you have to get your JP->SP TL to convey what they're trying to say in English (what could possibly go wrong with JP->SP->EN?) and try to come to a consensus as to what they're actually trying to convey, and then reword about 15% of the dialogue all over again.
Yes, your average PR would spend 10-20 minutes on this. Would they fix it in 10-20 minutes? Hell no. It took me an hour to just READ this. Any PR who says they actually FIXED this in that time period is a moron.
TL;DR: This is a shit release, but at least someone picked it up. (I just hope Habanero doesn't drop it so I have something that's worth archiving)

Don't defend poor translations with "why don't you do it yourself?", as that's an exceptional copout. Personally not being involved in a group does not somehow preclude oneself from making criticisms of very evident flaws.


I've been in the scanlation scene in various roles for a decade, and I'm fully aware of what it takes to put out a quality release in a timely manner. This is a 10-20 minute job for your average proofreader to fix, so it's clearly simply a lack of desire on the part of the release group, or even worse, not even noticing that they are lacking in the first place.


I can only hope that this "competition" spurs on other, more capable groups to speed up their release schedule.


If this was a one-time mistake, I could understand people's frustrations with my harsh comments. However, this group has sniped numerous projects (which were admittedly being relased slowly by their original groups) and put out substandard English translations as a matter of course.

Goddamnit Sacred Blade, must you fuck up yet another series with your incomprehensible English? Just go to the forums of any manga site, there are tons of people with capable English skills who can clean up your trainwrecks.


It isn't that bad. But, anyways, if you don't like it, maybe you can proofread it so they can do a better job.

Or maybe you can take a japanese course and translate it yourself.

actually the tl isn't that bad. you guys just didn't notice that for certain parts of the dialogue, it was deliberately left hanging off in the middle. Which actually does happen in manga. A fair no. of it was not mentioned because there's no need to go into technicalities. 

This feels like it was Google Translated from Spanish to English. I can't tell what's going on half the time.

If you don't like it then don't read there work, or you can help them out yourself. I don't see why so many people complain when these people are doing this for free and with there own free time.

Oh man, what you said right there just made me hella happy. :'^ )

Goddamnit Sacred Blade, must you fuck up yet another series with your incomprehensible English? Just go to the forums of any manga site, there are tons of people with capable English skills who can clean up your trainwrecks.

If you don't like it then don't read there work, or you can help them out yourself. I don't see why so many people complain when these people are doing this for free and with there own free time.

Goddamnit Sacred Blade, must you fuck up yet another series with your incomprehensible English? Just go to the forums of any manga site, there are tons of people with capable English skills who can clean up your scripts.

The translation for chapter 10 wasn't that bad.  You could at least make sense of what they were saying.  A decent proofreader could easily make it sound more coherent.

I agree that it wasn't terrible, but proofreading alone would not save this translation. If there was good communication between the PR and the TL? Sure. The problem is that there are parts that CAN'T be understood, and places where it's clear that there have been TL errors.
I am glad that someone picked this up, but as a PR I find this incredibly frustrating.

The translation for chapter 10 wasn't that bad.  You could at least make sense of what they were saying.  A decent proofreader could easily make it sound more coherent. 

I could hardly understand anything with that translation by SBS for chapter 10.

I'd rather not have read that chapter. :(

True that, Razgriz.

Thanks to the new group, the translation was indeed poor but beggars can't be choosers, better something than nothing at all.

Thanks sacred blade scans yet again for picking up something I've been waiting to read :]

I hope you fellas find the translator you are looking for soon, because while you can get the gist of the conversation, quite a few things were poorly or nonsensical translated. Thanks for the effort though, still better than no new chapters.

That was not a translation to be proud of.

hmm ok ... then... read in spanish :) 

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