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Kuzumi-kun, Kuuki Yometemasu ka?

Alt Names: alt 久住くん、空気読めてますか?alt 久住君,会察言观色吗alt Kusumi-kun, Kuuki Yometemasu ka?alt Kuzumi, can't you read the atmosphere?
Author: Mosco
Artist: Mosco
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Erika Sakura is the school's most popular female high schooler, and only met with envious gazes since she is out of everyone's league. However, she is recently interested in a certain male high schooler who can't read between the lines, Kuzumi. While having a relationship between the two is out of the question, her unrequited love will soon change in this romantic comedy. Follow this new inevitably heart pounding, out-of-contact short love comedy!
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  • 3 Replies


I was about to comment about the chapter but I see another topic is much more hotter than the comic. So I decided to just shut up and enjoy it.

what the hell is wrong with the comment secion

Holy shit, Kuzumi looks like he's 12.


Never noticed that before...

PS:I even expected to be ignored from the start. I'm honestly surprised that I wasn't.

Nonsense. That was your intention from the very start. If not, you could've stayed silent. Congrats, now you're popular.

By all means throw your tantrum, but it's obvious to everyone what this really is. People who expressed their problems with the translation choice were nothing but courteous and you decided to respond passive aggressively for anyone daring to question your authority. Now you're pulling this power move to have people suck up to you for doing such a good job in the face of those nasty trolls. Well I'm not gonna give baby his bottle.

Why are you even here? I guess you're being courteous too?

Okay, I never said complaining is bad. But complaining for 2 pages is kinda too much. I mean this is the "comment" section, right? True, v1.0 isn't child friendly. You guys complained and I heard it. So I changed it to the "non-meme" version you guys wanted despite v1.0 not changing any context or important plot related stuff in the first place, you guys still complained. Kissmanga has like 70 comments discussing about the chapter. Yet here, all I see is bitching. Why do you even read this series? To point out the mistakes? To be an attentionwhore? To boast that you're a translator so people will kiss your ass?

And please, it does demotivate scanlators. Don't act like you're the perfect image of a scanlator.

I'm an English Major with thorough knowledge of how translation works, so I'll chip in and give my two cents. Even if the translator is taking too many liberties, your job as a reader is not to complain and demand changes. There are many literary works with different editions which include different translations. Your job is to pick the one that suits you best. Expecting a translator to cater to you particularly is juvenile and immature, especially when the work is done for free (I translate manga in my spare time). This manga is not for children, and what I can gather is that the translator used such language to portray male teenage behavior. It is not a bad job, it is simply not suited to your sensibilities. My advice thus, is for you to modify your stance and take it further: stop reading this particular translation and look for one which is more in line with your expectations. Don't complain and demand changes, the translation is not being done for you alone.

Ok ok, one final teenzy tiny thing; I never demanded change. I just expressed my heartfelt irritation, but I never demanded change. I even repeatedly said that I'm fine with being ignored and that it's completely up to them to do whatever with what I had mentioned, which includes the option of doing nothing with it. But if you want to talk about translations being done for everyone, then shouldn't it all be done PC while staying true to the original as much as possible, with staying true to the original being the priority should it ever conflict? I mean politically correct, just to clarify.
And the translator (=Osakanon) even mentioned how his/her own script had been changed a lot through the actual scanlation process and then Osakanon chose to 'ok' it due to majority rule, if you look back at the comments made about the whole thing. So it wasn't the translator who was trying to set a tone.

But there hasn't been any problems whatsoever since that time, so now it's just that kobester person who has chosen to escalate things seemingly on his/her own.

But you're using a very typical creativity vs. criticism-type of argument

This quote goes for you too, Demens. It's up to the creator(s) to do whatever he/she/they want with the critique given, and choosing to ignore it all is fine as well. But to say that anyone choosing to criticize a creation must walk on eggshells while doing so is a very skewed way of looking at the world. Which is partly why I chose to write it here at a neutral platform, because if I shoved my critique down their throats through PMs then that'd be overstepping my bounds imho. I also did it so I wouldn't be met with unfiltered hostility while criticizing their work, because hostility is easier to dish out when other people can't see it. I just dislike PMs between strangers for many reasons, not just those. But anything presented to the public in any way, shape or form will always be subjected to public scrutiny in one way or another, but that doesn't mean it needs to change because of it. That's 100% up to the ones behind it. Personally, I'm glad and thankful they've chosen to go with what seems to be the actual translator's scripts, now that I know how it all happened, but at the same time this escalation of things is not exactly something anyone can be happy about. But it's up to him/her/they so there isn't really anything anyone else can do about it. Life goes on either way.

Congrats on being an English major. It really shows that you're a true, authentic authority on all things translation.

Complaining about translations is absolutely okay. Why shouldn't readers complain about translations? What's wrong about that? I'm a translator too, but you don't see me saying, "Gyah how dare you complain about my work!!!" No, I either ignore dissenters or give them a reason for my particular choice! I don't try and shut them up just because they have something negative to say.
Why do people like you keep trying to emphasize that the translator or editor or whomever is king? I'm a god damn translator/editor and even I enjoy critical feedback because that's how we make better, more enjoyable translations!

FYI I would just like to put out there that when most scanlators receive legitimate constructive criticism on their work it doesn't "demotivate" them because most of us are able to handle a bit of public criticism lol. I'd rather it be public record where other readers can agree/disagree and offer their own thoughts than isolate it into individual PMs.

These are the kinds of attitudes I'd expect from creators. This whole thing has been needlessly dramatic from start to finish.

But thank you for your two cents Demens, even though you based a lot of it on a faulty premise. Also, your advice is something that has already been covered by previous comments so I'd advise you to actually read through it all which includes the comment you quoted. Now don't go making up stuff about me, okiedokie? Thanks, bye. Now I'm really not going to comment anything here anymore, I just didn't want to get slandered for something I didn't do.

I even expected to be ignored from the start. I'm honestly surprised that I wasn't.

Chapter 29 out now on kissmanga and mangahere. Also, from this chapter onwards, Batoto will have a 1 week delay for Kuzumi or probably never get uploaded. Because I favor the readers and comments there rather than this crappy site.

By all means throw your tantrum, but it's obvious to everyone what this really is. People who expressed their problems with the translation choice were nothing but courteous and you decided to respond passive aggressively for anyone daring to question your authority. Now you're pulling this power move to have people suck up to you for doing such a good job in the face of those nasty trolls. Well I'm not gonna give baby his bottle.

Strawman number 1. Nowhere in my response was implied any sort of authority on translation. Go back and read again, you'll see it even says "two cents".
No. Complaining is never ok. Suggesting and articulating a well thought out argument is ok. Something that so far you have failed to do.

Read above. But in case it still isn't clear, let's put it this way: if complaining is not followed by an actual solution then it's useless.

This is good, we agree on this point. Why you bring that up is still a mystery, though. I didn't read anyone doing that. Careful with another strawman, just in case.

You really like your strawmen, don't you? Please point out to where that is being said.

And this is good. If you go back and read my original post carefully, you'll see that this is the idea. People who read the translations are more than free to suggest changes, but not demand them. That is the main issue, so in case you missed it (which seems you did), well, there it is.

I think both of you are in a catfight just because you feel like it even though both of you generally agree on the same concept.

Congrats on being an English major. It really shows that you're a true, authentic authority on all things translation.

Strawman number 1. Nowhere in my response was implied any sort of authority on translation. Go back and read again, you'll see it even says "two cents".

Complaining about translations is absolutely okay.
No. Complaining is never ok. Suggesting and articulating a well thought out argument is ok. Something that so far you have failed to do.

Why shouldn't readers complain about translations? What's wrong about that?

Read above. But in case it still isn't clear, let's put it this way: if complaining is not followed by an actual solution then it's useless.

I'm a translator too, but you don't see me saying, "Gyah how dare you complain about my work!!!" No, I either ignore dissenters or give them a reason for my particular choice! I don't try and shut them up just because they have something negative to say.

This is good, we agree on this point. Why you bring that up is still a mystery, though. I didn't read anyone doing that. Careful with another strawman, just in case.

Why do people like you keep trying to emphasize that the translator or editor or whomever is king?

You really like your strawmen, don't you? Please point out to where that is being said.

I'm a god damn translator/editor and even I enjoy critical feedback because that's how we make better, more enjoyable translations!

And this is good. If you go back and read my original post carefully, you'll see that this is the idea. People who read the translations are more than free to suggest changes, but not demand them. That is the main issue, so in case you missed it (which seems you did), well, there it is.

Congrats on being an English major. It really shows that you're a true, authentic authority on all things translation.
Complaining about translations is absolutely okay. Why shouldn't readers complain about translations? What's wrong about that? I'm a translator too, but you don't see me saying, "Gyah how dare you complain about my work!!!" No, I either ignore dissenters or give them a reason for my particular choice! I don't try and shut them up just because they have something negative to say.
Why do people like you keep trying to emphasize that the translator or editor or whomever is king? I'm a god damn translator/editor and even I enjoy critical feedback because that's how we make better, more enjoyable translations!

Honestly, I can agree with both of you. One person is whitepod's mom (WP is known for yelling back at criticizing readers), and the other is a guy with no cares in the world, and accepts criticisms other people give him.

I can't say either is better, but what I can say is that we should be treating un-paid translators with respect, and if we DO speak up about problems, it's less of the posts on /r/ClashRoyale that are "EBARBS TOO OP NERF PLS TOO STRONK" and more of "[Strategy] What counters Meta Knight for Positive Elixir Trades."

I'm an English Major with thorough knowledge of how translation works, so I'll chip in and give my two cents. Even if the translator is taking too many liberties, your job as a reader is not to complain and demand changes. There are many literary works with different editions which include different translations. Your job is to pick the one that suits you best. Expecting a translator to cater to you particularly is juvenile and immature, especially when the work is done for free (I translate manga in my spare time). This manga is not for children, and what I can gather is that the translator used such language to portray male teenage behavior. It is not a bad job, it is simply not suited to your sensibilities. My advice thus, is for you to modify your stance and take it further: stop reading this particular translation and look for one which is more in line with your expectations. Don't complain and demand changes, the translation is not being done for you alone.

Congrats on being an English major. It really shows that you're a true, authentic authority on all things translation.


Complaining about translations is absolutely okay. Why shouldn't readers complain about translations? What's wrong about that? I'm a translator too, but you don't see me saying, "Gyah how dare you complain about my work!!!" No, I either ignore dissenters or give them a reason for my particular choice! I don't try and shut them up just because they have something negative to say.

Why do people like you keep trying to emphasize that the translator or editor or whomever is king? I'm a god damn translator/editor and even I enjoy critical feedback because that's how we make better, more enjoyable translations!

I know a bit of Japanese, and I know how the swearing works. But my point was that there's little to no chance they literally said sh!t like "or are you just a pu*#y?" on page 15, or sh!t like f*ck left and right. Seems like they've translated a bunch of kuso and other rude words into sexually toned profanities and racial slurs. Which is not ok, especially for a story like this. It's not a good job. If they want to translate crap into sh!t like that then they should work on yakuza manga, because those kinds of profanities have no place in a story like this with a setting like that. This translator/proofreader has taken way too many liberties with the ad-libbing. But there's little meaning in me speculating about it just because I see it doesn't fit the story. It would help a lot more if an accomplished translator with an actual license for it would chip in and give his or her two cents.
But again, that's what I think. I'll just stop reading it while the translator/proofreader does it like that. It's up to him/her, but that's my feedback and it's completely up to the translator/proofreader to do whatever with it. I know I'll most likely be ignored, which is fine. Doesn't mean it's pointless to point it out though.

I'm an English Major with thorough knowledge of how translation works, so I'll chip in and give my two cents.

Even if the translator is taking too many liberties, your job as a reader is not to complain and demand changes. There are many literary works with different editions which include different translations. Your job is to pick the one that suits you best. Expecting a translator to cater to you particularly is juvenile and immature, especially when the work is done for free (I translate manga in my spare time). This manga is not for children, and what I can gather is that the translator used such language to portray male teenage behavior. It is not a bad job, it is simply not suited to your sensibilities.

My advice thus, is for you to modify your stance and take it further: stop reading this particular translation and look for one which is more in line with your expectations. Don't complain and demand changes, the translation is not being done for you alone.

At this point I'd really like a chapter from Kuzumi's point of view. Not just to tell what he's really thinking but to see how flustered and frantic Sakura really gets.

It's probably along the lines of "She's so cute when she's like this."


At this point I'd really like a chapter from Kuzumi's point of view. Not just to tell what he's really thinking but to see how flustered and frantic Sakura really gets.

Dammit, since when was Kuzumi this cute?

*doki doki*

Thanks for scanlating Kobester ^^ More Haruna-Ichikawa and Kuzumi-Erika owo

Chapter 29 out now on kissmanga and mangahere.
Also, from this chapter onwards, Batoto will have a 1 week delay for Kuzumi or probably never get uploaded.

Because I favor the readers and comments there rather than this crappy site.

Can I have some of your salt for my fries? Thanks bud =)

this is one smooth ****


Chapter 29 out now on kissmanga and mangahere. Also, from this chapter onwards, Batoto will have a 1 week delay for Kuzumi or probably never get uploaded. Because I favor the readers and comments there rather than this crappy site.

Good on you tbh. Keep up the good work.

Chapter 29 out now on kissmanga and mangahere. Also, from this chapter onwards, Batoto will have a 1 week delay for Kuzumi or probably never get uploaded. Because I favor the readers and comments there rather than this crappy site.

You sure showed those three people who disagreed with your choice when several others showed some approval or thankfulness. Regardless, I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, so thanks for providing us a different place to read this.

Chapter 29 out now on kissmanga and mangahere. Also, from this chapter onwards, Batoto will have a 1 week delay for Kuzumi or probably never get uploaded. Because I favor the readers and comments there rather than this crappy site.

Um okay.
Well whatever is happening here im just enjoyin that Haruna x Ichikawa

Pretty much what keeps me going
Um okay.
Well whatever is happening here im just enjoyin that Haruna x Ichikawa

FYI I would just like to put out there that when most scanlators receive legitimate constructive criticism on their work it doesn't "demotivate" them because most of us are able to handle a bit of public criticism lol. I'd rather it be public record where other readers can agree/disagree and offer their own thoughts than isolate it into individual PMs.

Ok, guess I won't follow his or her advice in that case. I don't think anyone can count as an authority in general whether criticism should be submitted privately or publically, so with both of you saying one thing each I'll just stick to my own preference and I do agree with your line of reasoning. Being met with personal insults is just uncalled for though. But this is the last time I'm gonna comment here, it's not leading anywhere good. So if anyone writes anything to me here, don't expect me to answer. If anyone PMs toxic crap to me then I'll ignore you. I'll just leave it at this.

FYI I would just like to put out there that when most scanlators receive legitimate constructive criticism on their work it doesn't "demotivate" them because most of us are able to handle a bit of public criticism lol. I'd rather it be public record where other readers can agree/disagree and offer their own thoughts than isolate it into individual PMs.

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