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Kenja no Mago

Alt Names: alt 賢者の孫alt 贤者之孙alt 현자의 손자alt Magi's grandson
Author: Yoshioka Tsuyoshi
Artist: Shunsuke Ogata
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Thanks to various magic, the human race has been saved from calamity many, many times. Retaining his memories from his previous life, a boy, Shin, was picked up by an old man known to the world as the "Magi."

Shin was brought up by the Magi, who had retired to a secular place, as his own grandson. With the memories of his past life, he absorbed the Magi's craft and grew to be able to develop his own magic.

Then, the grandfather told him he has to become independent when he reaches the age of 15.

"Ah, I forgot to teach him common sense."

The grandson who has grown beyond the level of normal people, lacked common sense; the common sense of the world. So to learn how to socialize, he goes to Earlshide Kingdom City to be admitted to Earlshide Advanced Magic Academy.

RAWS: https://web-ace.jp/youngaceup/contents/1000015/
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They were stupid, but what did you expect?  The setting is for ILLITERATE, UNEDUCATED, PEASANTS.  The IQ of a mob is pretty much the inverse of the size of the mob.  And they didn't start with a high mark to begin with. 


People from our position of education, hindsight (and especially a READER'S overview) aren't really in a position to blame somebody for making a bad call like that.  If it was that easy to judge whats right and wrong judicial courts wouldn't have a backlog.

I doubt even 5% of them were able to read. That's the level of medieval folks - only rich people or those who needed reading/writing for work (like merchants or scribes) knew how to do it.


So yeah, none of them bothered to learn how to be skeptical or doubtful. Who needs that when their entire life revolves around growing food? ;p

....Not....good. The flashback was amazing. Engaging, heart breaking, very effective. The problem is...its SO much more effective than ANYTHING we've seen till this point. The protagonists, in comparison, are empty, vapid, and one dimensional. After this chapter....I WANT the demons to win. Unless this chapter was meant to change protagonists, they've done the rest of their characters a disservice. 


I mean, he's already won. Now he's just sitting around bored, being all "well, it wasn't a pleasant goal, but I've accomplished it."


Which was actually my favorite part of the chapter. "Conquer the world? Why would I want that. Sounds troublesome."

Then we find out that his wife's belly was already empty and shin is actually his son

This is stupid. Even if i was to assume the peasants were dumb, and assume they were ignorant about things going on in the capital, to just be like, "Oh, you need to take our women along for questioning? And they need to still be tied up and gagged? OK!" This is just some dumb shit right here. I can't fathom a person who supposedly cares about another just being like whatever to a situation where that other person is tied up and gagged. They should have demanded the guards at least unbind and ungag them. And when the guards refused, they should have been like, oh something is up. This was lazy writing right there on the authors part. OK, rant over.


They were stupid, but what did you expect?  The setting is for ILLITERATE, UNEDUCATED, PEASANTS.  The IQ of a mob is pretty much the inverse of the size of the mob.  And they didn't start with a high mark to begin with. 


People from our position of education, hindsight (and especially a READER'S overview) aren't really in a position to blame somebody for making a bad call like that.  If it was that easy to judge whats right and wrong judicial courts wouldn't have a backlog.

Shin might figure out how to cure a demon/devil. who knows. 

So Strom was a good guy all along.   :Thumbs Up:
He's right.  Those stupid commoners, the corrupt nobles, a country that shitty should just be flushed down the toilet and more people allowed to walk in and take over.  Honestly this is my belief for all foreign policy.  There are some good people in a country so we shouldn't indiscriminately kill them all?  Fuck that.  Take everything down to zero and hope the newly budding life will be better.  Trying to reform countries has poor efficiency that takes several generations to show any notable results and the people who were fucking everything up get off easy in 99% of every instance that approach has been tried.

Sure, on one condition: the rest of the world gets to apply that to your country first.

as a 12 y.o maybe i will like the heroes, but im an old man go Storm fuk that empire hard so they can fuk himself later

This is stupid. Even if i was to assume the peasants were dumb, and assume they were ignorant about things going on in the capital, to just be like, "Oh, you need to take our women along for questioning? And they need to still be tied up and gagged? OK!" This is just some dumb shit right here. I can't fathom a person who supposedly cares about another just being like whatever to a situation where that other person is tied up and gagged. They should have demanded the guards at least unbind and ungag them. And when the guards refused, they should have been like, oh something is up. This was lazy writing right there on the authors part. OK, rant over.


You won't believe how it reflects the society of today. I should be thankful that if this ever happens to you, you would make a sound judgment. But more often than not, here in our country, where the poor is uneducated, they trust someone with power, not questioning, just blindly following wherever the flow goes.

Strom is still a d*ck, and he was pretty naive (like every f*cking good/nice noble ever). Still, those nobles he killed deserved to die.

hmm strom and shin is quite the same shin is also pretty naive its just that he is the heroes grandson so he have it nice unlike strom.

This is stupid. Even if i was to assume the peasants were dumb, and assume they were ignorant about things going on in the capital, to just be like, "Oh, you need to take our women along for questioning? And they need to still be tied up and gagged? OK!" This is just some dumb shit right here. I can't fathom a person who supposedly cares about another just being like whatever to a situation where that other person is tied up and gagged. They should have demanded the guards at least unbind and ungag them. And when the guards refused, they should have been like, oh something is up. This was lazy writing right there on the authors part. OK, rant over.

Ever heard of mob mentality? Yeah, this is pretty much what's happening here, they had already shut their brain, so you could even spew the worst bullshit you could think, and they would still believe it.

This is stupid. Even if i was to assume the peasants were dumb, and assume they were ignorant about things going on in the capital, to just be like, "Oh, you need to take our women along for questioning? And they need to still be tied up and gagged? OK!" This is just some dumb shit right here. I can't fathom a person who supposedly cares about another just being like whatever to a situation where that other person is tied up and gagged. They should have demanded the guards at least unbind and ungag them. And when the guards refused, they should have been like, oh something is up. This was lazy writing right there on the authors part. OK, rant over.

I get the feeling Strom is being deliberately blind to his minions getting ready to go attack MC's kingdom. He got what he wanted out of them(the empire's destruction) and now he is getting rid of the useless baggage(that the flashback shows he quite likely loathes almost as much as he hated the nobles, due to them being stupid, angry lemmings) by letting them run into a meat-grinder (Shin and co.).


Can't really see him actually wanting the Earlshide to be destroyed like the empire if it made that big of an impression on him in the past. Unless he's going full Nietzsche-douchebag villain, then all bets are off.

Strom is still a d*ck, and he was pretty naive (like every f*cking good/nice noble ever). Still, those nobles he killed deserved to die.

women dies still pregnant
suddenly there is a picture of her holding a baby

Notice how that picture is burning?

Man... I almost feel sorry of Oliver now... almost.

I support Oliver Stradius!!!


down with the empire pigs!!!

So Strom was a good guy all along.   :Thumbs Up:


He's right.  Those stupid commoners, the corrupt nobles, a country that shitty should just be flushed down the toilet and more people allowed to walk in and take over.  Honestly this is my belief for all foreign policy.  There are some good people in a country so we shouldn't indiscriminately kill them all?  Fuck that.  Take everything down to zero and hope the newly budding life will be better.  Trying to reform countries has poor efficiency that takes several generations to show any notable results and the people who were fucking everything up get off easy in 99% of every instance that approach has been tried.

Alright, I like this guy now.
Anyone would go mad after seeing that kind of scene, I dont blame him at all.

I support Oliver Stradius!!!


down with the empire pigs!!!

They already are all dead. Didn't you read the previous chapters? This was a flashback.


Now, they are going to attack the MC and his country probably. Because of reasons.

probably this happens (as somebody also said) ... demon commoners attack MC's country, create havoc so MC and co. attacks strom new empire in response ... probably the closes aides of strom gets killed, 'cause are jealous of MC swag with strom and he responds ... then blablabla MC gets a hard moment but goes more OP.

Are the nobles responsible still alive?

No, all dead.

the problem with these "villain turns out to have been a super nice guy but something terrible happened so not hes evil" plots is that they are usually rushed as fuck and this is no exception.

seriously they have been living there for years under his rule, been treated better by him than any other lord and these 2 random fuckers come out wearing soldier uniforms and you instantly believe them? you believe them so far that you go and kill the lords pregnant wife? at least take her hostage you fuck nuggets.

even after all this his motive still doesn't make sense. why did he waste so much time in the kingdom?

why didn't he just crush the empire earlier with his OP powers? 

why did he make the civilians demons if he hates everyone in the empire?
if he didn't hate them then why is he just discarding his demon army? if he does hate them then why doesn't he kill them?

feels like the author just wants to make a relatable villain but is failing.

No, the people spent years under his father's rule, who was just like the other nobles.  They'd only been ruled by Oliver a short time in comparison.


And he spent so much time in the kingdom recovering from his own transformation, making plans, setting things in motion, and most importantly, making sure his ability to turn others into devils actually worked.


The civilians that he turned into devils are like him, ones that have suffered greatly at the hands of the empire - that's why he doesn't kill them himself.

Not really... think about it: Strom has accomplished his objective. Anything damaging beyond what he has already done would simply be cruelty justified only to fulfill the emptiness felt after realizing he accomplished the only goal he had remaining and doesn't know what to do with his life.

Are the nobles responsible still alive?

The best thing that's happened in this manga so far

....Not....good. The flashback was amazing. Engaging, heart breaking, very effective. The problem is...its SO much more effective than ANYTHING we've seen till this point. The protagonists, in comparison, are empty, vapid, and one dimensional. After this chapter....I WANT the demons to win. Unless this chapter was meant to change protagonists, they've done the rest of their characters a disservice.

Not really... think about it: Strom has accomplished his objective. Anything damaging beyond what he has already done would simply be cruelty justified only to fulfill the emptiness felt after realizing he accomplished the only goal he had remaining and doesn't know what to do with his life.

Alright, I'm on board again. Kill them all, Oliver

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