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* * * * * (4.64 - 230votes)

Ore no Himekutsu o Haite Kure

Alt Names: alt 俺の姫靴を履いてくれalt Help me Put on my Princess Shoes
Author: Suga Atsushi
Artist: Suga Atsushi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about a shoe maker with a foot fetish.

Original manga at ComicWalker: http://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF01000014010000_68/
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like why, why would he dash to the school it would cause silly misunderstandings, do mangakas have to make shit so dramatic all the time?

Since next chapter is final one, SilverHellios, are you picking up new series to scanlate?

I'm willing to bet that this is going to lead to


Why are you going to her highschool C7S0ouqVAAANACj.jpg

She doesn't like hands she wants those lewd head pats


No, she wants lewd hand holding.

Well all he has to do is wait for a year to tap that legs and for him to give here all the head pats she ever wants.

This development seems a little off to me.




In all fairness, she actually did something to him no matter how minor it really is in the big scheme of things. Talk is talk but she basically made a move on him physically and got caught. And dimwit had to go and make a big show about how much it seemed to bother him by jerking away really awkwardly when their fingers touched. He's an adult who has been in relationships before, so it's kind of weird he would get that way. He's not an awkward teenager going through puberty. So all that said, from the mind of a rather naive young girl, especially in Japan where touchy-feely gestures aren't really normal, she's really worried she went and creeped him the hell out.

Well this is pretty contrived.

This development seems a little off to me.



Holy hell please buy the MC some sturdy jeans.

Those bad boys can easily cover up the hardest of boners.


I mean you'd lose some plot and comedy but come ooonnnnnnn...

Someone needs to teach him about the ol' Texas tuck

Eeek... a pervert on schoolgrounds.

Chase after you barely legal waifu, damn it!

She doesn't like hands she wants those lewd head pats

Holy hell please buy the MC some sturdy jeans.

Those bad boys can easily cover up the hardest of boners.


I mean you'd lose some plot and comedy but come ooonnnnnnn...

Thanks for the great work, SiverHelios!!!!

So...   Lack of father contact > sensitivity to a man's touch >  infatuation with hands of a male mentor  > awakening to a fetish ?


Good to see the ex put in her place.  Perhaps she saw her toy slipping a way to a new pair of legs and got careless :)

Also probably shouldn't let her come and go whenever she wants, who would let an ex walk into their house whenever the hell they want?  That's messed up too.

Actually, quite a lot of guys do that. Especially if the ex is willing to spread her legs.


tfw you wont ever have a cute highschool girl who accepts your foot fetish. :(

At least it wasn't his right hand.


I think its not her fault, he ruins her mind by his sick.

Your English is as terrible as your understanding of what a fetish is.


"By his sick"? He has a fucking leg fetish, he's not sick or mentally ill. And she's a manipulative bitch, you don't become that from someone else having a fetish.


Also, thanks the translator for another chapter. As someone helping with manga translation, you have my condolences for the table - one of the series I'm helping with has a shitload of handwritten crap, most of which I can't read at all...

So its more or less confirmed the marriage failed cause of the ex's twisted personality, she's even seeing someone else while she teases him and tries to entice him to sex


maybe now she'll finally fck off, i really like this MC :)

I think its not her fault, he ruins her mind by his sick.

So its more or less confirmed the marriage failed cause of the ex's twisted personality, she's even seeing someone else while she teases him and tries to entice him to sex


maybe now she'll finally fck off, i really like this MC :)


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