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* * * * * (4.6 - 495votes)


Alt Names: alt クリミナーレ!alt Criminal!
Author: Mizuiro Suimin
Artist: Mizuiro Suimin
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Our protagonist, Ichimura Tamito, is a criminal magnet. Ever since he could remember he had attracted criminals from kidnappers kidnapping him when he was just a newborn, to robbers stealing his toys. He is determined to start a new life and make new friends after moving into a new city but at the start of the day he was bombarded by all sorts of crime. After encountering a knife wielding killer in broad daylight he saves a young girl that coincidentally belongs to the same class as he does. But something seems off about this girl and his new class too. It seems like our protagonist's magnetic pull on crime and criminals is getting stronger as he finds out that he belongs to a class of criminals and suspects.

Raw: http://www.urasunday.com/criminale/index.html
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I wonder why they went FBI instead of CIA. CIA operate outside of the US, FBI only operate in the US.

One of the few series where I look forward to the 4-koma specials. 

Going back to Harukana's condition, are you telling me her parents had ZERO relatives or friends to show her off to in her infant years? Otherwise, they would've noticed those people's oblivious looks on their second meeting with her, if not a few seconds after the first.

What makes you believe that was impossible? Would you believe if i say Japanese doesn't usually boast about their newly born baby? Or, for all we know her parents aren't the type to visit people.


I guess, at the end of the day this is a manga with an MC that supernaturally always involved in criminal activities as the victim, yet said parents of the MC didn't even hire a bodyguard for him yet.  :P

Going back to Harukana's condition, are you telling me her parents had ZERO relatives or friends to show her off to in her infant years? Otherwise, they would've noticed those people's oblivious looks on their second meeting with her, if not a few seconds after the first.

See this chapter proved my point from the get go some time ago. It doesn't really need to be a big deal about stealing per-say, just something in her care for her to remain in their minds. They don't even mind if it's gone. It reiterates in my mind that her mother was an idiot who wouldn't even do the bare minimum to help her daughter find a way to integrate within society, instead chastising her for finding a way to be noticed. 

Even more twisted thing is, does her mother even realize her constitution?


I mean, considering what cliches usually plagues Parents in Japanese's fiction media, it could be very well her mother just think Harukana simply has some socializing problem, and thought simple encouragement is enough to help her.


They had to make the FBI agent cartoonishly evil so the reader is forced to sympathize with the annoying cunt.

You mean FBI aren't evil?


Joking aside, aren't we agree that what this woman officer doing is shady and simply out-of-self-interest? Then all those subordinates of her following this operation is not the best crop of FBI. What better ways to show these losers' defeat other than making it cartoonish?


And honestly, you're making it sounds like if the FBI in this case was competent it would make the manga better somehow.

They had to make the FBI agent cartoonishly evil so the reader is forced to sympathize with the annoying cunt.

Pretty much.  Sad how bad this manga has become thanks to this arc.

I just realized this series needs an illegal alien character like Maria from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to make it perfect.  A lot of series need a Maria.

Sarah shouldn't underestimate the power of her panties. They can save the world.

Here, I'll rewrite it in softer terms since you seem to dislike the way he wrote it.
"The author had to give the FBI agent a personality that would paint her in an almost comically negative light, purely to make the readers feel sympathy towards the girl who, so far, has been nothing but an obnoxious nuisance."
If you want me to read between the lines for you, he was trying to say something like this.
"Harukana is not an endearing character, and the FBI agent was designed purely to make the readers like her more."
Want my opinion? I agree. Harukana is an annoying brat, and her backstory doesn't endear her to me either.

Want my opinion? You're both idiots.

See this chapter proved my point from the get go some time ago. It doesn't really need to be a big deal about stealing per-say, just something in her care for her to remain in their minds. They don't even mind if it's gone. It reiterates in my mind that her mother was an idiot who wouldn't even do the bare minimum to help her daughter find a way to integrate within society, instead chastising her for finding a way to be noticed. 


as long as not ended like Messiah sama ...

SnO dodge tragedy end bullet because major demand from reader ...



Now... "my penis"... .. can be saved...!

Yes.. with your underwear Sarah-chan.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Strong words. Does your mother know you're using her internet for such harsh language?

Here, I'll rewrite it in softer terms since you seem to dislike the way he wrote it.


"The author had to give the FBI agent a personality that would paint her in an almost comically negative light, purely to make the readers feel sympathy towards the girl who, so far, has been nothing but an obnoxious nuisance."


If you want me to read between the lines for you, he was trying to say something like this.


"Harukana is not an endearing character, and the FBI agent was designed purely to make the readers like her more."


Want my opinion? I agree. Harukana is an annoying brat, and her backstory doesn't endear her to me either. 

They had to make the FBI agent cartoonishly evil so the reader is forced to sympathize with the annoying cunt.

Strong words. Does your mother know you're using her internet for such harsh language?

They had to make the FBI agent cartoonishly evil so the reader is forced to sympathize with the annoying cunt.

My bet is classmates would give her mementos on their own will.

Ah, you make so much more dramatic value fodder...

If she did not gave anyone anything in her life - it would be so dumb... Why do you think nobody will assume it was found Item? In the first place, can you remember any gifts that was given to you by complete stranger? It won't really work as memento if you did not had any preexisting bond, and preexisting bonds for her are restricted to feeling annoyance and hatred. Well, she might appreciate this comment section bitching about her, isn't it so envious to have hatred as only social interaction.

And what gives you an Idea she had no records of her whatsoever? She disappeared from all written and visual media the moment she lost her stolen possesions. If she write something - people will ignore or erase it without second thought. At most it would be ghost story that will also be forgotten immediately.

Unless, of cource. you suggesting permanent damage so surroundings. Well, Herostratus way is a way to be known two, but I don't think Phantom Terorrist Harukana is better then Phantom Thief Harukana.

She is still alive and exist you say? Well aren't you humble. You'd stay in life-long solitude isolation, right? Maybe you'd became a saint or hermit somewhere in the wilderness. Child Sage is great potential two.

Well, I wasn't really trying to create unnecessary drama with my comments, and if it came off that way I apologize. It's difficult to convey one's exact feelings through text only.


I was simply bringing up points on which I believe the character of Harukanan could be improved, since they're actions we, the readers, haven't really seen her attempt. It doesn't matter much if she's actually tried those before, but if the author shows us she did. I was also not thinking about having her perform actions which damaged her surroundings, since that would be worse than what she's already done. Also, when I mentioned the 'ghost writing', I was thinking along the lines of creating a 'persona', a proxy identity which people would recognize as being unrelated to Harukanan, and thus not immediately forgotten, enabling her to communicate almost normally. Even if stealing really is her only option for being noticed, she could steal harmless things (strands of hair, nails, etc.) or from thieves themselves. That said, one has to wonder, how, exactly, the author plans to make the character of Harukanan 'good' after everything has settled down.

Except we still don't know that, since the things she 'had' were stolen in the first place, and we haven't seen her actually approach someone directly and give them something (not stolen, but of her own possession, like somethind made with 'free samples'). During her childhood, she didn't give that boy her sand bucket - as in, TELLING HIM it was hers and that he could keep it without returning it. Yeah, it was her bucket, and yeah, he took it, but since she didn't communicate her intentions before 'disappearing', we don't know whether or not that would have changed the outcome. My point still stands.


That only counts for DIRECT interaction (standing face-to-face with a person and talking to them). My second point already took that into consideration, describing INDIRECT ways (writing) of interaction. People wouldn't quite be communicating with her; they would just be seeing writing appear wherever she wrote it, and forming a subjective mental image of the person who could have made it. Since she's never tried that, you can't say it doesn't work. Yes, it's impossible to communicate directly, but indirect communication could still be possible. Point still stands.

Ah, you make so much more dramatic value fodder...

If she did not gave anyone anything in her life - it would be so dumb... Why do you think nobody will assume it was found Item? In the first place, can you remember any gifts that was given to you by complete stranger? It won't really work as memento if you did not had any preexisting bond, and preexisting bonds for her are restricted to feeling annoyance and hatred. Well, she might appreciate this comment section bitching about her, isn't it so envious to have hatred as only social interaction.

And what gives you an Idea she had no records of her whatsoever? She disappeared from all written and visual media the moment she lost her stolen possesions. If she write something - people will ignore or erase it without second thought. At most it would be ghost story that will also be forgotten immediately.

Unless, of cource. you suggesting permanent damage so surroundings. Well, Herostratus way is a way to be known two, but I don't think Phantom Terorrist Harukana is better then Phantom Thief Harukana.

She is still alive and exist you say? Well aren't you humble. You'd stay in life-long solitude isolation, right? Maybe you'd became a saint or hermit somewhere in the wilderness. Child Sage is great potential two.

The police woman is going so over the top with this that I can't help to feel that she is acting.

I can't be the only one who likes this arc.


It's like Sora no Otoshimono or Gintama. Yah get your funny and gag and fan-service arcs the majority of the time and then SHIT GETS REAL and you care about it because you've been laughing along with these characters.


as long as not ended like Messiah sama ...

SnO dodge tragedy end bullet because major demand from reader ...

For your first idea, it wouldn't work, because to the people that would receive these gift, it would become something that they found and not something that was given to them. chapter 30 page 11 could hint for that, after the stolen thing was returned, everyone forgot who stole them.

Except we still don't know that, since the things she 'had' were stolen in the first place, and we haven't seen her actually approach someone directly and give them something (not stolen, but of her own possession, like somethind made with 'free samples'). During her childhood, she didn't give that boy her sand bucket - as in, TELLING HIM it was hers and that he could keep it without returning it. Yeah, it was her bucket, and yeah, he took it, but since she didn't communicate her intentions before 'disappearing', we don't know whether or not that would have changed the outcome. My point still stands.


As for your second idea, chapter 28 page 3 clearly tell you that anyone that has interaction with her forgot her existence only a few second after the interaction. In other word, it would be impossible to communicate because you would need to reintroduce yourself every few second.

That only counts for DIRECT interaction (standing face-to-face with a person and talking to them). My second point already took that into consideration, describing INDIRECT ways (writing) of interaction. People wouldn't quite be communicating with her; they would just be seeing writing appear wherever she wrote it, and forming a subjective mental image of the person who could have made it. Since she's never tried that, you can't say it doesn't work. Yes, it's impossible to communicate directly, but indirect communication could still be possible. Point still stands.

Harukanan: "For someone that nobody can see, she will always be alone if she didn't resort to stealing. Will you please tell me what  should do?"


Well, for starters, have you tried GIVING something instead of TAKING? And I don't mean 'throw money into the air'; that's not really 'giving'. I'm talking directly approaching a person with a simple gift, like a freaking paper crane you made with free paper samples or something, and handing it over, without taking anything in return. That way, as long as you don't accept whatever you provide back, people will be able to see you. Instead of keeping a part of someone else with you, you'd be giving something of your own for them to hold; much easier and more harmless.


Secondly, even if people can't directly see you (and/or if the above option somehow doesn't work), you still 'exist', right? Meaning you can still affect the world. So if you, say, write something on a piece of paper or blackboard or send a message through a computer, cellphone and the like, they'll still see it, yeah? Meaning you could have communicated like that with your classmates when you were little instead of stealing from them to be noticed. You could have attempted to explain your situation, or made them acknowledge your existence even though they couldn't directly recognize you. I mean, how could you know that stealing is the only action that works if you haven't tried much (if anything) else?


What's more, your mother, not realizing how dire of a situation it was for a child, said 'It's alright, honey; your soulmate will solve this for you. He'll be able to see you, so don't be worried if nobody else can. There's nothing else YOU can do about it!' or something along those lines. A failure of a parent, if you ask me.


So yeah, I can't really feel sorry for our Little Thief there. Easy, obvious solutions wasted for the sake of drama don't really help her case.


For your first idea, it wouldn't work, because to the people that would receive these gift, it would become something that they found and not something that was given to them. chapter 30 page 11 could hint for that, after the stolen thing was returned, everyone forgot who stole them.


As for your second idea, chapter 28 page 3 clearly tell you that anyone that has interaction with her forgot her existence only a few second after the interaction. In other word, it would be impossible to communicate because you would need to reintroduce yourself every few second.

I wonder wat happened to the art towards the end it looks kinda sketchy

I can't be the only one who likes this arc.


It's like Sora no Otoshimono or Gintama. Yah get your funny and gag and fan-service arcs the majority of the time and then SHIT GETS REAL and you care about it because you've been laughing along with these characters.

too bad the drama itself is dumb and hamfisted as hell

Harukanan: "For someone that nobody can see, she will always be alone if she didn't resort to stealing. Will you please tell me what  should do?"


Well, for starters, have you tried GIVING something instead of TAKING? And I don't mean 'throw money into the air'; that's not really 'giving'. I'm talking directly approaching a person with a simple gift, like a freaking paper crane you made with free paper samples or something, and handing it over, without taking anything in return. That way, as long as you don't accept whatever you provide back, people will be able to see you. Instead of keeping a part of someone else with you, you'd be giving something of your own for them to hold; much easier and more harmless.


Secondly, even if people can't directly see you (and/or if the above option somehow doesn't work), you still 'exist', right? Meaning you can still affect the world. So if you, say, write something on a piece of paper or blackboard or send a message through a computer, cellphone and the like, they'll still see it, yeah? Meaning you could have communicated like that with your classmates when you were little instead of stealing from them to be noticed. You could have attempted to explain your situation, or made them acknowledge your existence even though they couldn't directly recognize you. I mean, how could you know that stealing is the only action that works if you haven't tried much (if anything) else?


What's more, your mother, not realizing how dire of a situation it was for a child, said 'It's alright, honey; your soulmate will solve this for you. He'll be able to see you, so don't be worried if nobody else can. There's nothing else YOU can do about it!' or something along those lines. A failure of a parent, if you ask me.


So yeah, I can't really feel sorry for our Little Thief there. Easy, obvious solutions wasted for the sake of drama don't really help her case.

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