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* * * * - (4.12 - 60votes)

Space-Time Prisoner

Alt Names: alt Bloodivoresalt 时空囚徒alt Узники времени и пространства
Author: Bai Xiao (白骁)
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Vampires have been defeated by Humans. A story about them wearing collars. Wait - you're mistaken, it's not like that!

(Read this series on Bato.to, ye filthy heathens! ~Caek)

[Translator: TakunDes]
[Editor: Caek]

Original Webtoon: http://ac.qq.com/Comic/comicInfo/id/531329
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Topic Space-Time Prisoner released chapter discussion. New Window truepurple
  • 3 Replies


Indeed. Or, consider orcs.
. . . Actually, I think some of the blatant theft of Tolkien's creations using his names yet is actually kind of objectionable. But most of it isn't what you could call copyright violaton.

Especially because, Tolkien being Tolkien, he didn't quite so much invent the word "Orc" as pull it up through out through the cracks of linguistic history and the mists of ancient mythology. (Wikipedia has some fascinating etymology notes on this, I've just learned).



The mangaka was accused of intellectual theft, a crime. Did you expect nobody would react to that?
Besides, you still keep accusing them of stealing. Why do you do this? What to you want to happen? And do you honestly think that's exactly what has been happening?
Or do you just not know what the word "steal" means?

I really appreciate your concern, but you'll have to approach things with greater detail and nuance regarding copyright. Copyright infringement is not as simple as saying X "stole" intellectual property Y from someone else.






Please, please avoid approaching the topic from an under-informed and misguided point of view. For chrissakes, you're on a site that hosts scanlations. You couldn't be less self-aware about it if you tried. Copyright is vitally important, I will definitely agree, but it merits thoughtful discussion, rather than accusations of intellectual theft by some randoms on the internet.

i wasn't refering to anything specific. I was just saying how they often steal idea's, designs, art, sounds, ect. and never give credit to the people they steal from.


as for things like this manga where they steal from pitch black, i don't care, it's just a monster, and the fact that many manga have shared monster designs. it's not really a big deal. besides, as far as i'm conserned, i just take this as a joke.


anyways, this got blow out of proportion and whatnot. so imma not comment on it anymore.

With similar lines of thought we can say that 90% of kuuderes are ripped straight from Haruhi series (which itself "borrows" one from Eva), 95% of modern vampires are ripped from whatever was that book, Dracula? doesn't matter.

Indeed. Or, consider orcs.
. . . Actually, I think some of the blatant theft of Tolkien's creations using his names yet is actually kind of objectionable. But most of it isn't what you could call copyright violaton.

it's not the fact that they don't have and ingnore copywrites. but that they flat out steal things and claim it as their own, not giving any props to the people who put in the hard work of making it in the first place.


I really appreciate your concern, but you'll have to approach things with greater detail and nuance regarding copyright. Copyright infringement is not as simple as saying X "stole" intellectual property Y from someone else.






Please, please avoid approaching the topic from an under-informed and misguided point of view. For chrissakes, you're on a site that hosts scanlations. You couldn't be less self-aware about it if you tried. Copyright is vitally important, I will definitely agree, but it merits thoughtful discussion, rather than accusations of intellectual theft by some randoms on the internet.

the flying creatures are ripped straight from Pitch Black

With similar lines of thought we can say that 90% of kuuderes are ripped straight from Haruhi series (which itself "borrows" one from Eva), 95% of modern vampires are ripped from whatever was that book, Dracula? doesn't matter.
It is perfectly normal to borrow elements from other stories. In fact, it would be much harder not to; and we would likely just not understand a page from the result.

There's also the fact that "Space-Time Prisoner" is not just that one monster. It's also the main hero, his friends, his harem, the plot they go through, the world where it happens, the words all of them say and a whole lot of other elements. Even if every one of them is borrowed somewhere, it's the combination of all them that makes the story; and I've yet to see another one that STP as a whole could be considered a copy of.

it's not the fact that they don't have and ingnore copywrites. but that they flat out steal things and claim it as their own, not giving any props to the people who put in the hard work of making it in the first place.

I admit, if the author flat-out said that those monsters were their own character designs that would be a little eyebrow-raising.


But they haven't. Do you know otherwise?



As far as I'm concerned, China's complete disregard for copyright is quite refreshing and has been one of its greatest charms in recent decades.

it's not the fact that they don't have and ingnore copywrites. but that they flat out steal things and claim it as their own, not giving any props to the people who put in the hard work of making it in the first place.

the chinese don't even know what copywrite means. so they sure as hell don't care.


As far as I'm concerned, China's complete disregard for copyright is quite refreshing and has been one of its greatest charms in recent decades.

And the flying creatures are ripped straight from Pitch Black.




Does China not know what the word "plagiarism" means? 

the chinese don't even know what copywrite means. so they sure as hell don't care.

And the flying creatures are ripped straight from Pitch Black.




Does China not know what the word "plagiarism" means? 

I'm pretty sure it's just another reference. This manhua has been referencing a lot of American movies and TV Series so far.

And the flying creatures are ripped straight from Pitch Black.




Does China not know what the word "plagiarism" means? 


To be fair, the monster design of Space-Time Prisoner may have been inspired by Pitch Black, but that doesn't necessarily make it "stealing" or "plagiarism." I'd probably agree with you more if they literally ripped frames from the film and put it into the comic, but in this case, the monsters are drawn matching artstyle of the manhua, not Pitch Black. I'm also fairly sure this isn't Pitch Black the manhua, either.


In any case, I think it's okay to borrow monster concepts and ideas, as long as there's a fair bit of re-imagining and re-contextualization involved. There's a reason copyright protects expression of an idea over an actual idea itself.


And the flying creatures are ripped straight from Pitch Black.




Does China not know what the word "plagiarism" means? 

Well, okay. In the dead center near the bottom in the pink robe is: 狐妖小红娘. Yes I know the title is in chinese but I'm not aware of there being an english translation but and I only recognize it because my youtube account is subscribed to a channel that is uploading its anime (currently being aired). To the left of that is the main girl from: Wangpai Yushi. To the right of that is Space-Time Prisoner. Below the girl with purple hair is from: Yaoguai Mingdan (which I am translating by the way).

By the way, I managed to figure out 7 of the 11 series there... Can't make out the last 4 though cause the titles are too blurry to read.

this manhua draws itself.... just pointing that out.

Also, i see those monsters and i could only think of this:



Tsk tsk, holiding hands...very ecchi



They should be caring towards the underage, censor hand holding!!!

I was gonna ask why holding hands is so lewd too.....like.... wat.

Then I remembered this gif.

I'm dead. gj.


Also, i see those monsters and i could only think of this:


So, suddenly.... vampires vs. mutant sharks?

Riddick called he wants his monsters back

I am a hopeless loving potato, waiting to be eaten. <3


Bokura wa H ga Dekinai

Tsk tsk, holiding hands...very ecchi



They should be caring towards the underage, censor hand holding!!!


Gotta ask, what manga was it that started this whole "Hand Holding is LEWD!!!" thing?

Tsk tsk, holiding hands...very ecchi



They should be caring towards the underage, censor hand holding!!!

Mi Liu go zoom zoom?


Also, once I get Fairy Captivity done for the week, I plan on completing all of the chapters TakunDes has translated over the weekend. I've had a backlog of them for the entire month, so...

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