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Inherit the Stars

Alt Names: alt Hoshi o Tsugu Monoalt Hoshi o Tsugumomoalt Hoshi wo Tsugu Monoalt Hoshi wo Tsugumonoalt Lo scheletro impossibilealt 星を継ぐもの
Author: James P. Hogan
Artist: Hoshino Yukinobu
Genres: Fantasy FantasyMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In 205X, armed forces and conflicts are a thing of the past and people live safe, peaceful lives, all thanks to a cheap, inexhaustible source of energy. One day, something strange is discovered on the moon: an ancient corpse in a spacesuit. The corpse is undeniably human, but it appears to be about 50,000 years old! What does this mean about the history of our species and what effect will this discovery have on current human society?
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Holy cow an update! Thanks for keeping it up.

About that hairless thing, my understanding is that the current leading hypothesis is pretty much the opposite of what's floated here.  Rather, the notion is that it's an adaptation for radiating heat away, to be able to go out hunting in the height of the day when everything else is holed up in the shade barely able to move.  Woolly hair up top insulating the brain from the sun's heat, dark skin substituting for fur as the blocker of sunlight, allowing skin and sweat glands to export heat without insulating fur trapping it over most of the body, and lack of speed compensated by unusual endurance in running (most animals are faster than us, but not capable of things like marathons)--early hairless hominids could relentlessly chase deer or whatever in the pitiless noon of the savannah until they collapsed of heatstroke, and grab a meal before top cats or hyenas would want to come out from their siesta and push them off the kill.  So, not total wimps.

According to that account, this is why they were dark rather than pale, like mole rats and other underground thingies, and why we have a very well developed sweat gland system, and those sticking-out noses with lots of heat-radiating capillaries.


Mad dogs and hominids go out in the noonday sun.

I want more.

It's been 2 years since the last update

Let's hope we won't have to wait another 2 for the next update


holy sh- this manga is soooo coool... i just read the first chapter and after a while, i already read all 10... hope to see more of this...

I hope there'll be a update next month. x.x Already reread and reread the same chapters over and over.


It's educational *and* entertaining. PIME TARADOX

Wow such a refreshing manga! I just love the feel this all has!


Thanks Illuminati-Manga for translating it and making me discover it! Hopin' to see more one of these days ^^


Thanks, Illuminati-Manga, for another couple of chapters in a great manga.  Obviously, the science is somewhat suspect to us today, but what great imagination and what a great storyteller.  Enjoying this manga a great deal. 

Wasn't expecting this one to ever be updated again but I'm glad it was; kudos to Illuminati-Manga and KidCongo.

Well, the tidally locked thing . . . I dunno, maybe if it arrived with a very slow rotation to start with, so there wasn't much to overcome?  Flukey, but I wouldn't have expected impossible.

Of course it's still ultimately silly.  I'm pretty sure if there had been a sudden increase in the size of tides 50,000 years ago, the geological/paleontological record would show it in major changes to coastal ecosystems and tidal estuaries and stuff.  Not to mention there would surely have been big time disruptions as it arrived.

Meanwhile, I'm scientifically illiterate but thanks to atgc for helping out.

So it's possible for a moon to change orbit around completely different planets, but it's impossible for it to not be completely tidally locked and rotate half way over 50,000 years...


If you try to play hard science, we'll expect your crackpot theories to pass the BS sniff test.

I don't remember any of this high-speed-rotation stuff from the books.

Also, if a triple speed rotation would result in 10% lower gravity (at the equator), that would mean that right now today gravity would be 3% lower at the equator than the poles.  I've never heard such a thing; I don't think the earth's rotation is actually fast enough to create that effect to that extent.  I feel like the mangaka didn't want to let well enough alone and felt he just had to add his own, ah, spin on things.

Centrifugal acceleration is rotation speed squared times the radius, so gravity should be more like 1% lower, if we take this data as granted. Lemme try and calculate this.


Ok, I can't say this is accurate for sure with my lack of sleep, but apparently with a tripled rotation speed gravity would be lowered by 3% at the equator. That is, of course, for an earth-sized planet. This seems to corroborate with the 0.3% lower gravity with the current speed, as tripling the speed would multiply acceleration by 9.

I don't remember any of this high-speed-rotation stuff from the books.

Also, if a triple speed rotation would result in 10% lower gravity (at the equator), that would mean that right now today gravity would be 3% lower at the equator than the poles.  I've never heard such a thing; I don't think the earth's rotation is actually fast enough to create that effect to that extent.  I feel like the mangaka didn't want to let well enough alone and felt he just had to add his own, ah, spin on things.

Hmm lets see.
Tidal friction: Yep, not something that would add 16 hours in a mere 50K years but yep.
Lighter surface gravity: Yep, would happen at the equator only though.
Thicker atmosphere: What. Someone needs to go over this one for me.
Never ending gale force winds blowing east to west: Okay this one is absolutely off the rails. What? Why? Surely the author doesn't believe the atmospheric inertia is enough to maintain those sorts of conditions.
Wind erodes mountains away: Yeah sure buddy, Himalayas only 50K years old, same with every other mountain range...
Cannot see moon from site: Flat out BS by this stage. The moon is in synchronous rotation thanks to gravitational locking with the earth, not something that would happened if their migratory theory was true.
Plants being responsible for increasing oxygen levels in the atmosphere: Alright buddy. Bacteria? What are those?
Tall sturdy trees sheltering lifeforms from the winds: What the hell, tall trees would simply not be a thing in areas of strong wind, especially in winds like those described. Basically only the poles would have those kind of trees develop. This is exemplary circular logic.
Aerodynamic dinosaurs and megafauna: Whoops, I mistook this manga as a sci-fi, it's actually a comedy. I think I'll just sit back and relax now.


Th Hard SF in this manga was doing well and seemed mostly accurate and OK... but then they made a huge blunder:

He considers two models of Earth: A moon for the entire (or at least most) of its history; A moon for only the last 50K years.

A moon for only 50K years means before there would have been a lot less tidal friction and thus the rotation speed at Earth's creation would be far more similar to the speed 50K years ago - True.

But then the Author somehow decided that what would be the same between these two earth models is the rotation speed at Earth's creation - NO!

The rotation at Earth's creation was calculated from the assumptions in the model where earth had the moon for longer, meaning using this same speed for the other model is wrong. What should have been the same is the rotation speed of the earth up to 50K years ago - because that is the period that has the same physical system in both models.

The important thing to note is what MUST to be the same is the CURRENT situation, and so given that, you extrapolate the conditions using each model's assumptions.

Ergo, the Author should have concluded it was spinning slower for the dinosaurs than previously predicted - not 3 times faster. This error causes all of the wild errors you listed - I think perhaps the Author just made this error, then got so caught up in his wacky dinosaur theory that he forgot to check the premise (or anything else) made sense.


Plus, even with these errors the Author seems to have missed that the poles would have had none of the wind, nor lower gravity.

Finally this manga went full Jaden Smith. Because most trees are blue.
And how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
Hmm lets see.
Tidal friction: Yep, not something that would add 16 hours in a mere 50K years but yep.
Lighter surface gravity: Yep, would happen at the equator only though.
Thicker atmosphere: What. Someone needs to go over this one for me.
Never ending gale force winds blowing east to west: Okay this one is absolutely off the rails. What? Why? Surely the author doesn't believe the atmospheric inertia is enough to maintain those sorts of conditions.
Wind erodes mountains away: Yeah sure buddy, Himalayas only 50K years old, same with every other mountain range...
Cannot see moon from site: Flat out BS by this stage. The moon is in synchronous rotation thanks to gravitational locking with the earth, not something that would happened if their migratory theory was true.
Plants being responsible for increasing oxygen levels in the atmosphere: Alright buddy. Bacteria? What are those?
Tall sturdy trees sheltering lifeforms from the winds: What the hell, tall trees would simply not be a thing in areas of strong wind, especially in winds like those described. Basically only the poles would have those kind of trees develop. This is exemplary circular logic.
Aerodynamic dinosaurs and megafauna: Whoops, I mistook this manga as a sci-fi, it's actually a comedy. I think I'll just sit back and relax now.

Manga's by Hoshino Yukinobu have always been hardcore sci-fi. It's a class above the rest. I really wish someone would release them more frequently. Read his other works too like 2001 nights etc. Please release more of their chapters.  

Are there more chapters coming?? This is really good and I wish there were more coming.

This manga is too epic to make any sense.


IT"S EPIC... Thank you scans folks... to bring this series


Illuminati sama.. Give us vol 2.. prety please... with cherry on top...


please.. i beg you....

@ Comadrin

It's nice to see someone else who enjoys Heinlein.  He is another author whose entire body of work is in my library.

Heinlein's someone else I tend to divide up into early and late writing.  I like a lot of his early stuff (like Tunnel in the Sky, say, or Space Cadet like Comadrin says), have mixed feelings about his middle stuff (bigger, more impressive, but often also more flawed), and his late stuff . . . what happened to that dude?  Most of the late stuff is total crap.  Meandering plots, lousy characterization, and tons of time spent spouting off about all kinds of hobbyhorses.  Ever try reading "The Number of the Beast"?  If not, don't.  Seriously.  The whole book is basically one big plot hole that ends up falling into itself, and while the characters wander from one random event to another they gab and bicker endlessly, often about crap like whether it's OK to say the word "tits" as long as you spell it "teats".  No, really. 


But the early juveniles are all fun, and later stuff up to things like "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" can be quite impressive.  Mind you, I do think Heinlein and the other top "Golden Age" writers had a key advantage; they got to stand head and shoulders above the other SF because most of the other SF was crap.  The bar is higher these days, and someone like Lois McMaster Bujold writes better on nearly all dimensions than Heinlein ever did--better characters, better plots, better science, better social/political analysis, better at dealing with the social impacts of technology, better prose, snappier dialogue . . . Heinlein was good, but Bujold is better, and there are some other current SF writers I'd want to claim that for too.

Uh, Xziled is mistaken. I have all three books of that trilogy on my bookshelf, and James P. Hogan wrote many other books after.
The trilogy is made up of the books:
Inherit the Stars
The Gentle Giants of Ganymede
Giants' Star
It's a very good trilogy, and the puzzle making up "Inherit the Stars" is perhaps the most interesting and elaborate scientific puzzle in all SF. They are IMO among his best books, along with "Voyage from Yesteryear", "The Two Faces of Tomorrow" and "Code of the Lifemaker". Later in his career IMO he kind of ran out of steam.


I've been very, very slowly reading my way through the series on my Kindle whenever I'm out, currently 25% of the way through the 5th and final book.


If anybody liked 2001: A Space Odyssey but wants a version that makes logical sense instead, I'd highly recommend the first 3 books of this series as a great read, give books 4 & 5 a miss unless you really want to read them.



As for the manga version, seems like it's the "author's take" on events. Sort of a fanfiction based upon the books using some of the names & events in roughly the same order, but strung together as the author saw fit to make it more interesting to read in Manga form. I'll be interested to see where it goes.

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