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* * * * * (4.71 - 649votes)

Sengoku Youko

Alt Names: alt 戦国妖狐
Author: Mizukami Satoshi
Artist: Mizukami Satoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Stop your evil deeds and take the right path!" That is the creed of Youko Tama and her younger step brother, Jinka Sendou. The two demon siblings travel the country to stop the deeds of all evil doers, along with a scaredy-cat swordsman they picked up along the way, Hyoudou Shinsuke. During their travels, they will come across a monk organization with more than suspicious methods and they'll soon be at war.
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Fark me time skip!

So i guess no romance for Shakugan and that wind guy after all,

if there is, its middle aged man romance...

Time skip? I think the final arc is approaching.

What were the Fairy Eyes again?



Every chapter makes me want to shout at the screen about how awesome they are.

Ch. 53: Whaaat? *screams a little* So awesome! I'm so excited about this!



Timeskips for everyone.

another timeskip? sheesh!

Hello again timeskip. Older Tsukiko still looks cute~

Why are there some many likable people in this manga? Shogun is one of the best characters I've liked in years. So was Tiger-monk. Shinsuke is pretty fun too.

this manga has some crazy good character development, and even better how it has the kids develop far faster then the adults, with the adults helping the kids along the way.

Anyone who has never read this, do yourself a favor and ignore every comment but this one until you are caught up with the series.

Tons of twists, and if you know what they are, the impact gets lost.

EH? Shinsuke is stuck to one location? So he's gonna have a real tough time returning Shakugan to human form. And he won't stop until he can.

I liked shakugan. everybody liked shakugan. bring back Shakugan.

What is that a gif of?


Wakfu, or maybe Dofus. It's an awesome French anime based on a mmorpg. A must see.

training to be the best from the best, nothing less.

Senya is carrying that weight already ;_;

Senya learned from the best, it falls on his shoulders to take all that awesome out into the world.

What does the land god do with his soul?

The way he died just give me goosebump. This manga is really great

Goddamn it that Shogun was one of the most likable characters I have seen in years. At least he got to fly in the end.



What is that a gif of?

Goddamn it that Shogun was one of the most likable characters I have seen in years. At least he got to fly in the end.



damn, this chapter is so sad...especially when we see how epic the shogun was...

I don't know why, when I saw this page:

I think of this:

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