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* * * * - (4.12 - 60votes)

Space-Time Prisoner

Alt Names: alt Bloodivoresalt 时空囚徒alt Узники времени и пространства
Author: Bai Xiao (白骁)
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysterySupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Vampires have been defeated by Humans. A story about them wearing collars. Wait - you're mistaken, it's not like that!

(Read this series on Bato.to, ye filthy heathens! ~Caek)

[Translator: TakunDes]
[Editor: Caek]

Original Webtoon: http://ac.qq.com/Comic/comicInfo/id/531329
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Topic Space-Time Prisoner released chapter discussion. New Window truepurple
  • 3 Replies



I'm slightly depressed since I feel like she wont.

I too think she has developed a super-ability just in time, but I'd be glad to see her again. At least, she's nicer to look at than these pale guys.

Is it time for some tree epilepsy yet?

Thanks for the update!

Thanks for the chapter Caek & Co. !

At least i will not feel bad if the brown hair woman died ^^

I'm slightly depressed since I feel like she wont.

Thanks for the chapter Caek & Co. !

At least i will not feel bad if the brown hair woman died ^^

You bring up good points, especially the general disregard of intellectual property in Chinese culture... but we're already done discussing this. Please keep comments related to Space-Time Prisoner.

Sure, it was ok.

They have a very Xenophobic culture (+ a selfish sense of entitlement that was brought about in part by the one child policy) and it extends to many aspects of their lives including business.



You bring up good points, especially the general disregard of intellectual property in Chinese culture... but we're already done discussing this. Please keep comments related to Space-Time Prisoner.

I really appreciate your concern, but you'll have to approach things with greater detail and nuance regarding copyright. Copyright infringement is not as simple as saying X "stole" intellectual property Y from someone else.






Please, please avoid approaching the topic from an under-informed and misguided point of view. For chrissakes, you're on a site that hosts scanlations. You couldn't be less self-aware about it if you tried. Copyright is vitally important, I will definitely agree, but it merits thoughtful discussion, rather than accusations of intellectual theft by some randoms on the internet.


I don't read this novel and was mostly strolling through the comments to see if it was worth my time when I came across your comment. 


What you said is mostly correct. Yes, China has their own copyright laws. However what you're missing is the real world practical application. Internally I'm sure they take copyright infringement seriously i.e. Chinese vs Chinese. However good luck being a western firm trying to impose your copyrighted/patented products against a Chinese company or organisation in China. The Chinese courts will virtually laugh you out even if you've registered your copyright/patent with them (if you get that far by giving financial encouragement to the correct people). 


They have a very Xenophobic culture (+ a selfish sense of entitlement that was brought about in part by the one child policy) and it extends to many aspects of their lives including business. 


Let me give you an anecdotal example to highlight what is a larger industry problem when dealing with China. I have a family friend who owns a company that produced a patented product. They moved production to a factory in China, copyrighted/patented their product there for safe measure. They later found out that the factory they moved it too produced their product during the day and then in the night shift used the same schematics and materials to produce the exact same product but without the brand logo, selling them off. They tried to impose their copyright/ patent but zip.


Another person I spoke to managed to get taken more seriously but the judge asked for a bribe that amounted to more than the claim would have been worth. He refused, surprise surprise they found that they couldn't enforce the copyright in this case. 


Apparently this is a pretty common occurrence if you're not a mega corporation with influence and teams of lawyers. They simply do not respect western patents and copyrighted material, hell a verbal business agreement with them is worthless if you're a foreigner and contracts are barely better.


This has nothing to do with how many people there are, after all they may have a pool of billions to breach copyright but they have that same pool of people to enforce them if they took the issue at all seriously against "others". It's part of the reason lots of businesses like to deal out of Hong Kong, they tend to take it more seriously. 

I am beginning to feel the story is thrown together more for a cool factor than anything. This "group" of prisoners, were obviously put together with a few (the main survivors) with special abilities (or, in the case of that one female who is probably going to give that monster a really bad experience with blood-suckers), just not-human. The ones who died already were the red-shirts (for those not in the know, red shirt is a term from Star Trek fans for the crew that went down with the landing parties, who' sole purpose was to die, they always wore red shirts).


So far, the situation is being fairly predictable in certain aspects. Story might have more potential, but can't say I am feeling any real originality thus-far.

too short ill need to see if this one gets 200+ chapters, maybe it will develop a little by then.

Well, at least he fulfilled what every man dreams of, being sucked dry by a woman.

Come on now. If they didn't show the body, then they're likely not dead yet.


As such, there's a decent chance that ...



so much for the "he'll be my man in 3 days" shit didnt last 3 hrs

Come on now. If they didn't show the body, then they're likely not dead yet.

short chapter webtoon..

so much for the "he'll be my man in 3 days" shit didnt last 3 hrs


After seeing her motives, I'm wondering if he's just smart enough that he caught on to her, or he really just values his friend much more.


With two, presumably he could grab one and gravitate it into the other, letting go and heading in a different direction just before impact.  For instance.

Shh... don't remind me! I tried my best to adjust things to be less cringey from a physics perspective, but it still bothers me a lot.


Now, to be fair, if we ignore three fourths of his explanation and stop at, "it's better than a normal jump", I could buy that.


Though, I admit it'd be much more fun if this did resemble physics and so, for example, in trying to charge continuously towards the beastie he would end up orbiting it. Seriously, you don't need to apply any extra weird rules to personal gravity-direction control to make it tricky to use safely.

Maybe it is just the artist's style but the purple haired girl's expressions always seem so insincere.


edit: Nope, looking back her expressions were pretty normal, I guess I am overthinking things because of how shady she is.

This chapter... "Because it doesn't cost energy, it's the fastest!". Well it does cost energy, assuming blood powers do, and that isn't how gravity works. Unless these lizards have incredibly terrible reflexes, in which case they wouldn't be scary, he would have gotten pinged out of the air.


Shh... don't remind me! I tried my best to adjust things to be less cringey from a physics perspective, but it still bothers me a lot.

This chapter... "Because it doesn't cost energy, it's the fastest!". Well it does cost energy, assuming blood powers do, and that isn't how gravity works. Unless these lizards have incredibly terrible reflexes, in which case they wouldn't be scary, he would have gotten pinged out of the air.

Due to real life circumstances (being very busy), TakunDes will no longer be translating Space-Time Prisoner. Thanks for all your hard work - it was a pleasure working with you! :)


As for everyone else, rest assured that the chapters will keep on flowing, at least for a while. I have ten more chapters that TakunDes translated. In the meantime, I'll try to figure something out.

~ Caek

So uh, back to discussing the chapters.




Find out next week, when Space-Time Prisoner returns!


Well ... if he's developing into some kind of stereotypical japanese highschooler protagonists then the answer to that question is most likely ... no. If he's turning into one of these cookie-cutter 0815 Xianxia protagonists ... then it's more likely that he's going to turn out that way than not.


Though even if it's the later ... as they still didn't mention any jade like skin or beauty that could cause the downfall of a country, it's hard to tell.

So uh, back to discussing the chapters.




Find out next week, when Space-Time Prisoner returns!


Thanks for bringing us back on-topic, Caeky.

That assumes that both Yi Feng and Mi Liu survive... 

So uh, back to discussing the chapters.




Find out next week, when Space-Time Prisoner returns!

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