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* * * * - (4.37 - 191votes)

Higashi no Kurume to Tonari no Meguru

Alt Names: alt 東のくるめと隣のめぐる
Author: Abiko Yu
Artist: Abiko Yu
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Kousuke has a boring high-school life, but he sits next to his crush--the really popular, cute Tsukahara Meguru, who has a cool, stoic personality. One day, his parents announce that they're moving, but that he'll still be able to attend the same school. The new apartment building has a lovely river and friendly neighbors... and it is next door to where Tsukahara lives! Outside of school, she seems to have a completely different personality, friendly and a little quirky. She makes him promise not to tell the others at school how she acts at home, but why does she put on such an act for her classmates? [tethysdust]
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Damn those cliffhangers!

still neighbor zoned

I'm pretty sure you missed the meaning of gary stu. Many gary stu and mary stu HAVE annoying personality YET they are loved by everyone DESPITE their personality.

But their personality normally has nothing to do with it. The point of Mary Sue (and it's other names for male characters: Marty Stu or Gary Stu) is an author avatar, where they focus most of their wish fulfillment. This is why they are always so perfect or overpowered. They can have any range of personalities because of this.


In a way you're both right, but more so for God Ginrai. Mary Sue / Marty Stu stories primarily focus on an avatar of what the author wishes to be and/or what the author wishes could happen to them, but they're so often annoying that this could easily be mistaken for a defining trait of the genre.


Generally, this is because the author is unable to separate themselves from their "perfect" avatar. Thus you see the author's inner demons and real behaviors... combined with a description of how perfect they are and how much everyone loves them. The contrast is extremely jarring, and makes for reading that's annoying as hell (if you take the story at face value), funny as hell (terrible writing is so common that it could also easily be mistaken for a defining trait of the genre), and/or pitiful to the point of tears (when you think about someone being this desperate to escape their real life).

by the power of neighborliness 

Spiderman shrugs

Random Kaguya

by the power of neighborliness 

Can't get enough of this manga

I was casually reading this all afternoon without much care but just now I realize these chapters all end with hooks.  :( help

everyone in this manga looks cockeyed 

Intense stares.

Things are getting interesting ...

[Lots of good stuff]...]They can have any range of personalities because of this.

In theory yes, but in effect they all pretty much align on trying to be Jesus, but with impulsive personalities, crippling self-esteem issues, and so on and so on...


You could even claim that the definite trait of mary/gary sue/stu is having personality issues that are not addressed by the story, which instead focuses on other personality issues that they either don't have, quickly overgrow, or are not so serious.


In the end when you're writing you're pulling things out of yourself and into the blank paper, everything in the end is a projection of your internal world. And of course you'll be wanting to make your MC, which the story will follow, your likeness because the only story you're following is your own. Failing at addressing that character's flaws is what makes it into a mary/gary sue/stu.


You can have some pretty damn fun stories with an MC that is overpowered but flawed, or living the wish-fulfillment of the writer but with a reality check that makes the story relatable. See Outlaw Star or Cowboy Bebop for the latter, my examples for the former would be divisive.

I'm pretty sure you missed the meaning of gary stu. Many gary stu and mary stu HAVE annoying personality YET they are loved by everyone DESPITE their personality.

But their personality normally has nothing to do with it. The point of Mary Sue (and it's other names for male characters: Marty Stu or Gary Stu) is an author avatar, where they focus most of their wish fulfillment. This is why they are always so perfect or overpowered. They can have any range of personalities because of this.

So... he's not a Gary Stu, and this is somehow a bad thing?
Perfect characters are boring, family.

I'm pretty sure you missed the meaning of gary stu. Many gary stu and mary stu HAVE annoying personality YET they are loved by everyone DESPITE their personality.

It is an omake - senmanga has it as 15.5.


Thanks for the info, Abe. Guess i'll use the order at senmanga too.

As always. I don't really know. I just use the chapter convention from Jcafe(which is down right now).


Anyone knows better please tell me so i can correct it :D

It is an omake - senmanga has it as 15.5.

....That wasn't an omake? wow


As always. I don't really know. I just use the chapter convention from Jcafe(which is down right now).


Anyone knows better please tell me so i can correct it :D

That chapter was all over the place, and throughout it all, I've learned one thing: I really want a spin-off for Afro.


Just one really good Afro-focused chapter will do.

....That wasn't an omake? wow



or maybe this manga is just being immersed in its own willful naivete, and we have a slightly smarter worldview than that. there's sweet, and then there's sweet to the point of sickening. not all middle school romantic comedies require you to turn off your senses so you can wallow in the sheer innocence, but this one seems to have such a requirement. also, it's one thing to like a manga that has a few cliches peppered around the place, and another thing to like a manga that is based on cliche, and has scarce moments of originality and progression. it's most definitely not a micro-culture thing, it's more a writing (and plot consideration) thing, since the scenario created in this manga is obviously filtered through the rosiest-colored glasses you could ever think to see through.

What does this chapter have to do with gardening? ?_?

"Raising" flags maybe counts as gardening, uh? XD
Thanks for the chapter, guys!!

What does this chapter have to do with gardening? ?_?


I think it's a euphemism.



What does this chapter have to do with gardening? ?_?

I like the big sister :)



Wait so you really want to say that your upset because a teenage boy got excited over some tits... do you even realise how ridiculous that is, he's allowed to get turned on by boos or whatever being angry that he had the regular response that 99% of teenage boys would have is quite frankly ignorant

You might find my actual post on the subject to be almost as interesting as what you're incorrectly attributing to me. If you'd like to read my actual post, it's the text above what you wrote inside your post (or the text in the post five posts below yours). No need to hurry, I'll be around.

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