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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 79votes)

Nomi Joshi

Alt Names: alt Drinking Girls
Author: Ukatsu
Artist: Ukatsu
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Takase Michiko, 29 years old

A somewhat hopeless girl who overflows
with joy at the sight of delicious alcohol.

Normally drinking beer or sake, but occasionally settling for whiskey...
She usually ends up drinking way too much with her peers, Yuki and Sono

The 4-koma that will make you want to go drinking!
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I think I'm going through withdrawal... When are we getting more Nomi Joshi?

Great Manga, but let me say that I think these are some of the best, if not the best, translator notes I've ever seen.

If there were an official style manual for scanlations, this would be the example of how to do it.

...Eggplants are disgusting, frankly speaking. Rubbery skin and squishy insides. It kind of feels gross.

Japanese eggplants are quite different from those from other countries. Not sure where you're from but European ones tend to be large, watery and quite frankly disgusting but Japanese ones tend to be smaller and more firm and are delicious.

...Eggplants are disgusting, frankly speaking. Rubbery skin and squishy insides. It kind of feels gross.


Once grilled they are amazing.

I think half the reason I'm reading this at this point is these translation notes. Now I really want an eggplant...

...Eggplants are disgusting, frankly speaking. Rubbery skin and squishy insides. It kind of feels gross.

I think half the reason I'm reading this at this point is these translation notes. Now I really want an eggplant...

When you begin to cook and follow the recipe and the dish is ok, then your grandma appears, does her magic of "throwing everything together" and destroys your cooking pride as if nothing, goddamit grandma i hope someday to achieve your level.

Worry not. There will come a day when you too will shatter your grandchild's confidence through your cooking prowess. It's a vicious cycle.

Damn it. Food was relatively normal this chapter, so I thought you wouldn't be able to make me hungry with a bunch of delicious food pictures at the end. I was wrong...


When you begin to cook and follow the recipe and the dish is ok, then your grandma appears, does her magic of "throwing everything together" and destroys your cooking pride as if nothing, goddamit grandma i hope someday to achieve your level.

woo Sono best girl, great chapter

>tfw no cool mature muscle waifu


sexy muscle ...

>tfw no cool mature muscle waifu

Feels bad, man.

>tfw no cool mature muscle waifu

Aaaaaand I'm hungry again.

I do love glasses girl, but this time Sono is the best girl, I just love how she appreciate how people work and how mature & calm she is mmm...

Mmmm. Sono.

It's always amazing to see the amount of research done to translate a chapter of a manga.

New chapter -- aw-right! And, I love the detailed translator notes with pics at the end. :)


Also, another depiction of those private room tables. This one shows the space underneath from a better angle, for anyone who may have been confused.


not sure how image posting works, so there's the link.

New chapter -- aw-right! And, I love the detailed translator notes with pics at the end. :)

Came for the cover art, then came for the cover art. I'm sorry I'll leave now....

New chapter! Hell yes! I've been thinking about this manga a lot recently.

Ugly as sin indeed. Could use a few more hits with a sledge hammer to even it out.

Tempura is so delicious. Even i like making it myself, but its always interesting to see what can be made into tempura.

Literally everything. If you see it, you can make it with tempura. I guess it has to be edible...


Also, sea urchins REEK when they're out of the water. My dad used to fish them out on holidays. Their shells, once you remove the spikes and clean them, are beautiful, but holy shit they're repugnant until then. And their mouths look like some satanic monsters...

N-no! the chapter cant be over already!

Tempura is so delicious. Even i like making it myself, but its always interesting to see what can be made into tempura.

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