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I Found a Kitten

Alt Names: alt 子猫拾いましたalt Ich fand ein Kätzchenalt 아기고양이 주웠습니다alt Koneko Hiroimashitaalt Я подобрал котенка
Author: Yohachi
Artist: Yohachi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Atsuki Komiya is a college student that’s living alone. Suddenly, his sister visits and asks for a favor, which is to take care of his niece, Kasane, for two weeks. A story about the awkward relationship of these two, the confused Atsuki and the sullen Kasane, living together. Which direction will this story go…?
Made by: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=558398
Sequel: I Found Another Kitten http://bato.to/comic/_/i-found-another-kitten-r20912
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  • 3 Replies


Sorry author-san, just like the other I also didn't found it to be funny.

Wow, that's some negligent policing. Give girl to random stranger just because she's a woman without checking HER identity.

And she's the one who's actually kidnapping Kasane.. No questions asked.

Wow, that's some negligent policing.  Give girl to random stranger just because she's a woman without checking HER identity.

No, that's.... That's not even funny. Seriously.

Well this is one way to completely ruin your relationship, if were talking about real people and not the fact that this is a manga and they will laugh it off in the next chapter. Still mighty annoying.

Now is anyone hoping for truck senpai to make himself into the scene and run over this bitch? I don't know if I am just getting sick of this gag or because this kind of shit has ruined people's lives irl when they are falsely accused but SERIOUSLY BITCH?

and that's how childhood friends lost her ship... not cool sis, not cool.

Oh no childhood friend you just lost some points

Did it hit something close to home to you?


It's not really Played for Laughs anyway, but more of plot way to make screentime only for both Kasane and Tsugumi.


And you're exaggerating about how it will destroy anyone lives and reputations. He's just suspected, not caught red-handed. If anything, the moral is you shouldn't stand idling 30 minutes in front of a child clothing store, anyone would get suspicious.

fyi, in some countries, just a bit of suspicion can actually destroy lives. that sort of accusation could really stick. even though people like to talk about how in a case, someone is innocent until proven guilty, other people's judgement starts the moment you were accused. even if you were proven innocent, something like that just doesn't disappear from people's minds. in a world where a woman's testimony regarding cases like this is taken more seriously than a man's, there have been some cases of innocent men who went to jail just because of a false testimony from a woman. this seriously is no laughing matter and yes, the author did play it for laughs.

Yeah no, fuck that girl.

Did it hit something close to home to you?


It's not really Played for Laughs anyway, but more of plot way to make screentime only for both Kasane and Tsugumi.


And you're exaggerating about how it will destroy anyone lives and reputations. He's just suspected, not caught red-handed. If anything, the moral is you shouldn't stand idling 30 minutes in front of a child clothing store, anyone would get suspicious.


Lets compare "fiction" with "fiction": The Hunt

When surrounded by a community consisting of morons (society, lol) the mere accusation is enough to end the life you once knew.


Mob-mentality aside, the way Tsugumi is introduced to the scene reeks of a "gag" scene, it just falls flat for me because apparently Kasane's word (or lack of) doesn't count for shit? Dunno how much "safer" she is with that yandere.

Did the author really think this would be a funny gag? Situations like this destroy men's lives and reputations. This isn't funny at all.

My thoughts exactly.


Did it hit something close to home to you?


It's not really Played for Laughs anyway, but more of plot way to make screentime only for both Kasane and Tsugumi.


And you're exaggerating about how it will destroy anyone lives and reputations. He's just suspected, not caught red-handed. If anything, the moral is you shouldn't stand idling 30 minutes in front of a child clothing store, anyone would get suspicious.

Fun fact: You don't need to be found guilty of child molestation to make it into the sex offender registry. People's lives have certainly been ruined just by allegations of sexual misconduct. Of course, this is a problem with sex offender registry itself, which has been criticized by many human rights groups, but it is nevertheless distasteful to joke about this. That said, I don't think Japan has a similar list so such jokes might not be as big of a deal as it is in the west, but it will hit a sore spot with many Americans.

Et tu, Tsugumi-san?

Did the author really think this would be a funny gag? Situations like this destroy men's lives and reputations. This isn't funny at all.

Did it hit something close to home to you?


It's not really Played for Laughs anyway, but more of plot way to make screentime only for both Kasane and Tsugumi.


And you're exaggerating about how it will destroy anyone lives and reputations. He's just suspected, not caught red-handed. If anything, the moral is you shouldn't stand idling 30 minutes in front of a child clothing store, anyone would get suspicious.

Did the author really think this would be a funny gag? Situations like this destroy men's lives and reputations. This isn't funny at all.


I hope this won't happen to me in real life when I bring my niece to go to a store....

Don't hesitate outside of the store and don't have jerks for friends.


I hope this won't happen to me in real life when I bring my niece to go to a store....


Well, like I said, I can't blame the guy for dying, but should he have been acting out his eroge fantasies by ejaculating inside a 15-16 year old girl and knocking her up? We don't know what kind of situation he left her and her child in when he died, but considering her stress and desperation to make things work, it clearly wasn't very good.
I think he makes a good case for ensuring your wear protection, least you condemn your wife and child to impoverished situations when you accidentally eat dirt. Or life insurance. Did he work at a convenience store or something? You gotta prepare for this stuff early...
Well, this is getting too real for a fluffy story we've been given thus far, so that's about it from me on this subject. Haha.

Must've been the life of the party when his class diccussed Romeo & Juliet. Or any romantic tragedies.

7.1 ?? i though this manga are already finished lol so i unfollow this and suddenly i see an update

lats year, when this series " completed" , i unfollow it and give it 5 rate. after that, i read this chapter twice and its still look funny, and now, i follow this series again.hope there will be nore of this

Why do you unfollow completed series?

i just hope his sister gonna adopt new girl in the sequel

With all the incest stories these days, who knows... perhaps that might be the solution
What I worry about is how the mother is doing, now that she's living alone. Because living alone can lead to depression, and being unable to see your lovely child during weekdays might be tough. But I'm glad that it looks like she visits her daughter more often while working.

Well, like I said, I can't blame the guy for dying, but should he have been acting out his eroge fantasies by ejaculating inside a 15-16 year old girl and knocking her up? We don't know what kind of situation he left her and her child in when he died, but considering her stress and desperation to make things work, it clearly wasn't very good.


I think he makes a good case for ensuring your wear protection, least you condemn your wife and child to impoverished situations when you accidentally eat dirt. Or life insurance. Did he work at a convenience store or something? You gotta prepare for this stuff early...


Well, this is getting too real for a fluffy story we've been given thus far, so that's about it from me on this subject. Haha. 


They found themselves a home (house or apartment unknown) and got married, then had a child. Then he died in an accident. How do you know he didn't have life insurance or savings? They still have a home to live in, they're not destitute or on the streets. We have been told nothing of their situation beyond that it's a single-parent household, and now we know it's because the dad is dead and therefore unable to further contribute.


So we arrive at the obvious fact that raising a child alone is fucking hard and it isn't made any easier by having lost the person you love. It's tough to be a parent to your child when you have to put most of your time into bringing home enough money to put them through school, put food on the table, keep the lights on and the roof over you, and still put some away for their future. How much money do you think most people still have put away after actually having their first child? Kids are expensive right from the start and when you have one it's not under the assumption you will outright die five yards from the starting line. You're going on and on about how they shouldn't have had a child and why? Because he died suddenly and without warning? Bullshit. He didn't make her asshole father disown her, the old man chose that himself. He didn't make her leave with him, she chose to go. He didn't force a baby into her, they had a child together. The only possible wrongdoing here that we know of would have been him being responsible for the accident that killed him and given that he died for it I somehow doubt it was intentional.


The entire community knows very little about this man beyond that he is Kasane's father, was older than Kasane's mother (with no number given), and is dead. That's it. All other statements are just assumptions based on some combination of personal experiences, views. and bias and reflect nothing about the character.

First off we don't really know how much older he was and they seemed to actually love each other. Second he could have been working enough to support both of them and reconciliation would have happened in the future when the grandparents want to meet their granddaughter. The husband took responsibility instead of leaving. It's BS to paint him as a bad guy when he did the right things and stuff went bad when he accidentally died.


Well, like I said, I can't blame the guy for dying, but should he have been acting out his eroge fantasies by ejaculating inside a 15-16 year old girl and knocking her up? We don't know what kind of situation he left her and her child in when he died, but considering her stress and desperation to make things work, it clearly wasn't very good.


I think he makes a good case for ensuring your wear protection, least you condemn your wife and child to impoverished situations when you accidentally eat dirt. Or life insurance. Did he work at a convenience store or something? You gotta prepare for this stuff early...


Well, this is getting too real for a fluffy story we've been given thus far, so that's about it from me on this subject. Haha. 

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