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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.53 - 209votes)

Koharu no Hibi

Alt Names: alt こはるの日々alt 小春伴身边alt Days of Koharualt Hari-hari Koharualt Indian Summer Days and Usalt 코하루의 나날alt Koharu Daysalt Повседневная жизнь Кохару
Author: Ooshiro Youkou
Artist: Ooshiro Youkou
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: On his way to school, Torii Akira helps a girl who was about to fall down. From that moment he keeps running into that girl, and she seems very happy to see Akira. Could this be the reason Akira can't help smiling all day?

Before long, however, Akira begins to notice the true face of that girl. Her obsession growing every day, Koharu's eccentricity causes her to take anything involving Akira to the extreme, disregarding the concerns and well-being of others as she seeks her senpai's affection.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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It's really sad :( but yes!!!! KnH will end in the next chapter x_x

twitter confirmation:


I'm really going to miss this manga!!!!! -.-
this is one of those scenes where i wonder if i am a freak because i enjoyed it so much
Dat orgasm :o
I really liked chapter 23 xD
Koharu was soooooooooooo cute this chapter~ ( more than usual )

It's sad that next chapter is the last one...

God, yanderes are so awesuuum
was she having an orgasm, i wonder?
Are you saying that you can't hold back your Kool-Aid smile?
group: 4chan

instant follow.
A+ Yandere done right, just that right amount of subtle crazy but still really creepy at times.
Alright I'm only on chapter 2, but this image really fits-
Posted Image
WoW!!!!!!! I bet she had multiple orgasms o_o just by hearing her name o_o

>-< whem the friends came......i couldn't stop of laughing xD jajajajajajajaja it was just too funny xD
Grinning like an idiot here.
Ear rape?
Who was the girl in santa clothes and black hair, I forgot about her. It's been ages since the last update that's why I forgot!!
God damn it, all you did was get him to call your name all night. Yandere back-fired this time
Yeah, it's like they totally took the expressions and dialogue from a typical hot hentai manga and just tweaked the words a tiny bit. Hilarious!
@kaze343 try reading Campione! :P
Koharu just trolled everyone without even knowing...
First time I've seen someone get so much pleasure from getting called by their first name. Japan is a home of many fetishes...
wow that was like an intense sex scene that wasn't actually a sex scene.
A wild update appeared!

Koharu no Hibi used Attract.

Reader is in love.
that girl is just freaking scary
that was the best non sex scene i have ever read, ever.
Wow huh things are finally normal? haha

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