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* * * * - (4.34 - 201votes)

Not Lives

Alt Names: alt ノットライヴスalt Nieżywi
Author: Karasuma Wataru
Artist: Karasuma Wataru
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Mikami is only in high school, but he is a game designer genius. He has created many popular games ranging from RPGs to Action titles, even puzzle games. At his classmate’s request, he decides his next project will be a romance game, so he begins to gather research material that will help him make another hit game. But when Mikami gets home, he finds a game called Not Alive that he doesn’t remember buying. When he tries to play the game, the CD seems to go inside him, and he awakens in a part of town that seems frozen in time.
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@Waterflame : Do you plan on continuing to release Not Lives up until the end of March 2016, when the books will start being released in English, or will you make plans to continue to fly under the radar?  Just curious, since groups generally stop at different times and some not at all.

Trade secret : 3

@Waterflame : Do you plan on continuing to release Not Lives up until the end of March 2016, when the books will start being released in English, or will you make plans to continue to fly under the radar?  Just curious, since groups generally stop at different times and some not at all.

Use imagination mixed with logic ("rules" from several story) and you can create your own interesting story ... =3= ...
(in this case I use Not Lives and NGNL "rules")

But people don't know 『 』 comprises of two people, much less who they are.


indeed, that's why in my "If it happen stories"

Not Lives gamer who just lose and become Avatar will seek Genius Gamer ...

(but they don't know 『 』 is a pair) which is why they aim Shiro instead ...

If I'm them, and don't know about 『 』, I'll also do the same ...

simple ...


considering they can even win against overwhelming disadvantages situation, in almost toe-to-toe situation, their win might be always 100% perfect ...

Use imagination mixed with logic ("rules" from several story) and you can create your own interesting story ... =3= ...
(in this case I use Not Lives and NGNL "rules")

But people don't know 『 』 comprises of two people, much less who they are.

『 』never lose though. How can one of them become an avatar?


simple ...


Use imagination mixed with logic ("rules" from several story) and you can create your own interesting story ... =3= ...

(in this case I use Not Lives and NGNL "rules")

10/10 would marry Mariko

Also it's great to see the MC so pumped about this, he hasn't lost his charm!


you must be hate GantZ and Btoom then ...

pretty much like that ... might goes backstabbing at unexpected time ...

And Alice in Borderland, Duds Hunt, and Kaiji...


if only 『 』 in here ...
infinite replay with perfect score ... =3= ...

『 』never lose though. How can one of them become an avatar?

Mikami look badass in end, seem like he determined to win and try cleared game.


if only 『 』 in here ...
infinite replay with perfect score ... =3= ...

Mikami look badass in end, seem like he determined to win and try cleared game.

Oh lord... What the top panel turned out to be was not my first mental picture when this scene came up:


I wonder if I've been ruined.


licking loli ... (*yum*)

kinda have de javu with "Tongue" at Grandia 2 ... =x= ...

Oh lord... What the top panel turned out to be was not my first mental picture when this scene came up:

I wonder if I've been ruined.


you must be hate GantZ and Btoom then ...

pretty much like that ... might goes backstabbing at unexpected time ...

i can't say i dislike backstabbing stuffs, and GantZ and Btoom both have good story, many surprises, and gore, which makes both of them [should be] on of my faves. but for some reason i just couldn't bring them to the list. i wonder why this manga feels better even tho it's basically a avatar-in-RL (accel world) plus deathmatch-forced-game (SAO, GantZ, Btoom etc)

I actually kinda hope this guy isn't a bad guy. As crazy as these two seem to be, I kinda like 'em.

Well... *someone breaks in door and covers my mouth* *muffled mouth noises*
I actually kinda hope this guy isn't a bad guy. As crazy as these two seem to be, I kinda like 'em.


okay, I think ... they just need to crush it or something ... maybe ... ?x? ...


The game master said they will win when the hour arm of the clock points at two.


Ultimately, all players presents misdirected to think that they'll have to win by surviving until its 2 o'clock.

Luckily, the MC remembers that during a game, time doesn't move, and so any kind of clock.

This mean that the player actually has to manually move the clock's hour arm.




okay, I think ... they just need to crush it or something ... maybe ... ?x? ...

Why hasn't anyone moved the hand of that clock forcibly yet? I mean, I read that condition and was like 'Whelp, that was easy!'




Why hasn't anyone moved the hand of that clock forcibly yet? I mean, I read that condition and was like 'Whelp, that was easy!'


I'd totally be one of the dead.  I didn't notice that condition at all.

Yeah, I feel like most of us all probably had an inkling for the true objective of the game, especially when these sorts of things are never what they seem on the face. 

Why hasn't anyone moved the hand of that clock forcibly yet? I mean, I read that condition and was like 'Whelp, that was easy!'

I was thinking that actually.
The clock probably doesn't move on it's own.

man, I really hate these games about backstabbing others. leaves a bitter taste in my mouth because I know I would have died in these games, since I am too much of a honest person to betray others.


you must be hate GantZ and Btoom then ...

pretty much like that ... might goes backstabbing at unexpected time ...

That description... Surprisingly, I'm not yet tired of this "finding oneself inside/owining an avatar in a survival game" trope. Bookmarked :)

Why hasn't anyone moved the hand of that clock forcibly yet? I mean, I read that condition and was like 'Whelp, that was easy!'

man, I really hate these games about backstabbing others. leaves a bitter taste in my mouth because I know I would have died in these games, since I am too much of a honest person to betray others.

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