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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.38 - 116votes)

Yuki ni Tsubasa

Alt Names: alt 雪にツバサalt Wings Upon Snow
Author: Takahashi Shin
Artist: Takahashi Shin
Genres: Drama DramaMusic MusicRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Tsubasa lives in a hotspring town that is about to fade away from a bad economy. He is a middle school delinquent, and is beat up at school almost every day. He has a secret, though: he is a psychic, but he is embarrassed of this fact because his abilities are "lame" and not worth bragging about. One day, however, he realizes that he can read the mind of a mute girl named Yuki.
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Oh, let me contribute to the derail in this comments section:   (All of this only apply to Mex. spanish)
For the bugs in programing:
They are commonly called  "bugs" (in english) or "errores" but no one call them "bichos" or "insectos" (literal translation of bugs),
"bichos" as many meanings here, per example a "bicho" may refer to a Cat or "bichito" for a "kitten"
"bichos" also for any type of parasites from bacteria to insects on humans or animals with the condition they must be small (they may be internal or external) and this  can become in strange sentences like:
" El bicho tiene bichos" (cat have fleas/ticks/worms etcetc)
Also "bicho" or "bichos" can be used on humans that are like parasites (very rare actually, is more common to call them "remoras" ... sharksucker ...? )
but more commonly a human "bicho" (cat) refer to sidekicks/underlings and more specific to errand boys.

To finish this derail, let me quote this, even if it seems to have no relation:


"El español es demasiado importante para dejarlo en manos de los españoles".

Guillermo Cabrera Infante


Here's one crazy thing, though: Apparently in Colombia you refer to bugs as "bichos", just as we do in Peru.  But in Northern Mexico that is not true.  Nearly thirty years ago I was doing some computer work in Hermosillo, Mexico (close to Arizona), and the boss came in and asked what I was doing.  I replied, "Estoy buscando y matando bichitos." (I am searching for and killing bugs.)  He looked at me really strangely, because in northern Mexico the word "bichi" apparently refers to the local Indians.  So I was hunting down and killing little Indian kids, supposedly.


Me alegra saber que somos muchos los bilingües aquí.


English: I'm glad to know there are many bilingual people here.

Como las culebras: tenemos dos lenguas. 8-)

English: Like snakes: we have two tongues 8-)

Si alguna vez quieres practicar tu español, avísame. Soy profesora de español, así que puedo ayudar con gusto.


English: If you'd ever like to practice your Spanish, let me know.  I am a Spanish teacher, and so would enjoy helping out.

Me basta por ahora. Aunque no soy experto, estoy cómodo con el español hace tiempo, y mas estoy pataleando con otros idiomas, particularmente lo japonés por ahora.

English: It's enough for me for now. Though I'm not an expert, I have been comfortable with Spanish for a long time now, and I am more playing around with other languages, particularly Japanese for now.


Here's one crazy thing, though: Apparently in Colombia you refer to bugs as "bichos", just as we do in Peru.  But in Northern Mexico that is not true.  Nearly thirty years ago I was doing some computer work in Hermosillo, Mexico (close to Arizona), and the boss came in and asked what I was doing.  I replied, "Estoy buscando y matando bichitos." (I am searching for and killing bugs.)  He looked at me really strangely, because in northern Mexico the word "bichi" apparently refers to the local Indians.  So I was hunting down and killing little Indian kids, supposedly.

Has leido suficiente (creo) de lo que he puesto acá en Batoto a través de los años para descubrir que hablo castellano (así lo llaman en el Perú).  No es secreto del estado...


En serio, ya hablo español hace mas que treinta años, desde que vivía en el sur del Perú por un rato al comienzo de los años 1980.  Y traje un recuerdo que me mantiene el habla bien: mi peruana, esposa y madre de mis dos hijos (ya crecidos).


Genial. yo soy colombiana, pero llevo relativamente poco leyendo en Batoto, así que realmente no sabía que hablabas español hasta ahora. Me alegra saber que somos muchos los bilingües aquí.


Si alguna vez quieres practicar tu español, avísame. Soy profesora de español, así que puedo ayudar con gusto.

(Translation: Awesome. I'm Colombian, but I've been here for a relatively short time, so I didn't know he spoke Spanish until now. I'm glad to know there are many bilingual people here. Also offered to help with Spanish practice, as I'm a Spanish teacher [as well as a musicologist, but that's another story])

¡Yo soy un árbol en el centro de la calle!

Me gustaría comer las estrellas con mis manos.

A little too spicy for my taste.  Talk about heartburn...

Has leido suficiente (creo) de lo que he puesto acá en Batoto a través de los años para descubrir que hablo castellano (así lo llaman en el Perú).  No es secreto del estado...


En serio, ya hablo español hace mas que treinta años, desde que vivía en el sur del Perú por un rato al comienzo de los años 1980.  Y traje un recuerdo que me mantiene el habla bien: mi peruana, esposa y madre de mis dos hijos (ya crecidos).


And for the Spanish-impaired, many of you probably know by now that I speak fluent (though not perfect) Spanish and wish my Japanese were at that level, but rather despair it will ever get there.  The older you get, the harder it is to absorb a new language.


¡Yo soy un árbol en el centro de la calle!

Me gustaría comer las estrellas con mis manos.

Parce, acaba de dejarme boquiabierta... ¡Habla español también! ¡¿Qué no es capaz de hacer usted?! :D

Has leido suficiente (creo) de lo que he puesto acá en Batoto a través de los años para descubrir que hablo castellano (así lo llaman en el Perú).  No es secreto del estado...


En serio, ya hablo español hace mas que treinta años, desde que vivía en el sur del Perú por un rato al comienzo de los años 1980.  Y traje un recuerdo que me mantiene el habla bien: mi peruana, esposa y madre de mis dos hijos (ya crecidos).


And for the Spanish-impaired, many of you probably know by now that I speak fluent (though not perfect) Spanish and wish my Japanese were at that level, but rather despair it will ever get there.  The older you get, the harder it is to absorb a new language.

Feelsbadman, the manga.

Itllfeelbetterman, later.

Feelsbadman, the manga.

 But I realized my mistake while I was proofing the Spanish version for Yasnify.  And the reason I noticed it was because of the content of chapter 8.


Parce, acaba de dejarme boquiabierta... ¡Habla español también! ¡¿Qué no es capaz de hacer usted?! :D

Why do I have this feeling that Tsubasa will become the esp version of the girl from "Saishuu Heiki Kanojo".
On another note, thank you rpapo for a new chapter (as well as fixing some older ones, though I do not know exactly what you fixed.)

That. Mute. Girl. Even I get pissed off reading this!

Are there cats in this series =03?

Not that I know of...  Of the six series I am working on right now, four of them are about cats.  But two are not.  And of the three series I have waiting in the wings, only one of them involves cats.  Of the other two, one is sports based (soccer), and the other is a necro of a series Village Idiot stopped working on several years ago.


You know, after the comments about last chapter of being a little confusing:
 After a month and some days of sleep I feel it is now very fluid, very clear, I don't know if this is related to you updating the chapter, but now all make sense.

Está bien.  Toditos nosotros tenemos buenos días y malos.  8-)


Actually, looking it over in detail, it was only two minor changes in chapter 7. I can't find anything I'd changed in chapter 8 at all, so I didn't really need to reupload it.  My bad.


The changes to chapter 7 were very minor: I updated the table of contents on the left side of the cover, and I changed the sentence on the last page which said "It is as if Yuki had buried them out of sight." to "It is as if the snow had buried them out of sight."  After all, Yuki (her name) and the snow have the same kanji character (雪).  But I realized my mistake while I was proofing the Spanish version for Yasnify.  And the reason I noticed it was because of the content of chapter 8.

I've also updated chapters 7 & 8 very slightly.  Not worth chasing down the very slight changes unless you're really, really bored.

You know, after the comments about last chapter of being a little confusing:
 After a month and some days of sleep I feel it is now very fluid, very clear, I don't know if this is related to you updating the chapter, but now all make sense.

Are there cats in this series =03?

Did somebody ask when music was going to enter into this story?


I've also updated chapters 7 & 8 very slightly.  Not worth chasing down the very slight changes unless you're really, really bored.

I don't know if I like how little he knows about his own abilities, but I'll wait and see. Still really enjoying this though.

Why do I feel like this is all over the place? Maybe it's the art style, but I'm getting certain difficulty to fully understand the dialogues/monologues and relating them to the images depicted. Am I the only one with this issue?

Okay, now that we've all had a night to sleep on it, are there any questions, or any particular parts of the English you find difficult to understand?  I know this chapter is very different from the previous ones (no attempted rape, no violence, etc), and for some of you that may be a let-down (not for me), but apart from the abrupt change in direction (and there's more to come), just what confuses you all about this chapter?


Side note: For "Kasazijou", look here.


The chapter seemed to wander a bit, but then again Tsubasa needed the time to straighten out his thoughts.  This seemed to be the mangaka's way of doing it.  Portions of the Japanese text were... difficult, this time.  I have no idea if the girl with the ash-gray eyes will appear again in the story.  She might have been a one chapter stand...


Well, he seemed to be exhibiting psychometry after he touched the girl.

Maybe different people unlock abilities within him when they are around.

Definitely a possible plot device to cause Tsubasa to evolve away from the lonely existence he has settled in into.

After that chapter 8. "........"

Is the story getting a bit confusing or am i just too dumb or too tired to understand the last chapter ?

If feel the same right now, maybe I need go to sleep and then return to reread?

This seemed to be the mangaka's way of doing it.  Portions of the Japanese text were... difficult, this time.

I will say this again:
Thats only Shin Takahashi being Shin Takahashi   :rolleyes:

Is the story getting a bit confusing or am i just too dumb or too tired to understand the last chapter ?

The chapter seemed to wander a bit, but then again Tsubasa needed the time to straighten out his thoughts.  This seemed to be the mangaka's way of doing it.  Portions of the Japanese text were... difficult, this time.  I have no idea if the girl with the ash-gray eyes will appear again in the story.  She might have been a one chapter stand...

Is the story getting a bit confusing or am i just too dumb or too tired to understand the last chapter ?

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