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* * * * * (4.7 - 127votes)

Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki

Alt Names: alt ねこむすめ道草日記alt 猫耳少女的道草日记alt 貓耳少女的道草日記alt Nekomusume Michikusa Nikkialt The Loitering Diary of Cat Girlalt Ежедневник бездельничающей девушки-кошки
Author: Ike
Artist: Ike
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Follow the life of cat-girl Kurona and her friends as they meet other monsters, demons and spirits - learning how to deal with them...and with humans!
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That looks like the Vol 12 cover and by the design she may have been recently introduced before that cover. As we are on vol 7 here it may be awhile before we are introduced to her.



Clearly, I forgot about reading Vol 11 Ch 65 - said character had an entire chapter dedicated to her and it slipped my mind that she appeared there.


To apologize, here's some spoilers from said chapter.  Technically SFW, but once you notice who's in this chapter, you'll realize that the chapter will have some scenes...



And an extra bonus sneak peek at the next chapter, since I already had my raws and email sent:


Why does it seem like the old lady is going to die soon

umm.... because she is old?

Why does it seem like the old lady is going to die soon

So it's been bugging me for a while, but who's the other girl on the current cover? She looks a lot like the kappa...



That looks like the Vol 12 cover and by the design she may have been recently introduced before that cover. As we are on vol 7 here it may be awhile before we are introduced to her.


I'm going through the raws that I have, and I don't think I recall seeing that character yet. Granted, I don't have Vol 12 yet, I have yet to purchase that one.


EDIT: I browsed a bit of Ike's Twitter, and I found this, dated on Dec 12, 2014 (just before Vol 12 release):


So it's been bugging me for a while, but who's the other girl on the current cover? She looks a lot like the kappa...

That looks like the Vol 12 cover and by the design she may have been recently introduced before that cover. As we are on vol 7 here it may be awhile before we are introduced to her.

So it's been bugging me for a while, but who's the other girl on the current cover? She looks a lot like the kappa...

The tsundere character finally appears?

Isn't Koma already there?

I hate it when people pull that move. It just amounts to saying "Characterization should be bad." It's a terrible argument and I see it way too often.

That would be a vaild point if I were using that argument if I were talking about the characters in the manga.
But I wasn't, honestly. Just rebuking somebody with misplaced expectations for a gag manga. Context is everything

Habanero - thank you thousands for bringing us the cuteness of Chi-chan to English~!

Just read the first chapter, and we've already got a lass getting molested, with it being played off as humor?


Yeah, uh, that ain't quite right.

Oh, big whoop.  They're old friends and she's tougher than he is anyway.  If she minded much she'd beat the crap out of him.

Yeah it's almost as if manga characters are real people.

Oh wait, they're not. Get over it.

I hate it when people pull that move.  It just amounts to saying "Characterization should be bad."  It's a terrible argument and I see it way too often.

Chi-chan's adorable.

I thought she was gonna be a loli miko or something like that, but the harpy form is actually better

Chi-chan's adorable.

Just read the first chapter, and we've already got a lass getting molested, with it being played off as humor?

Yeah, uh, that ain't quite right.

Yeah it's almost as if manga characters are real people.

Oh wait, they're not. Get over it.

The tsundere character finally appears?

Every time I see an ossan-faced dog, I feel sorry for poor creature.

*wakes up*


Oh.  Did I miss much?  


*goes back to sleep*

Habanero Scans, thanks for the new chapter.  I never get bored with this manga, ever.

Just read the first chapter, and we've already got a lass getting molested, with it being played off as humor?


Yeah, uh, that ain't quite right.

Great, looking forward to new chapters!

Editor's busy again, there may be a longer wait for future chapters.


EDIT: And he's back.

This manga really grew on me the more and more I read it. Very nice artwork too. ^^ A big thank you to the group + contributer for translating this series. :>

This is the coziest manga. And also probably the Japanesiest...

Was kind of expecting Bit-Beasts to spring up from the tops on page 19.

Not completely sure about that.  I always presumed that this is Tengu's true (human) form - there was a end omake about it that I don't recall where exactly it is: (Picture ahead, not really spoiler)



Actually, I think I read on the Japanese wiki that they're both his true form. He has a child version and old man version, just like some tengu in the traditional stories. Though the shadow he cast in Chapter 38's omake page might suggest he prefers the older one.

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