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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.68 - 91votes)

At Each Other's Throats

Alt Names: alt AOTalt 못 잡아먹어 안달
Author: Sengae
Artist: Sengae
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Complete
Description: The not-so-normal daily life of the twins siblings.

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These are the only moments where I find her a bit cute (although that comes from pitying her oblivious confidence).

The other two are idiots 35 finished class and went to the concert, they didn't want to go to class at all

lets just say that koreans should not draw comics at all. even the pope is better than them.

Huh, interesting. Sally’s Law seems to be a Korean thing judging by the Google results.

lmao those figures remind me of Sader

I can relate to the latest chapter, despite not being a twin. Then again, I relate to most of the chapters.

Now that i think about it, where are their parents?

Their dad(?) appeared at the later chapters. I don't think I've seen their mom though. 

Now that i think about it, where are their parents?

Did Sigu sharpen his teeth?

I like how the Author goes through with the broken teeth thing on Sigu.

And then it turns out that the ghost was Sigu's sister ; - ;

"Wat" would be the perfect reaction for chapter 93

Don't Asleep

Open Inside
Aaah, the famous after-lunch torpor I know it too well.
Time for a siesta.

I would so join that club tbh.

The first rule of the sign language club is: You do not talk about the sign language club.

So he basically told the seeds to go fuck themselves. Rude.


ch90:  Baek gets an A+ In dark magics. 

So, wait, the last "plan" in ch.89 was... that he just walked out and nobody noticed him? Somebody explain what is actually supposed to be happening there, please. He can't have gone to classes and finished them, because that would mean the concert didn't start until after classes were over anyway, which means the others didn't have to sneak out.

The other two are idiots 35 finished class and went to the concert, they didn't want to go to class at all

>Night classes
You want high suicide rates? Because this is how you get high suicide rates.

It's probably something similar to after school programs that they have in the US since these three aren't the smartest in the school and the sister didn't have to attend

He sacrificed his friends

Mantis wins

I read this on another website, there is a more logical comment on there.

"Mantis did not sacrifice his friends, he just simply follow the rule, he waited till night class was over, then went to the concert."

"All right twinkle toes, what's your exit strategy?"
"I'm gonna walk right out of the front gate."
Balls of steel. They get the job done.

>Night classes


You want high suicide rates? Because this is how you get high suicide rates.

So, wait, the last "plan" in ch.89 was... that he just walked out and nobody noticed him? Somebody explain what is actually supposed to be happening there, please. He can't have gone to classes and finished them, because that would mean the concert didn't start until after classes were over anyway, which means the others didn't have to sneak out.

He sacrificed his friends

Mantis wins

So, wait, the last "plan" in ch.89 was... that he just walked out and nobody noticed him? Somebody explain what is actually supposed to be happening there, please. He can't have gone to classes and finished them, because that would mean the concert didn't start until after classes were over anyway, which means the others didn't have to sneak out.

I think the other two distracted the teacher, thus allowing him the freedom to simply walk out.

So, wait, the last "plan" in ch.89 was... that he just walked out and nobody noticed him? Somebody explain what is actually supposed to be happening there, please. He can't have gone to classes and finished them, because that would mean the concert didn't start until after classes were over anyway, which means the others didn't have to sneak out.

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